1, many people write books but................write good books a,enough b,a little c,few d,much 2,you should be careful when playing games.video games can be....................... a,addicting b,addictive c,addiction d,addicted 3,in today's newspaper there.................a lot of news about the aerthquake a,have b,has c,is d,are 4,there isn't......................at the bus stop a, anybody b,people c,somebody d,nobody 5,your composition is.........................better than his a,more b,much c,many d,very 6,you can find a book with either the author......................the title a,and b,nor c,or d,about 7,we are all..................that you passed your english exam.congratulation! a,relieved b,afraid c,delighted d,certain 8,..........................to come and have dinner with us?i'd love to but i'm very busy a,would you mind b,could you please c,would you like d,do you enjoy

2 câu trả lời

1. C

2. B

3. C

4. A

5. C

6. C

7. A

1. C

2. b

3. C

4. a

5. b

6. C

7. C

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