100 Bài tập Tiếng Anh 12 mới Unit 7 có đáp án 2023: Artificial intelligence

Chúng tôi xin giới thiệu bài tập  Tiếng Anh lớp 12 mới Unit 7: Artificial intelligence có đáp án, lời giải chi tiết, chọn lọc. Tài liệu có nội dung bám sát chương trình sgk Tiếng Anh 12 chương trình thí điểm. Hi vọng với bộ tài liệu Tiếng Anh 12 mới có đáp án này sẽ giúp bạn ôn luyện kiến thức để đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi môn Tiếng Anh 12 sắp tới.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 7: Artificial intelligence


I. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

1. A. ingredient

B. tablespoon

C. recipe

D. benefit 

2. A. business

B. intention

C. endangered

D. extinction

3. A. ingredient

B. traditional

C. avocado

D. significant

4. A. interfere

B. understand

C. resurrect

D. estimate

5. A. cucumber

B. delicious

C. tomato

D. nutritious 

Đáp án:






II. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. sprinkle

B. slice

C. versatile

D. combine 

2. A. algorithm

B. threat

C. thousand

D. theory 

3. A. garnish

B. drain

C. tender

D. sprinkle 

4. A. return

B. repair

C. resurrect

D. response 

5. A. garnish

B. dip

C. slice

D. grill

6. A. hacker

B. automated

C. application

D. navigate 

Đáp án:









I. Indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

1. By inventing revolutionary new technologies, such a super intelligence might help us eradicate war, disease and poverty.

A. exterminate

B. illiterate

C. erect

D. generate

2. An Al arms race could inadvertently lead to an Al war that also results in mass casualties.

A. regeneration      B. mortality

C. devastation        D. conflict

3. If a super intelligent system is tasked with an ambitious project, it might wreak havoc with our ecosystem as a side effect.

A. an adverse effect

B. a great benefit  

C. a positive effect

D. some merit

4. Thanks to recent breakthroughs, many Al milestones have now been reached, making many experts take seriously the possibility of super intelligence in our lifetime. 

A. setbacks

B. drawbacks

C. landmarks

D. commence

5. The door we escaped through had an automatic lock but we didn't know that. 

A. manual

B. hand-operated

C. intentional

D. preprogrammed

6. Al or Robots can easily adapt to each student's individual learning needs and can target instruction based on their strengths and weaknesses. 

A. familiarize itself with

B. preserve itself for          

C. come to terms without

D. stay unstable

7. Artificial intelligence can be utilized in carrying out repetitive and time-consuming tasks efficiently. 

A. eliminated

B. exploited

C. displaced

D. operated 

8. Thinking machines will govern all the fields and populate the positions that humans occupy, leaving thousands of people jobless. 

A. complement

B. occupy

C. dominate

D. program 

9. The system will provide a full set of alarms if it is malfunctioning

A. out of word

B. beyond repair

C. under control

D. on the blink 

10. With the rise of computers, the process of doing manual work has been decreased to a great extent.

A. automatic

B. mechanical

C. hand-operated

D. mental 

Đáp án:











II. Indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

1. Robots may perform specific functions - such as lifting objects, or repeatedly performing the same action over and over.

A. repeatedly

B. again and again 

C. few and far between

D. persistently

2. When computers advanced, they would merge with other technologies, such as nanotechnology and robotics.

A. integrate            B. unite

C. incorporate        D. split

3. Humans will have to become more adept at things that machines can't do, namely dealing with other humans, and social skills will beat cognitive skills in the marketplace. 

A. expert                B. master

C. amateur             D. professional

4. While technologies will continue to become exponentially more powerful, the decisions we make are still our own.

A. speedily             B. instantly

C. leisurely            D. hastily

5. Smart devices can enhance our perceptions, arms us with knowledge, and transform themselves to become cyborgs. 

A. intensify

B. magnify

C. boost

D. diminish

6. Since intelligent robots are machines with metal bodies, they are more resistant and have greater ability to endure the space and hostile atmosphere.   

A. strong

B. endurable

C. unsusceptible

D. vulnerable

7. Amazon, the major electronic commerce company, has recently come up with an ingenious idea about its delivery.

A. thinking out of the box

B. innovative                     

C. unimaginative

D. on the ball

8. Unlike human baristas, it can serve multiple drinks at once and work all day and night without a break.

A. day in and day out

B. many a time and oft 

C. time and time again

D. once in a blue moon

9. Although robots certainly help us to eliminate tedious tasks, many people are concerned about a future filled with robots.

A. deadly-dull

B. exciting

C. run-of-the-mill

D. as dry as dust 

10. These ideas of the robot rebellion, in which robots become so smart that they may decide to turn on their masters, may seem a bit far-fetched

A. beyond the bounds of possibility

B. difficult to believe

C. incredible

D. likely 

Đáp án:











III. Give the correct form of the words.

1. Fourteen people were arrested for _________________ a cyber- attack on the company's website. LAUNCH

2. Fur seals were nearly _________ a few years ago. EXTERMINATION

3. Aid workers are having to deal with very difficult, sometimes life- ___________ situation. THREAT

4. Futurist Ray Kurzweil imagined a world in which humans and computers would have the same ____________. CAPABLE

5. We see that artificial _________________________ has made daily life a lot easier. INTELLIGENT 

6. Computed methods for ____________ reasoning, learning and perception have become a common phenomenon in our everyday lives. AUTOMATION

7. It is best to take advantage of all of the _______________________ things that we have access to artificial intelligence. INCREDIBLY

8. Earlier this year, the Washington Post reported on an algorithm _________ by Google that could potentially let self-driving cars learn to drive through experience. DEVELOPMENT

9. AI Technology has also been able to __________ dead stars, like Michael Jackson. SURRECT

10. Set in the near future, the film Her tells the story of a lonely writer who forms a strong attachment to his ________________ system's AI, which chooses to identify itself as Samantha. OPERATE

Đáp án:

1. launching

6. automated

2. exterminated

7. incredible

3. threatening

8. developed

4. capabilities

9. resurrect

5. intelligence

10. operating

IV. Rewrite the following using the causative form.

1. I had someone paint the gate last week. 

2. Someone will have you type the letter for me. 

3. I am going to have Peter wash my car tomorrow. 

4. They have him tell the story again. 

5. Have you had someone repair your shoes yet? 

6. Does Mrs. Green have them carry those books back home? 

7. They had a boy scot pick the bag up. 

8. The teacher has just had someone arrange the desks and the chairs. 

9. My mother has the gardener water the flowers every morning. 

10. Doris had her mother buy a new dress for her. 

11. Can you have your brother do this work? 

12. The family had someone paint the house for TET. 

13. She had someone translate the document into Vietnamese two days ago. 

14 I'll have someone make a new dress. 

15 You must have someone repair your computer next week.

Đáp án: 

1. I had the gate painted last week. 

2. Someone will have the letter typed for me.

3. I am going to have my car washed by Peter tomorrow.

4. They have the story told again by him.

5. Have you had your shoes repaired yet?

6. Does Mrs. Green have those books carried back home? 

7. They had the bag picked up by a boy scot.

8. The teacher has just had the desks and the chairs arranged.

9. My mother has the flowers watered by the gardener every morning. 

10. Doris had a new dress bought for her by her mom.

11. Can you have this work done by your brother.

12. The family had the house painted for TET.

13. She had the document translated into Vietnamese two days ago. 

14. I will have a new dress made.

15. You must have your computer repaired next week. 

V. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 

1. James had his nose ____ in a fight 

A. break                 B. to break

C. breaking           D. broken 

2. Frank had his passport ____ on a train. 

A. stealing              B. to steal

C. stolen                 D. steal 

3. Fred had his hat ____ off in the wind.

A. blow                  B. blown

C. blowing             D. to blow 

4. George had his papers ____ at the police station. 

A. take                   B. to take

C. taking                D. taken 

5. Bill is having his shoes ____.

A. shined                B. to shine

C. chinning             D. shine

6. I am going to have a new house ____.

A. build                  B. to build

C. built                   D. building 

7. I'll have the boys ____ the chairs. 

A. paint                  B. to paint

C. painted              D. painting

8. I will have your car ____ by the end of the day.

A. to repair             B. repair

C. repaired             D. repairing

9. Robots could even be part of security alerting you to possible fires that you are under ____ of. 

A. risk                    B. danger

C. pressure             D. threat

10. Have these flowers ____ to her office, please. 

A. taken                 B. taking

C. take                   D. to take 

11. You should have your car ____ before going. 

A. servicing           B. to service

C. service               D. serviced

12. I'll have a new dress ____ for my daughter.

A. making              B. to make

C. make                 D. made

13. You should ____ a professional to check your house for earthquake damage. 

A. have                  B. make

C. take                   D. get

14. As we may have seen in many films such as the Matrix, or iRobot, robots have the ____ to ruin our lives if something were to go wrong.

A. achievement

B. success

C. potential

D. talent 

15. Pupils should have their eyes ____ regularly.

A. tested                 B. to test

C. test                     D. testing 

16. Lisa had the roof ____ yesterday. 

А. repair                 B. repaired

C. to repair             D. repairing

17. They have just had air conditioning ____ in their house. 

A. install                B. to install

C. installed            D. installing

18. We rarely have our luggage ____ by porters.

A. carried               B. carry

C. to carry              D. been carried

19. Microsoft says that the app Cortana continually learns about its users and it will eventually develop the ability to ____ users' needs.

A. anticipate          B. imagine

C. link                    D. indicate 

20. We had the room ____ yesterday.

A. decorates           B. had decorated

C. decorated           D. decorating 

21. The villagers have had the use of this washing machine ____ by this engineer.

A. explain              B. explained

C. to explain           D. explains

22. By ____ the housework done, we have time to further our studies.

A. taking                B. to have

C. having               D. to get

23. Although it's fine for figures like Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking to raise ____ about the dangers of artificial intelligence, the majority of computer scientists agree that these problems are far away.

A. existence           B. problem

C. awareness          D. idea 

24. Speech ____ is the ability of the computer to understand a human talking to it. 

A. recommendation

B. recognition       

C. acceptance

D. realization

25. The government has had new houses ____ in the rural areas. 

A. build                  B. built

C. to be built           D. building

26. NASA has had an autonomous spaceship ____ the universe recently.

A. exploring           B. explore

C. explored            D. to explore

27. She is going to have her wedding dress ____.

A. cutting               B. cuts

C. cut                     D. to cut 

28. Smartphones are a great example of the ____ of artificial intelligence.

A. application

B. request

C. programme

D. relation 

29. AI enables computers to do some things better than humans, especially when it comes to ____ very large amounts of data quickly, efficiently, and accurately. 

A. process

B. processing

C. procession

D. be processed 

30. It's about time you had your house ____.

A. whitewash

B. whitewashed

C. whitewashing

D. to whitewash 

Đáp án:
































I. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space.

ability; adapt; interpret; arise; trained;

navigate; artificial; range; diagnosis; system 


A neural network is an electronic model of the brain consisting of many interconnected simple processors. This imitates how your actual brain works. Applications of (1) ______________ neural systems consist of vision systems, speech recognition, handwriting recognition and intelligent robots.

Artificial Intelligence is used to (2) ______________ and understand an image in industrial, military use, or in satellite photo interpretation. Police use the computer to come up with a photo fit drawing of a criminal, and doctors use the system to make (3) ______________ of patient.

Speech recognition is the (4) ______________ of the computer to understand a human talking to it. There are many problems associated with this - humans have different accents, slang words, noise in the background, feeling poorly (flu, cold, etc.). This means that the computer has to be (5) ______________ to recognize the voice of the human. Honda CRV has the following (6) ______________ of voice commands that the driver can use while driving - using the mobile phone, turning the temperature up or down, turning the air conditioner on or off, asking the car to (7) _______________ using the satellite navigation system, turning the radio on or off or up or down. 

An intelligent robot has many different sensors, large processors and a large memory in order to show that they have intelligence. The robots will learn from their mistakes and be able to (8) _______________ to any new situation that may (9) ______________. An intelligent robot can be programmed with its own expert (10) ________________. For example, a factory is blocked with fallen boxes, then an intelligent robot will remember this and take a different route.

Đáp án:


2. interpret

3. diagnosis

4. ability

5. trained

6. range

7. navigate

8. adapt

9. arise

10. system

II. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.

We won't have robot doctors for a long time, (1) ____ the human doctors we have now are beginning to learn on specialized artificial intelligence to help save time. 

Google DeepMind has just announced a partnership with University College London Hospital(UCLH) which will explore (2) ____ artificial intelligence to treat patients with head and neck cancers. The goal is to develop tools to automatically identify cancerous cells for radiology machines.

Currently, radiologists employ a manual process, called image (3) ____, to make CT and MRI scans and use them to create a map of the patient's anatomy with clear guidelines of where to direct the (4) ____. Avoiding healthy areas of the head and neck requires that map to be extraordinarily detailed; typically it takes four hours to create. Google believes it can do the same job or better in one hour. 

DeepMind, Google's research arm, works primarily in deep learning, a form of artificial intelligence that learns to identify patterns from looking at large amount of data. In this case, DeepMind researchers will (5) ____ access to anonymized radiology scans from up to 700 former UCLH patients, and then feed them into (6) ____ that would process the scans to learn the visual difference between healthy and cancerous tissue.

The partnership will (7) ____ researchers to train their algorithms with highly-specialized, high-quality data, which theoretically will enable the algorithm to (8) ____ at a higher rate of success than if they had been using publicly available scans.

For those concerned about machines making health (9) ____ decisions, UCLH made it clear in a statement to the newspaper Guardian that clinicians will be in complete control of diagnoses and treatment. 

DeepMind isn't the first care. Samsung Medison, the South Korean (10) ____ company's medical device arm, recently released an ultrasound machine that uses deep learning to quickly recommend whether breast tissue is cancerous or benign. The machine's algorithm was trained on 9,000 breast tissue scans, and is pending FDA approval in the US.

1. A. what

B. why

C. when

D. but 

2. A. using

B. translating

C. expressing

D. performing

3. A. judgment

B. discovery

C. segmentation

D. identification

4. A. intelligence

B. radiation

C. level

D. strength 

5. A. grow

B. ask

C. repair

D. obtain 

6. A. limit

B. distance

C. algorithms

D. arrangement 

7. A. move

B. allow

C. sail

D. stop 

8. A. perform

B. access

C. adopt

D. change 

9. A. develop

B. exist

C. rise

D. care 

10. A. way

B. method

C. technology

D. organization 

Đáp án:












I. Rewrite the following sentences using causative.

1. I had my nephew paint the gate last week. 

2. She will have Peter wash her car tomorrow. 

3. They have her tell the story again. 

4. John gets his sister to clean his shirt. 

5. Anne has had a friend type her composition. 

6. Rick will have a barber cut his hair. 

7. I will get the dressmaker to make a new dress. 

8. He had a mechanic repair his car. 

9. She often gets the technician to maintain the heater. 

10. They had the police arrest the shoplifter. 

11. Are you going to have the shoemaker repair your shoes? 

12. I must have the dentist check my teeth.

13. She will have a veterinary surgeon examine her dog. 

14. We had a man take this photograph when we were on holiday last summer.

15. The Greens had a carpet cleaner clean their carpet.

Đáp án:

1. I had the gate painted last week. 

2. She will have her car washed tomorrow.

3. They have the story told again.

4. John gets his shirt cleaned.

5. Anne has had her composition typed.

6. Rick will have his hair cut.

7. I will get a new dress made.

8. He had his car repaired.

9. She often gets the heater maintained.

10. They had the shoplifter arrested.

11. Are you going to have your shoes repaired.

12. I must have my teeth checked.

13. She will have her dog examined.

14. We had this photograph taken when we were on holiday last summer.

15. The Greens had their carpet cleaned.

II. Rewrite the following sentences so that the second ones have the same meaning as the given sentence.

1. She quit the job because the salary was too low. 

If ……………………………………………………………………………..

2. Because the clothes were too dirty, it took her 2 hours to do the washing.

Because of …………………………………………………………………...

3. Jackie outran all the other runners in the recent marathon.

Jackie was ……………………………………………………………………

4. "Have all these paperwork finished before you go out OK?" said her boss. 

Her boss told ………………………………………………………………….

5. You must have your car fixed soon or it's going to break down in the middle of nowhere and you'll get big trouble. 

Your car needs ………………………………………………………………

6. Although the desk was of large size, little Maggie managed to lift it up long enough.

In spite of ……………………………………………………………………

7. "Could you please open the door for me, it's a bit stuffy in here?" said Laura to her colleague. 

Laura kindly asked ………………………………………………………….

8. I dislike it when my little brother tries to blame me for his petty tricks. 

I object to ……………………………………………………………………

Đáp án:

1. If it hadn’t been for the low salary/ the salary hadn’t been so low, she wouldn’t have quit the job.

2. Because of the dirty clothes, it took her 2 hours to do the washing.

3. Jackie was the fastest runner in the recent marathon.

4. Her boss told her to finish all those/ the paperwork before going out.

5. Your car needs fixing soon or it’s going to break down in the middle of nowhere and you'll get big trouble.

6. In spite of the desk’s large size/ the large size of the desk, little Maggie managed to lift it up long enough.

7. Laura kindly asked her colleague to open the door for her as it was a bit stuffy in there.

8. I object to my little brother trying to blame me for his petty tricks. 

III. Rewrite the following sentences so that the second ones have the same meaning as the given sentence.

1. It is fairly unlikely that the teacher will accept such a feeble excuse.

There ………………………………………………………………………...

2. You wouldn't find a more spacious room at this price in such a crowded city like Hanoi. 

This room ……………………………………………………………………

3. I won't ever let her down in any way. 

In no way ……………………………………………………………………

4. "You shouldn't eat too much sugar now that you've got diabetes." said the doctor to my grandpa. 

It is the doctor's recommendation …………………………………………..

5. "Whatever obstacle may let you down, don't ever give up on your dream." said her mother.

Her mother encouraged ……………………………………………………

6. The reason why he's studying so hard is that he wants to win a scholarship. 

With a view ………………………………………………………………..

7. He gave me lots of gifts on my 18th birthday. 

Lots of …………………………………………………………………….

8. "Please stay here with me." said the girl in tears to her boyfriend. 

The girl in tears begged ………………………………………………………….

Đáp án:

1. There is little likelihood that the teacher will accept such a feeble excuse.

2. This room is the most spacious one you can find at this price in such a crowded city like Hanoi. 

3. In no way will I ever let her down.

4. It is the doctor's recommendation that my grandpa (should) not eat too much sugar now that he’s got diabetes.

5. Her mother encouraged her not to give up on her dream whatever obstacle may let you down.

6. With a view to winning a scholarship, he’s studying so hard.

7. Lots of gifts were given to take by him on my 18th birthday.

8. The girl in tears begged her boyfriend to stay there with her.

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