1. it’s too cold outside. __________________ close the door, please? (Do you / Would you mind / Can you / Why don’t you) 2. She is studying hard ____________________ the final exam. (but for passing / in order to pass / so as pass / so that she pass) 3. Most people enjoy ________________ to different parts of the world. (to travel / travel / traveled / traveling) 4. It is really interesting, _____________ ? (does it / isn’t it / doesn’t it / is it) 5. We _____________ to the movie tonight. The film _____________ at 7:30. (will go - will begin / are going – will begin / go – begins / are going – begins) 6. You should walk on the _____________ (sidewalk / street / avenue / road) 7. The doctor advised him _____________ a rest and ___________ any heavy work. (to take – to do / to take – not do / to take – don’t to / to take – not to do) 8. I need some help with this table. ____________ you lift the other end? (Could / May / Should / Shall) 9. It’s lunch time. Let’s stop _____________ lunch.(have / to have / having / to having) 10. “May I help you ?” – “___________________________________” (What can I do for you? / I’m afraid I’m busy now / Yes. That very kind of you / How can I help?

2 câu trả lời

1.Can you 

2.So that she pass


4.Isn’t it

5.will go - will begin


7.to take – don’t to


9.to having

10. How can I help?

1. Can you 

2. In order to pass

3. Traveling

4. Doesn't it

5. Will go/will begin

6. Sidewalk

7. To take / not to do

8. May

9. Having

10. Yes, that very kind of you

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