1."Do not smoke in no-smoking areas," the waiter said to me. => The waiter asked..... * 2 điểm 2."Can you help me close the door, please?" Susie asked Tim. => Susie asked.......... * 2 điểm 3. "Please fasten your safety belts before take-off," the flight attendant said to the passengers. => The flight attendant told..... * 2 điểm 4."Be quiet," the teacher said to his students. => The teacher asked.... * 2 điểm 5. "You should go to bed early," Mom told me. => My mom advised..... * 2 điểm 6. "Submit your homework on Monday!" the teacher asked his students. => The teacher asked.... * 2 điểm 7. "Stop playing stupid computer games!" said his father. => His father told him ..... * 2 điểm 8. "You ought to stay inside because of the heavy storm," Mr. Hodge said to Harry. => Mr. Hodge advised Harry..... * 2 điểm 9. "Don’t walk on the grass," the park attendant told the kids. => The park attendant told the kids..... * 2 điểm 10. "Go to class on time." the teacher asked the students. => The teacher asked.... *

2 câu trả lời

1. The waiter asked me not to smoke in no-smoling areas.

2. Susie asked Tim to help her close the door.

3. The flight attendant told passengers to fasten their safety belts before take-off.

4. The teacher asked his students to be quiet.

5. Mom advised me to go to bed early.

6. The teacher asked his students to submit their homework on Monday.

7. His father asked him to stop playing stupid computer games.

8. Mr. Hodge told Harry to stay inside because of the heavy storm

9. The park attendant told kids not to walk on the grass.

10. The teacher asked the students to go to class on time.

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