100 Bài tập Tiếng Anh 12 mới Unit 9 có đáp án 2023: Choosing a career

Chúng tôi xin giới thiệu bài tập  Tiếng Anh lớp 12 mới Unit 9: Choosing a career có đáp án, lời giải chi tiết, chọn lọc. Tài liệu có nội dung bám sát chương trình sgk Tiếng Anh 12 chương trình thí điểm. Hi vọng với bộ tài liệu Tiếng Anh 12 mới có đáp án này sẽ giúp bạn ôn luyện kiến thức để đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi môn Tiếng Anh 12 sắp tới.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 9: Choosing a career


I. Choose the words that has the different stress from the others.

1. A. geography

B. evacuate

C. emergency

D. temporary

2. A. career

B. response

C. downside

D. mature 

3. A. scatter

B. earthquake

C. collapse

D. mudslide

4. A. examination

B. exciting

C. experience

D. expert

5. A. university

B. managerial

C. opportunity

D. enthusiastic 

Đáo án:






II. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 

1. A. twice

B. flight

C. piece

D. mind 

2. A. about

B. around

C. sound

D. young 

3. A. cover

B. oven

C. coffee

D. company 

4. A. plates

B. cakes

C. mates

D. said

5. A. laughed

B. learned

C. changed

D. arrived 

Đáp án:








I. Use the correct word in the box to complete each sentence. 

interviewer; multimedia; options; appropriate; professional;

careers; attitudes; qualified; experience; university

1. Wear clothes that are ________________ for the job you want. 

2. I am keen to develop my __________________ skills and look forward to discussing my application with you at an interview.

3. Remember that the ______________ probably has a lot of CVs to read, so keep it short and easy to read.

4. I would like to work in _______________ video and audio productions, where I could be close to famous actors or singers.

5. You have to consider the things you actually enjoy doing and then research the career ____________ that exist in that same area.

6. You may have to spend some time working for free in order to gain the ______________ that lets toy stand out from the crowd.

7. Most secondary school students take to ____________ life like a duck to water.

8. You should do a school ____________ test that will give you some ideas about what you should do for a job. 

9. Workplace __________ have an effect on every person in the organization, from the employees to the company owner.

10. The job application letter you send to an employer explains why you are __________ for the position and should be selected for an interview. 

Đáp án:

1. appropriate

2. professional

3. interviewer

4. multimedia

5. options

6. experience

7. university

8. careers

9. attitudes

10. qualified

II. Give the correct form of the word.

1. She enjoys reading, knitting, and other quiet ___________. PURSUE

2. Business is going so well that they hired seven new __________ in their department last month. EMPLOY

3. Job _____________________ is the assurance that an employee has about the continuity of employment for his or her work life. SECURE

4. The way is long and we shall have to get over the __________ of it. TEDIOUS

5. There are lots of different factors that go into ________ a career path. CHOOSE

6. We hope this guide helps you to ___________ a desirable career path after high school. PURSUIT 

7. There are many pathways from school that can lead to a ____ career. REWARD

8. High school _____________________ may be deciding whether they should enter the workforce or go to college. GRADUATION

9. Get an English-speaking friend to check it for you, or you can find some useful phrases from _____________________ job websites. DIFFERENCE

10. Look for job _____________________ in the local newspaper and log on to some job websites. VACANCY

Đáp án:

1. pursuits

2. employees

3. security

4. tediousness

5. choosing

6. pursue

7. rewarding

8. graduates

9. different

10. vacancies


III. Complete each sentence using a verb from A (in the correct form) + a wordfrom B. You can use a word more than once.

A. flygetgolooksitspeak

B. awaybydownonoutroundup

1. The bus was full. We couldn't ________________________.

2. I've been standing for the last two hours. I'm going to _____________ for a bit.

3. A cat tried to catch the bird, but it _____________________ just in time.

4. We were trapped in the building. We couldn't ______________________.

5. I can't hear you very well. Can you _____________________ a little? 

6. "Do you speak German?" - "Not very well, but I can _____________________.”

7. The cost of living is higher now. Prices have _____________________ a lot.

8. I thought there was somebody behind me, but when I _____________________, there was nobody there. 

Đáp án:

1. get on

2. sit down

3. flew away

4.  get out

5. speak up

6. get by

7. gone up

8. looked round

IV. Use your own ideas to complete the sentences. Use a noun (this newspaper,...) or a pronoun (it/ them/...) + the word in brackets (away/ up/...)

1. Don't _______ throw away _________ this newspaper. I want to keep it. (away)

2. "Do you want this postcasd?"

"No, you can ___________ throw it away __________." (away)

3. I borrowed these books from the library. I have to take ______ tomorrow. (back)

4. We can turn ___________. Nobody is watching it. (off)

5. A: How did the vase get broken?

B: I'm afraid I knocked _________________ while I was cleaning. (off)

6. Shh! My mother is asleep. I don't want to wake _________________. (up)

7. It's quite cold. You should put _________________ if you're going out. (on)

8. It was only a small fire. I was able to put it ____________ quite easily. (out)

9. A: Is this hotel more expensive than when we stayed here last year?

B: Yes, they've put ____________ .(up)

10. It's a bit dark in this room. Shall I turn __________? (on) 

Đáp án:

1. throw away

6. her up

2. throw it away

7. your coat on

3. them back

8. out

4. the television off

9. the price up

5. it over

10. the light on

V. Indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

1. I consider myself to be trustworthy, responsible and enthusiastic.

A. worthwhile

B. talented

C. honest

D. skilled 

2. The experience from an adventurous expedition to a rainforest will broaden your horizons and teach you new skills.

A. expand your range of interests and knowledge

B. open your views

C. widen your eyes

D. be an eye-opener 

3. Lucy has just finished her A levels and she has got a place at university, but she would really like a break from the academic world. Therefore, he decides to take a gap year and travel around the word! 

A. a year off

B. a year out

C. a year away

D. a year's trip

4. Finally, Amy decided to quit her job as she couldn't stand doing the same things days in days out. It's so monotonous!

A. easy                   B. low-paid

C. tedious              D. secure

5. I am available for an interview all afternoons, except on Tuesday because I am doing a computer course to improve my typing skills.

A. willing               B. free

C. impatient           D. longing

6. We want to recruit the brightest and the best. If you think you fit the bill, fill in an application form today.

A. are able to pay the bill

B. are suitable                 

C. are of the right size

D. are excellent

7. As he lived in a small town outside the city, he had to commute every day.

A. take a bus to work

B. drive to work 

C. take a life to work

D. travel a long way to and from work

8. The atmosphere at work was so bad that Brian eventually decided to hand in his notice

A. notify the boss

B. apply for another job  

C. give up his job

D. be given a better job

9. My boss has a reputation for being such a slave-driver!

A. working overtime

B. working excessively hard 

C. being slave to work

D. making his staff work too hard

10. There are excellent prospects for promotion, and you'll know you're doing something to benefit society.

A. opportunities

B. likelihoods

C. futures

D. potentials 

Đáp án:





5. B






VI. Indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

1. You are expected to ask the prospective candidates a technical question to judge their ability. 

A. potential            B. possible

C. aspiring             D. former

2. Though many scientific breakthroughs have resulted from mishaps it has taken brilliant thinkers to recognize their potential.

A. misunderstandings

B. accidents          

C. incidentals

D. misfortunes 

3. With many companies having to downsize in tough economic items, the outsourcing and contracting of freelance workers online has become common business practice.

A. take on more staff

B. lay off their employees 

C. close down their branches

D. notify to break down

4. The Internet provides an infinite pool of buyers from around the world with whom freelancers can contract their services.

A. quite a few

B. many a              

C. a wide variety of

D. a limited number of

5. Well, I want to go straight to university, but I'm also thinking of applying for a temporary job in the summer.

A. part-time

B. full-time

C. permanent

D seasonal

6. John was promoted last month for being such a committed worker. 

A. dishonest               B. irresponsible

C. unenthusiastic        D. unreliable

7. With so many breakthroughs in robotic science and technology, much manual work will soon be taken over by robots.

A. intellectual work

B. physical work   

C. monotonous work

D. dull work

8. I'd go mad if I had to do a dead-end job like working on a supermarket checkout.

A. boring                B. monotonous

C. fascinating         D. demanding

9. He's just so flexible. He'll adapt to any situation.

A. adaptable           B. rigid

C. intelligent          D. autonomous

10. Most, not to say all, off the employers want to look for candidates with punctuality, so make sure you make a positive impression on them by showing up on time for the interview. 

A. good time management

B. ability to meet deadlines          

C. being late

D. being in time 

Đáp án:











VII. Find the one choice that best completes the sentence.

1. He ____ all his money, then closed the account. 

A. took out             B. took away

C. paid in               D. paid off 

2. He was convicted of using the firm's money to pay ____ his gambling. 

A. in                       B. off

C. back                  D. towards 

3. At the meeting, someone brought ____ the subject pre-school education.

A. in                       B. on

C. up                      D. out 

4. Whatever your decision, bear in mind that most people change ____ paths up to five times during their lifetime. 

A. occupation        B. career

C. job                     D. vocation 

5. I got on so well with my tutor ____ I did with my elder brother.

A. so                      B. like

C. as if                   D. as

6. It's taking me longer to get ____ the operation than I thought.

A. through              B. by

C. up from              D. over

7. For careers that truly interest you, consider asking each person if you can ____ him or her at work. 

A. shadow              B. monitor

C. follow                D. search

8. If you're required to fill out an application form, you'll still need to ____ the best way to present your skills and experience. 

A. work out

B. come up

C. exercise

D. make out

9. When the princess kissed the frog, it turned ____ a handsome prince.

A. into                    B. up

C. out                     D. over

10. I really like Joe's dad but I don't get ____ with his mother at all.

A. out                     B. by

C. on                      D. through

11. You shouldn't stay at home so much. Get ____ and make new friends.

A. by                      B. out

C. over                   D. away

12. A fruit that is fully-ripe is an example of a fruit that has reached ____.

A. development

B. maturity

C. mature

D. growth

13. His teenage daughter is driving him crazy. He can't ____ her moods, her music, and her constant demand for money.

A. keep up with

B. go on with

C. put up with

D. put up to

14. It'll take me three years to ____ up enough money to travel round the country.

A. pay                    B. take

C. put                     D. save

15. As soon as she came ____ after the operation, she asked for a drink of water.

A. across                B. up

C. round                 D. under

16. Bary has come ____ some good suggestions for raising the money we need.

A. onto

B. up with

C. round to

D. across with

17. You must walk slowly if you want the children to ____ with.

А. keep up

B. go on

C. keep on

D. come up

18. LinkedIn, a social media, is a great way to ____ your skills and experience.

A. highlight            B. attend

C. focus                 D. respect

19. I ____ everything in my bag three times but my keys were nowhere to be found.

A. went out

B. went over

C. looked for

D. looked at

20. Can you remember what to do, or do you want me to go ____ it again?

A. by                      B. into

C. past                   D. over

21. It was the third time in six months that the bank had been held ____.

A. over                   B. down

C. up                      D. out

22. Having that accident has brought ____ a complete change in his attitude to other people.

A. in                       B. about

C. up                      D. out

23. The light from the car ____ as it receded into the distance.

A. faded away

B. seeped out

C. rolled away

D. shone out

24. Don't take my advice if you don't want to. You can do ____ you like.

A. although            B. but

C. like                    D. as

25. The president has failed to ____ grips with the two most important social issues of our time.

A. take                   B. take to

C. get                     D. get to

26. It was so foggy that the climbers couldn't ____ out the nearby shelter.

A. run                     B. take

C. break                 D. make

27. They are thinking of bringing ____ a law to make cyclists wear helmets.

A. on                      B. up

C. in                       D. round

28. I take ____ everything I said about Paul. I realize now that it wasn't true.

A. on                      B. over

C. in                       D. back

29. Although I'd never made a sandwich before, my first attempt turned ____ quite well.

A. over                   B. up

C. out                     D. into

30. I always run ____ of money before the end of the month.

A. out                     B. back

C. up                      D. down

Đáp án:
































I. Choose the right word to fill in the blank.

force; develop; aspects; potential; expenses;

relationships; beneficial; direction; responsibilities; outweigh

If college isn't your option or you need extra time to earn money for tuition, going straight into the work (1) _________ offers many choices and benefits. Getting a job immediately after high school remains a good choice. Teens who go this route need to learn how to search for employment, write a resume, and (2) _________ interviewing skills.

Many companies pay their employees for continuing education in areas related to their employment. You should ask about this benefit through the human resources departments of (3) ______________ employers.

Another option is an internship. Over the course of a year, you could potentially participate in two or three internships to explore career choices. But most internships are unpaid, so planning ahead is crucial if you need to save money for living (4) ____________________.

Internships provide participants with the opportunity to learn about many  (5) __________ of a particular career. They're also a great way to take contacts and develop mentoring (6) _____________.

For some teens, taking a year off between high school and the "real world" can be (7) _____. This can be a good time to travel, do community service, or even live in a foreign country before the (8)_________ of life make it harder to do so.

However, teens should keep in mind that a brochure may look different from reality, such as with work and service camps in developing countries. They should expect difficulties but know that the rewards of community service often (9) ________ the hardships - and can actually change the (10) _________ of a person's life. Speaking with previous participants should give a more realistic view than promotional material.

Đáp án:

1. force

2. develop

3. potential

4. expenses

5. aspects

6. relationships

7. beneficial

8. responsibilities

9. outweigh

10. direction

II. Read the passage and choose the best answer.

It can take a long time to become successful in your chosen field, however talented you are. One thing you have to be (1) ____ of is that you will face criticism along the way. The world is (2) ____ of people who would rather say something negative than positive. If you've made up your (3) ____ to achieve a certain goal, such as writing a novel, (4) ____ the negative criticism of others prevent you from reaching your target, and let the constructive criticism have a positive effect on your work. If someone says you're totally in the (5) ____ of talent, ignore them. That's negative criticism. If (6) ____, someone advises you to revise your work and gives you a good reason for doing so, you should consider their suggestions carefully. There are many film stars (7) ____ were once out of work. There are many famous novelists who made a complete mess of their first novel - or who didn't, but had to keep on approaching hundreds of publishers before they could get it (8) ____. Being successful does depend on luck, to a (9) ____ extent. But things are more likely to (10) ____ well if you persevere and stay positive.

1. A. alert

B. clever

C. intelligent

D. aware 

2. A. overflowing

B. full

C. packed

D. filled 

3. A. idea

B. brain

C. thought

D. mind

4. A. don't let

B. shouldn't let

C. won't let

D. didn't let

5. A. absentee

B. shortage

C. missing

D. lack 

6. A. hence

B. however

C. whereas

D. otherwise 

7. A. which

B. whom

C. they

D. who 

8. A. publish

B. to publish

C. published

D. publishes 

9. A. plenty

B. numerous

C. definite

D. certain

10. A. turn out

B. sail through

C. come into

D. deal with

Đáp án:












I. Rewrite the following sentences so that the second ones have the same meaning as the given sentence.

1. There was no precedent for his falling out with his parents.

Never ……………………………………………………………………..

2. In spite of all the hardships in life, she managed to raise five children on her own.

Although …………………………………………………………………

3. Had it not been for your generosity, we couldn't have pulled off the event.

But for ……………………………………………………………………

4. "I knew you were trouble all along, yet I couldn't resist loving you." said Lana to her boyfriend.

Lana told …………………………………………………………………

5. "Why not going to the cinema instead of that boring park?" he said.

He suggested …………………………………………………………….

6. Angelina Jolie is the talented actress I admire the most.

There …………………………………………………………………….

7. Sarah was totally devoted to her geographical project and took no notice of her friends.

Sarah dedicated ………………………………………………………….

8. Tommy's really handsome but I wouldn't love him.

Handsome ………………………………………………………………..

Đáp án:

1. Never before had he fallen out with his parents.

2. Although it was hard, she managed to raise five children on her own.

3. But for your generosity, we couldn't have pulled off the event.

4. Lana told her boyfriend that she had known he was trouble all along, yet she couldn't resist loving him.

5. He suggested going to the cinema instead of that/ the boring park.

6. There is no talented actress I admire more than Angelina Jolie.

7. Sarah dedicated herself to her geographical project and took no notice of her friends.

8. Handsome as Tommy is/ may be, I wouldn't love him.

II. Rewrite the following sentences so that the second ones have the same meaning as the given sentence.

1. "Are you going out tonight or not?" asked her dad.

Her dad …………………………………………………………………...

2. You must have this fridge fixed, some water is leaking out of it.

This fridge needs …………………………………………………………

3. Although Lana was disabled, she could do almost anything.

Despite ……………………………………………………………………

4. "I'm sorry that I couldn't come to your graduation party." said Randall's mother.

Randall's mother apologized ……………………………………………..

5. After graduating from high school, John continued to study at the local university.

John went on ……………………………………………………………..

6. I've never read a novel before.

This ………………………………………………………………………….

7. Your room is not only smelly but also messy with so many discarded things.

Your room is both …………………………………………………………..

8. I would help mom with making traditional sticky-rice cakes when I was still at home.

I used to …………………………………………………………………….

Đáp án:

1. Her dad asked her whether she was going out that night (or not).

2. This fridge needs fixing, some water is leaking out of it.

3. Despite her disability, Lana could do almost anything.

4. Randall's mother apologized to her for not coming to her graduation party.

5. John went on to study at the local university after graduating from high school.

6.  This is the first time I’ve (ever) read a novel.

7. Your room is both smelly and messy with so many discarded things.

8. I used to help mom with making traditional sticky-rice cakes when I was still at home.

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