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Street Children Volunteer Programme in Delhi

There are about 100 million street children in India who do not attend any school and spend most of their time on the streets. In Delhi, the capital city, it is estimated that there are about 175,000 street children of which 10% are runaways. In fact, there are more than 25,000 children who live in and around railway stations in Delhi. They can be seen searching the rubbish heap for a meal, sleeping between the tracks, often beaten and sexually abused.

Volunteer Work in the Street Children Programme in Delhi, India consists of taking informal education classes with the children, playing games with the children and introducing them to different new activities. Volunteers can teach the children good habits such as cleanliness, hygiene and greetings. On some of the days, volunteers can plan a trip with the children to a museum or zoo in Delhi. Such educational trips arc very useful for the children where they love spending time and playing with the volunteers.

Volunteers work at the various contact points or shelter homes, being run by various organizations, which serve as day care centers for these street children. They can assist in providing love, care, basic literacy, recreation and most importantly spend time and shower affection on them.

Volunteers may do all of the following activities EXCEPT ________.

Trả lời bởi giáo viên

Đáp án đúng: d

Các tình nguyện viên có thể làm tất cả các hoạt động sau đây TRỪ ________.

A.cho các bài học không chính thức cho trẻ em

B.chơi trò chơi với trẻ em

C.dạy trẻ em thói quen tốt

D.đưa trẻ em đến lớp học buổi tối

Thông tin: Volunteer Work in the Street Children Programme in Delhi, India consists of taking informal education classes with the children, playing games with the children and introducing them to different new activities. Volunteers can teach the children good habits such as cleanliness, hygiene and greetings.

Tạm dịch: Công việc tình nguyện trong Chương trình trẻ em đường phố ở Delhi, Ấn Độ bao gồm các lớp học giáo dục không chính thức với trẻ em, chơi trò chơi với trẻ em và giới thiệu chúng với các hoạt động mới khác nhau. Các tình nguyện viên có thể dạy cho trẻ những thói quen tốt như sự sạch sẽ, vệ sinh và lời chào.

=>Volunteers may do all of the following activities EXCEPT taking children to evening classes

Hướng dẫn giải:

Thông tin: Volunteer Work in the Street Children Programme in Delhi, India consists of taking informal education classes with the children, playing games with the children and introducing them to different new activities. Volunteers can teach the children good habits such as cleanliness, hygiene and greetings.

Câu hỏi khác

Câu 1:

Street Children Volunteer Programme in Delhi

There are about 100 million street children in India who do not attend any school and spend most of their time on the streets. In Delhi, the capital city, it is estimated that there are about 175,000 street children of which 10% are runaways. In fact, there are more than 25,000 children who live in and around railway stations in Delhi. They can be seen searching the rubbish heap for a meal, sleeping between the tracks, often beaten and sexually abused.

Volunteer Work in the Street Children Programme in Delhi, India consists of taking informal education classes with the children, playing games with the children and introducing them to different new activities. Volunteers can teach the children good habits such as cleanliness, hygiene and greetings. On some of the days, volunteers can plan a trip with the children to a museum or zoo in Delhi. Such educational trips arc very useful for the children where they love spending time and playing with the volunteers.

Volunteers work at the various contact points or shelter homes, being run by various organizations, which serve as day care centers for these street children. They can assist in providing love, care, basic literacy, recreation and most importantly spend time and shower affection on them.

Street children in Delhi ________.

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Câu 3:

Street Children Volunteer Programme in Delhi

There are about 100 million street children in India who do not attend any school and spend most of their time on the streets. In Delhi, the capital city, it is estimated that there are about 175,000 street children of which 10% are runaways. In fact, there are more than 25,000 children who live in and around railway stations in Delhi. They can be seen searching the rubbish heap for a meal, sleeping between the tracks, often beaten and sexually abused.

Volunteer Work in the Street Children Programme in Delhi, India consists of taking informal education classes with the children, playing games with the children and introducing them to different new activities. Volunteers can teach the children good habits such as cleanliness, hygiene and greetings. On some of the days, volunteers can plan a trip with the children to a museum or zoo in Delhi. Such educational trips arc very useful for the children where they love spending time and playing with the volunteers.

Volunteers work at the various contact points or shelter homes, being run by various organizations, which serve as day care centers for these street children. They can assist in providing love, care, basic literacy, recreation and most importantly spend time and shower affection on them.

Educational trips are very useful for the children because _______.

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Câu 4:

Street Children Volunteer Programme in Delhi

There are about 100 million street children in India who do not attend any school and spend most of their time on the streets. In Delhi, the capital city, it is estimated that there are about 175,000 street children of which 10% are runaways. In fact, there are more than 25,000 children who live in and around railway stations in Delhi. They can be seen searching the rubbish heap for a meal, sleeping between the tracks, often beaten and sexually abused.

Volunteer Work in the Street Children Programme in Delhi, India consists of taking informal education classes with the children, playing games with the children and introducing them to different new activities. Volunteers can teach the children good habits such as cleanliness, hygiene and greetings. On some of the days, volunteers can plan a trip with the children to a museum or zoo in Delhi. Such educational trips arc very useful for the children where they love spending time and playing with the volunteers.

Volunteers work at the various contact points or shelter homes, being run by various organizations, which serve as day care centers for these street children. They can assist in providing love, care, basic literacy, recreation and most importantly spend time and shower affection on them.

Day care centers for street children offer _______.

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Câu 6:

Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)

VSO is a registered charity dedicated to assisting in developing countries. It is a recruitment agency which finds, selects and places volunteers in response to overseas requests.

This work makes it distinctive among other charities and organizations in the UK. It sends people, not money, so it tries to respond to requests from overseas which ask for volunteers. Its purpose is toward the poorest members of the community. Both staff and volunteers also pay special attention to women’s roles in development projects. This is because women’s roles in child–rearing, in education and community relationship are essential in any healthy process of change.

Over the past 38 years, more than 21.000 volunteers have worked abroad with VSO. There are now over 1,900 volunteers working in 59 of the less developed countries in Africa Asia, the Pacific and the Caribbean.

The application of each volunteer is carefully considered in order to select and interview candidates against each job request from the field, to look for the person with the right blend of skills and personality.

VSO volunteers do not go to developing countries as visiting experts with all the answers. It is always a process of sharing and learning. The aim is that when the volunteer returns home, there exists a community with a stronger sense of independence, and a volunteer with a new understanding of life and people everywhere. The range of jobs required of VSO is wide, reflecting the needs of any society in the modern world.

VSO is different from other charities and organizations in the UK because it  _______.

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Câu 7:

Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)

VSO is a registered charity dedicated to assisting in developing countries. It is a recruitment agency which finds, selects and places volunteers in response to overseas requests.

This work makes it distinctive among other charities and organizations in the UK. It sends people, not money, so it tries to respond to requests from overseas which ask for volunteers. Its purpose is toward the poorest members of the community. Both staff and volunteers also pay special attention to women’s roles in development projects. This is because women’s roles in child–rearing, in education and community relationship are essential in any healthy process of change.

Over the past 38 years, more than 21.000 volunteers have worked abroad with VSO. There are now over 1,900 volunteers working in 59 of the less developed countries in Africa Asia, the Pacific and the Caribbean.

The application of each volunteer is carefully considered in order to select and interview candidates against each job request from the field, to look for the person with the right blend of skills and personality.

VSO volunteers do not go to developing countries as visiting experts with all the answers. It is always a process of sharing and learning. The aim is that when the volunteer returns home, there exists a community with a stronger sense of independence, and a volunteer with a new understanding of life and people everywhere. The range of jobs required of VSO is wide, reflecting the needs of any society in the modern world.

Requests from overseas most likely to be dealt with are those which _______.

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