1. She bought a lot of_________during her vacation in the USA.. (toys / statues / souvenirs / tickets) 2. The ticket price_________accommodation and meals. ( contains/ consists / includes / informs )7 3. I’ll______________you up at your hotel at 7.30. ( pick / take / make / call) 4. It rained all day yesterday. It was a________________ day. ( dry / fine / clear / wet ) 5. We can find ______________most in winegrowing area. ( apples / lemons/ grapes / durians ) 6. Chicago is ______right on the shore of Lake Michigan.( situated / looked / posted / found ) 7. The lava was ______________out of the volcano.( filling / pouring / holding / dropping ) 8. The accommodation in included __________________ the ticket price. ( in/ on / at / up ) 9. She went shopping _____her husband was visiting the Statue of Liberty. ( when / while / but / and ) 10. He is not living in his own country. He’s living__________ ( alone / aboard / holiday / abroad ) 11. Where is Jane?-She is _____________vacation in France. ( on / to / in / at) 12. You must come___________ for dinner one night. ( over / out / about / up) 13. How did you get to Hawaii?- We ___________. ( made a plane / took a plane / flew a plane / booked a plane) 14. Today we went_____________eight-hour tour around Asia. ( to / in / about / on ) 15. She will pick her _____________ at her hotel.( up / in / on / about ) 16. Chicago is ___________________as “ The Windy City”. ( called / named / said / known ) 17. We can’t go camping today. The weather is __________ ( fine / warm / sunny / snowy ) 18. Mount Rushmore _____ from more than 100 km away. ( saw / are seen / can see / can be seen ) 19. When I arrived at school, the school drum ____________. ( was ringing / was knocking / was sounding / was racing) 20. Ba was ___________ a shower at 8 o’clock yesterday. ( putting / making / taking / doing) 21. We ____________swimming as soon as we arrived at the island. ( went / go / will go / would go) 22. What ________you ________at 3 am yesterday. ( are -doing / were-doing / have-done / do-do) 23. The heads of four presidents are____________into the rock of Mount Rushmore. ( brought / served / carved / built ) 24. I was reading while she ____________the piano. ( played / playing / is playing / was playing) 25. What____________in New York? It’s very cold and humid. ( the weather like / is the weather like / does the weather / the weather is like) 26. They often arrive at Hawaiian____________ during vacation. ( sea / shore / island / lake ) 27. We call an area of low land between mountains a _______. ( highland / valley / waterfall / cave ) 28. The local people showed their great ____________ to the visitors. ( hospitality / friendliness / excitement / character) 29. ____________ and stay with us when you are in town? ( Do you like to come / Do you like coming / Would you like coming / Would you like to come)8 30. He_____ questions! I am tired of answering him. (asked / as asking / s always asking /always asked) 31. I’m calling ____________Ha Noi. ( about / at / to / from) 32. Thanh is always complaining about the_____of my suitcase. ( heaviness /weight / height / size ) 33. Nga was writing a_________ to her grandma at 8 last night. ( book / newspaper / letter / paper ) 34. The famous prison is on the island of Alcatraz in the ____________ of San Francisco. a. ( begin / end / middle / round) 35. I’m going out that night, but I’m not busy the ______ evening. ( following / before / after / other) 36. The temperature will be very cold with a _______of minus three. ( normal / low / high / degree ) 37. ____________Nam won the race, the crowd was cheering. ( how / who / when / what) 38. It was raining when the plane ____________ to Ha Noi. ( got / get / was getting / gotten ) 39. Are you going abroad this summer? (away from home / on holiday / to another country / to the USA) 40. _______is a building or room where people can go to look at paintings. (Gallery / Library / University / Gym) 41. I picked up a copy of their summer travel_____(book / paper / magazine / brochure) 42. __________is hot liquid rock that comes out of volcano. (Limestone / Marble / Lava / Ice) 43. ______is an area of land between hills or mountains. (Valley / Beach / Bay / Island) 44. ______means a piece of land with water around it. (valley / hill / oasis / island) 45. It was hot and _____Sunday afternoon. (wet / humid / rainy / snowy)

1 câu trả lời

1, souvenirs

2, includes

3, pick

4, wet

5, grapes

6, situated

7, pouring

8, in

9, while

10, abroad

11, on

12, over

13, took a plane

14, on

15, up

16, known

17, snowy

18, can be seen

19, was racing

20, taking

21, went

22, were - doing

23, carved

24, was playing

25, is the weather like

26, island

27, valley

28, hospitality

29, Would you like to come

30, is always asking

31, from

32, weight

33, letter

34, middle

35, following

36, degree

37, When

38, got

39, to another country

40, Gallery

41, brochure

42, Lava

43, Valley

44, Island

45, humid

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