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1) Make questions with " How much or " How many " and the cues given. 1. water / you / drink / every day ? __________________________________________________________ 2. students / in you class ? __________________________________________________________ 3. hours / you / sleep / every night ? __________________________________________________________ 4. money / you / have / in your bag or pocket ? __________________________________________________________ 5. subjects / you / study / at school ? __________________________________________________________ 2. Put the instructions ( a -f ) to make an English breakfast sandwich in the correct I order. Write the answer ( 1 - 6) in the blanks. _________a. Fry the tomato, bacon and egg in some oil. _________b. Put one piece of toast on a plate. Add the bacon, then the egg, then the tomato. _________c. Toast the bread. _________d. Put the other piece of toast on top. _________e. Slice the tomato. _________f. Add some salt and pepper. 3. Ask and answer 1. Do you have a healthy diet ? - Yes, I do. / No, I don't. 2. Which foods do you eat a lot of ? - I eat a lot of ( fruit / vegetables / dairy fruits / meat / home - made food / fast food ) 3. What do you like to eat as a snack. - I like to eat ( fruit / biscuits // nuts / sanwiches / candy ) 4. How many different kinds of fruit and vegetables do you eat in a day ? What are they ? - I eat ( two / three / four ). They are ( apples / pears / bananas / carrots / cucumber / beans / salad ).

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1. Write questions and short answer about the food. Use the correct form of there is or there are and some, or any. Follow the examples. Example : bananas ? / Yes. A : Are there any bananas ? B : Yes, there are some cheese ? / No. A : Is there any cheese ? B : No, there isn't any. 1. cakes ? / Yes.__________________________________________ 2. butter ? / No.__________________________________________ 3. mineral water ? / Yes.___________________________________ 4. eggs ? / No.____________________________________________ 5. salt ? / Yes.___________________________________________ 6. carrots ? / Yes._______________________________________ 7. apples ? / Yes.__________________________________________ 8. sugar ? Yes._____________________________________________ 2. Fill in each blank with the correct word : some, or any. Mai : I'm really hungry. What did you have for lunch ? Nam : Nothing ! I wanted to make (1)________pancakes but I don't know how to make one. Mai : OK. We can have (2)_________pancakes. Is there (3)________flour and cooking oil ? Nam : Yes, and we have (4)_______eggs too. Mai : Good. I need two eggs for each pancake. I want (5)________turmeric too. Nam : Yes, there is (6)__________for you. Do you need (7)________minced pork and green onions ? Mai : Yes, I need (8)_________.OK, that's enough for us to make pancakes now. 3. Match the two parts of the sentences, and write the answer ( a - b ) in the blanks. _______1. How much a. food at the party ? _______2. There's a lot b. onions _______3. There aren't many c. orange juice _______4. How many d. of tomatoes in this salad. _______5. We don't have much e. milk do we have. _______6. Was there much g. of ham on this pizza. _______8. Are there many h. potatoes do you want ? 4. Complete the questions with " How much " or " How many ". 1._______________homework do you do a day ? 2. ______________sleep do you get a night ? 3._______________text messages do you send a day ? 4._______________money have you got in your pocket ? 5._______________cousins have you got ? 6._______________packets of biscuits do you eat a week ? 7._______________people are there in this classroom ? 8._______________time is there to the end of the lesson ?

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