1. People eat dirty food. They can be cancer. 2. A factory directly discharges a large volume of waste water into the Thi Vai River. The river is polluted. 3. Farmers use polluted water to water their plants. People eat these plants, they become sick with diseases such as diarrhea, bacterial infections even cancer. 4. Thermal pollution takes place. The water temperature in streams, rivers, lakes and oceans will increase or decrease suddenly. 5. People live in radioactive pollution area. They can be skin cancer.

2 câu trả lời

1. If people eat dirty food, they can be cancer.

2. If a factory directly discharges a large volume of waste water into the Thi Vai River, the river will be polluted.

3. If farmers use polluted water to water their plants, people eat these plants, they will become sick with diseases such as diarrhea, bacterial infections even cancer.

4. If thermal pollution takes place, the water temperature in streams, rivers, lakes and oceans will increase or decrease suddenly.

5. If people live in radioactive pollution area, they can be skin cancer.

1. If people eat dirty food, they can be cancer

2. If a factory didn't directly discharge a large volume of waste water into the Thi Vai river, it wouldn't be polluted

3. If  farmers didn't use polluted water to water their plants, people eat these plants wouldn't become sick with diseases such as diarrhea, bacterial infections even cancer

4. If thermal pollution  takes place, the water temperature in streams, rivers, lakes and oceans will increase of decrease suddenly

5. If people don't live in radioactive pollution area, they can't be skin cancer.

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