1/ Julia rescued three cats. à Three cats ​ 2/ The students handed in the reports. à The reports ​ 3/ Maria crashed into the blue car. à The blue car​ 4/ Alex learned the poem. à The poem​ 5/ Steven has forgotten the book. à The book​ 6/ The technician has not repaired the DVD recorder. à The DVD recorder​ 7/ They play handball. à Handball​ 8/ Sue puts the rucksack on the floor. à The rucksack​ 9/ The girls had lost the match. à The match​ 10/ John collects money. à Money​ 11/ Anna opened the window. à The window​ 12/ We have done our homework. à Our homework​ 13/ I will ask a question. à A question​ 14/ He can cut out the picture. à The picture​ 15/ The sheep ate a lot. à A lot ​ 16/ We do not clean our rooms. à Our rooms ​ 17/ William will not repair the car. à The car​ 18/ Did Sue draw this circle? à ………. this circle ​ 19/ Could you feed the dog? à ………… the dog​ 20/ The teacher is not going to open the window. à The window …………………………………………………………………………………………​ Mn giúp e vs ?

1 câu trả lời

1. Three cats were rescued by Julia.

2. The reports were handed in by the students

3. The blue car was crashed into by Maria.

4. The poem was learned by Alex.

5. The book has been forgotten by Steven.

6. The DVD recorder has not been repaired by the technician.

7. Handball is played.

8. The rucksack is put on the floor by Sue.

9. The match had been lost by the girls.

10. Money is collected by John.

11. The window was opened by Anna.

12. Our homework has been done by us.

13. A question will be asked by me.

14. The picture can be cut out by him.

15. A lot was eaten by the sheep.

16. Our rooms are not cleaned by us.

17. The car will not be repaired by William.

18. Was this circle drawn by Sue?

19. Could the dog be fed by you?

20. The window is not going to be opened by the teacher.

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