1. The hotel has been demolished. We spent our honeymoon in that hotel. (WHERE) -> _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The couple posted a Christmas present to their daughter. Their daughter lives in South Africa. (WHO) -> _________________________________________________________________________________ 3. We will have to cancel the show. We are trying to sell more tickets. (UNLESS) -> _________________________________________________________________________________ 4. I know what really happened. You do, too. (BOTH….AND -> _________________________________________________________________________________ 5. I felt he was wrong. I didn’t say so at the time. (ALTHOUGH) -> _________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Mrs. Weaver had to work full-time. She had to earn a living for herself and her family of five children. (SO AS TO) -> _________________________________________________________________________________ 7. He is a bad-tempered person. No one can work with him for long. (SUCH) -> _________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Jill has been invited to the party. Kate has been invited to the party. (WELL) -> _________________________________________________________________________________ 9. The teacher came into the room. Everyone stops talking. (WHEN) -> _________________________________________________________________________________ 10. We have seen a lot of changes. The changes are good for business. (WHICH) -> ________________________________________________________

1 câu trả lời


1. The hotel where we spent our honeymoon has been demolised. (where -> đtqh chỉ nơi chốn)

2. The couple posted a Christmas present to their daughter who lives in South Africa. (who -> đtqh chỉ người)

3. We will have to cancel the show unless we sell more tickets. (unless = if..not)

4. Both I and you know what really happned. (both I and you : cả tôi và bạn)

5. I felt he was wrong although I didn't say so at the time. (although S V : mặc dù)

6. Mrs. Weaver had to work full-time so as to earn a living for herself and her family of five children. (so as to V : để)

7. He is such a bad-tempered person that no one can work with him for long. (such a/an adj N that : quá...đến nỗi)

8. Jill, as well as, Kate has been invited to the party. (As well as : cũng như -> động từ chia theo chủ ngữ thứ nhất)

9. When the teacher came into the room, everyone stopped talking. (when QKĐ, QKĐ : hành động xảy ra trong QK)

10. We have seen a lot of changes which are good for business. (which -> đtqh chỉ vật)

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