1. The weather forecast predicts a drop in temperature tomorrow. (WILL) ⇒ They say tomorrow ................ 2. The time of departure for your flight to Rio is six o'clock. (TAKES) ⇒ The plane to Rio ................. 3. It looks like that old bridge is ready to fall down. (IS) ⇒ It looks like that old bridge ................ 4. I suppose you are very tired after your long walk. (MUST) ⇒ You ............... 5. "I won't come home late from late the party." she said. (PROMISED) ⇒ She ..................... 6. It would have been better if you had gone to bed earlier. (SHOULD) ⇒ You .................... 7. "Don't swim just after you have eaten." she said to them. (WARNED) ⇒ She ............... 8. He would not stop talking although no one was listening. (INSISTED) ⇒ He ................... 9. The house was in darkness except for a light in the kitchen. (APART) ⇒ The house was completely ................ 10. They continued to look for the girl till it got dark. (SEARCH) ⇒ The ..............

2 câu trả lời

1. will have a drop in temperature/

the temperature will drop/

there will be a drop in temperature

2. takes you 6 hours (take SO + khoảng time + to do ST: mất ... để làm gì đó)

3. is going to fall down

4. must be very tired after your long walk (must be ...: dạng phỏng đoán khi khá chắc chắn kết quả)
5. promised not to come home late ... the previous night (promise to do ST: hứa sẽ làm gì)
6. should have gone to bed earlier 
7. warned them not to swim just after having eaten. (warn SO to/not to do st: cảnh báo ai đó làm/k làm gì)

8. insisted on talking although no one was listening

9. dark apart from a light in the kitchen

10.  They continued to search for the girl till it got dark.

1. there will be a drop in temperature

2. takes off at 6 o'clock 

3. is going to fall down

4. must be very tired after your long walk 
5. promised not to come home late from the party
6. should have gone to bed earlier 
7. warned them not to swim just after they have eaten

8. insisted on talking although no one was listening

9. in darkness apart from a light in the kitchen

10.  They continued to search for the girl till it got dark.

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