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1. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. 20. The road to our village ____________ widened next year. A. is B. will C. can D. will be 21. All planes ____________before departure. A. will be checked B. will has checked C. will checked D. will been checked 22. Gold ____________in California in the nineteenth century. A. was discovered B. discovered C. was discover D. has been discovered 23. This house ____________in 1970 by my grandfather. A. built B. was built C. was build D. has built 24. We ____________ for the examination. A. have preparing B. are preparing C. had preparing D. have been prepared 25. The photos ____________ in a London studio last week. A. have been B. was taken C. have taken D. were taken 26. When the boy____________ the car he was badly injured. A. hit B. was. C. was hit by D. is hit by 27. The letter ____________ to him next week. A. will be sent B. will been sent C. will be sending D. will be send 28. Is the new computer system ____________ next month? A. been installed B. being installed C. be installing D. be installed 29. ____________ to you yet? A. Have the pens being given back B. Have the pens been gave back C. Have the pens been give back D. Have the pens been given back 30. The car ____________ by my father yesterday. A. has been washed B. were washed C. was washed D. washed 31. America ____________ by Columbus in 1492. A. are discovered B. were discovering C. is discovered D. was discovered 32. Parrots and crows ____________ the most intelligent birds. A. were considering B. are considered C. considered D. was considered 33. She still can’t believe! Her bicycle ____________ last night. A. was stolen B. was stealing C. were stolen D. stole 34. Your bill should ____________ before you leave the hotel. A. be paid B. is paid C. are paid D. was paid 35. English ____________ since 2002. A. have been learned B. has been learnt C. has to learn D. have to learn 36. Grass ____________ by fat cows on the green meadow. A. are eaten B. was being eaten C. were being eat D. was been eaten 37. Mary traffic accidents ____________ by dangerous driving. A. cause B. caused C. are caused D. which are caused. 38. Many people believe we can look forward to the day when even our household jobs like cleaning and decorating ____________ by computer-control robots. A. will be doing B. are being done C. would be done D. will be done 39. A cake will ____________ for your birthday. A. made B. be made C. being made D. to be made 40. Your eyes should ____________ again. A. test B. be test C. be tested D. be testing

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1. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. 1. You will be ____________ a calculator on your birthday. A. gave B. give C. given D. to give 2. Each workman ____________ 50,000 dong a day to do the work. A. pay B. is paid C. paying D. are paid 3. Your dog should ____________ inside the fence. A. be kept B. be keeping C. keep D. kept 4. The winner will ____________ a gold watch by the organizers. A. award B. awarding C. be awarding D. be awarded 5. English ____________in most international conferences. A. spoken B. is speaking C. be spoken D. is spoken 6. Cheese is ____________from milk. A. make B. making C. made D. be made 7. Raw fish ____________often eaten in Japan. A. are B. were C. is D. was 8. The window _____________ last week. A. is cleaned B. was cleaned C. are cleaned D. cleaned 9. This passage should ____________ carefully. A. read B. is read C. be read D. be reading 10. These clothes should ____________ in hot water. A. be washed B. washed C. not be washed D. not washed 11. Her wedding ring ____________ of yellow and white gold. A. is made B. is making C. made D. are made 12. Your brother ____________ to the party last night. A. was invited B. were invited C. were inviting D. invite 13. Mr. Ben is ____________ as Wilie to his friend. A. knowing B. knew C. known D. is known 14. Phong ____________ in Binh Duong. A. are born B. were born C. was born D. born 15. My mother is going ____________ this house. A. sold B. to be sold C. to sold D. to sell 16. References ____________ in the examination room. A. not are used B. is not used C. didn’t used D. are not used 17. There’s somebody behind us. I think we are _____________ A. being followed B. are followed C. follow D. following 18. Have you ____________ by a dog? A. bite B. ever been bit C. bit D. ever been bitten 19. The bathroom is being ____________ at the moment. A. was cleaned B. cleaned C. cleaning D. clean 20. The road to our village ____________ widened next year. A. is B. will C. can D. will be

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ENVIRONMENTAL Pollution In recent years the problem of environmental pollution has become a serious problem in big cities in ourcountry. So, what are reasons and possible measures for this problem? Nowadays, we are living in a city with high population density, so domestic waste is the first reason.Then many people's social consciousness is not high. In several areas, they throw rubbish on streets, canalsand rivers. It is easy for us to see rubbish of all kinds floating on the water. Moreover, uncultured peopleeven pee in the public place. Now, let's come to other reasons. Our city is overloaded with vehicles that expel a lot of smoke and dust.This contributes to the heat of the air, and causes pollution. Besides that, in several places, trees have been cut down to have room for buildings, hotels, orsupermarkets. This makes the atmosphere in our city mug and stuffy. New words: muggy (adi) nồm ẩm, oi bức stuffy (adi) ngột ngạt 1. What is not the reasons of environmental pollution? A. high population density B. smoke and dust from vehicles C. domestic waste D. the new drainage system 2. What is the first reason of environmental pollution? A. domestic waste B. smoke and dust from vehicles C. population density D. rubbish on streets 3. What is the synonym of the word "consciousness" A. awareness B. unculture C. unconsciousness D. awakeness 4. Why vehicles cause air pollution? A. Vehicles make the atmosphere in our city muggy and stuffy. B. Because they expel a lot of smoke and dust. C. Because they consume too much gasoline. D. Because many people use motorbikes and cars nowadays. 5. How is the drain system in our city? A. It’s very modern. B. It's downgrade. C. It is new. D. It is very old and downgrade

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1.Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions The ______ waste is dumped into the river. A. poison B. poisonous C. poisoned D. poisoning ________the fog, there were no take-oils from the airport yesterday. A. Since B. As C. Because of D. Because 2. Find the mistake in the sentence. The flight number 781 to Melbourne will arrive at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning. 3.Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSET in meaning in the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions come up with : A. thought of B. took over C. made up D. brought about 4.Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning in the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. unique: A. unusual B. matchless C. rarely D. common 5.Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. New Zealand is a small country (1) ________ the southern Pacific Ocean. There are two main islands, the North Island and the South Island, as well as many smaller islands. New Zealand is 268,000 square kilometres, about the same size (2) ________ as the United Kingdom. Maori people arrived from the Pacific in the 10th century, and by the 12th century there were many Maori settlements along the coasts of New Zealand. The Maori named for New Zealand is Aotearoa, which means “The land of the long white cloud”. Seven hundred years later, large numbers of Europeans started (3)________ in New Zealand. According to Government figures, the population of New Zealand in 2015 was over four million, and of these, about 75 percent lived in the North Island. There are four main cities. Auckland, in the north, is the largest city with a (4) _________ of over one million people. Auckland’s population includes many different (5) ___________. For example, there are large groups of European, Maori, Pacific Island, Chinese and Indian people. Together with other smaller groups, they make Auckland an interesting and exciting place to live. 1. A. in B. on C. at D. beneath 2. A. like B. so C. as D. alike 3. A. settle B. to settle C. settler D. settlement 4. A. area B. climate C. economy D. population 5. A. nationalities B. countries C. people D. characters 6.Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words. She wouldn’t have a headache if she worked in a quiet place. => Were______________________________________________________________________

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5. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 1. There are some things Americans would change, and ____ thing people would change is their education. A. the biggest B. a big C. the D. a bigger 2. ____ people from England who went to live in North America nearly 400 years ago were called Pilgrims. A. a B. x C. an D. the 3. In our tradition, when people mention "matter of betel and areca” they are talking about ____ issue. A. unmarried B. married C. marry D. marriage 4. Cultural diversity makes our country ____ by making it a ____ place in which to live. A. rich - more interesting B. richest - most interesting C. richer - most interesting D. richer - more interesting 5. These people wanted to start ____ new life in ____ new country, but they faced a lot of difficulties because they didn't know anything about the new land. A. a – a B. a – a C. a – the D. the – a 6. Nations where there is much cultural diversity can also sometimes be known as a ____. A. multi-ethnic society B. multidimensional problem C. multicultural society D. cultural uniformity 7. In Portugal, walking backwards will bring bad luck, because it paves ___ way for ____ devil to enter. A. the - the B. a - the C. a - a D. the - a 8. The Pilgrims didn't know how to grow ____ food or build __ homes, so a lot of them became very ill. A. a - a B. X - X C. a - the D. the - a 9. To many ____ street vendors, the success of their day is determined by how it starts and by their first customer. A. superstitiously B. supernatural C. superstition D. superstitious 10. In Russia, there is ____ belief that unmarried people should avoid sitting at ____ corner of ____ table because they will find difficulties finding their life partner and will not get married. A. a - the - the B. the - the - the C. a - a - a D. a - a - the 11. On one spring day, ____ Pilgrims met two native Americans, Squanto and Samoset, who could speak English. A. an B. the C. a D. x 12. One Chinese legend has it that the Jade Emperor asked for twelve representatives of the animal species on Earth to be brought to his ____ kingdom. A. heavenly B. sky C. heaven D. space 13. Before the wedding, the groom usually asks his best friend to be his ____, and the bride may have one or more ____. A. best man - bridesmaids B. best man - housemaids C. closest man best maids D. good man - best maids 14. Squanto and Samoset became ____ friends with the Pilgrims and gave them a lot of ____ advice about how to grow food and build homes to make their lives easier. A. a - a B. X - X C. a - the D. the - a 15. However, another version says the ____ of the 12 animals in the Chinese horoscope was decided thousands of years ago by Buddha, who called for a New Year's meeting of animals. A. site B. pan C. order D. position

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31. On the official flag of Canada, we can see__________. A. a crescent moon ​​​​ B. four red stars​​ C. a red maple leaf ​​​​ D. white stripes 32.What is one of the most famous landmarks in Australia? A. Leaning Tower of Pisa​​ ​B. Great Barrier Reef C. Statue of Liberty​​ ​​D. Machu Picchu 33. What is the name of the most famous clock in Britain? A. Big Clock​ B. Big John​​​ C.Big Apple​ D. Big Ben 34. Which country does not have a star on its flag? A. The United Kingdom​​​​ B. The United States C. New Zealand​​​​​ D. Singapore 35. Which country is an island city-state? A. Scotland​​ B. Wales​ ​​C. Singapore​ D. Australia 36. English__________ from a Proto-Indo-European language about 5,000 years ago. A. derives​​​ B. derived​ ​C. is deriving​​ D. has derived 37. Since 2005, India__________ the world’s largest English-speaking population. A. has​​​​ B. is having​​ C. had​​​ D. has had 38. The United Kingdom__________ of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. A. consists​ ​​B. is consisted​ C. has consisted​​ D. consisted 39. English__________ around the world by children in school as a foreign language. A. has learned​​ B. is learning​ C. is learned​​​ D. learned 40. You’d better go to bed early tonight. The plane__________ at 6 o’clock tomorrow morning so we’ll have to be up by 4.30! A. will leave​​ ​B. leaves​ ​C. leave​​ ​D. is leaving 41. Over the past five years, Australia’s population__________ by 1.86 million people. A. increases​​​ B. is increasing​ C. has increased​​ D. is increased 42. I’m sorry. I can’t meet up this weekend. We__________ to Wales on Friday. A. go​​​​ B. are going​​ C. will go​​​ D. has gone 43. In the 16th century, French and British settlers__________ in Canada. A. arrive​​​ B. have arrived​ C. was arriving​​ D. arrived 44. __________ that there are no wild snakes in Ireland? A. Do you know​ B. Are you knowing ​C. Elave you known ​ D. Did you know 45. The Statue of Liberty, an American Symbol of freedom, __________ in France. A. actually made​ B. was actually made ​C. has actually made ​ D. makes actually 46. The Disney World__________ in the City of Orlando, which is in the State of Florida. A. locates​ ​B. is locating​ ​C. is located​​​ D. located 47. Nowadays, Canada__________ against the influence of the foreign cultures, especially of the us one. A. struggled​​ B. is struggling​​ C. was struggling​​ D. has struggled 48. Indian Disney Channel__________ Tom and Jerry Kids at 7 pm. A. shows​ ​B. is showing​​ C. is shown​​​ D. has shown 49. My family__________ in Chicago for more than 20 years. A. live​​ B. are living​​ ​C. were​​​ D. have been 50. Residents from Liverpool speak English__________ a different accent. A. with ​​ B. as​​​ C. on​​​​ D. under

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1. The river water is severely polluted, mostly________ the dumping of raw sewage. A. due to​​ B. lead to​ ​C. because​​​ D. so 2. Sudden changes in water temperature can ________ mass killings of fish, plants, or amphibians. A. come up​​ B. result in​​ C. dump into​ ​D. thank to 3. Water pollution________ the death of all forms of life in the water bodies. A. occurs​​ B. results of​​ C. creates​​ ​D. leads to 4. ________ plastic takes so long to break down, it pollutes the land and ocean. A. Because​​ B. Due to​ ​C. Even if​​​ D. Although 5. Many flights were cancelled ________ the smoke from forest fires. A. so​​​ B. because​​ C. because of​​ D. result in 6. ________the garbage dump smells terrible, no one lives around there. A. Because of ​B. As​​​ C. As a result of ​​ D. Even though 7. ________the grain consumption is rising, forests will be cut to provide more room for planting crops. A. since​​ B. Although​​ C. unless​​​ D. Due to 8. Grace didn’t love nature, ________ she wasn’t happy when her group went camping in a jungle. A. but​​​ B. and​​ C. because​​ ​D. so 9. Thousands of fish were killed ________ a discharge of poisonous Chemicals from a nearby factory. A. because​​ B. lead to​​ C. result in​​ ​D. as a result of 10. ________the fog, there were no take-oils from the airport yesterday. A. Since​​ B. Because ​​C. Owing to​​​ D. Thanks to 11. After the accident, many people were exposed________ radiation. A. from​​ B. at​​​ C.to​​​​ D. with 12. Light pollution has a wide range of negative effects________ human health. A. on​​ ​B. of​​ ​C. for​​​ ​D. to 13. ________can cause high blood pressure, heart problems, sleep disturbances, and hearing problems. A. Air pollution ​ B. Light pollution ​C. Water pollution ​D. Noise pollution 14. The levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have risen________ the burning of fossil fuels. A. therefore​ ​B. because​​ C. in spite of​​ D.due to 15. If rubbish is non-biodegradable, it________ forever. A. exists​​ B. will exist​​ C. won’t exist​​ D. doesn’t exist 16. ________are Chemicals that are used to kill unwanted plants, such as weeds. A. Fertilizers​ B. Pesticides​ C. Herbicides​ ​D. Pollutants 17. There would be much less pollution________ people stopped using cars completely. A. if​​​ B. since​ ​C. when​​ ​D. although 18. Emissions of pollutants into the air can________ changes to the climate. A. get on​​ B. end up​​ C. go into​​​ D. result in 19. ________can we help save our environment? A. What​​ B. How​​ C. Why​​​ D. How much 20. If we care about plastic waste________. A. why won’t we stop drinking bottled water? ​B. we would use reusable shopping bags C. we will throw away plastic water bottles. ​​ D. why don’t we buy plastic bags? 21. Where is Disney World? A. Texas​ ​B. California​​ C. Florida​ ​D. Arizona 22. Which country is home to the kangaroo? A. Canada​​ B. New Zealand ​​C. The USA​​ D. Australia 23. Loch Ness, known for sightings of a monster called Nessie, is a large and deep lake in__________. A. Wales​​ B. North Ireland​ ​C. Scotland​​ D. England 24. Which City is in Canada? A. Montreal ​​B. Chicago​ ​​C. Melbourne​ D. Wellington 25. Britain is not famous for__________. A. Harvard University​​ ​​B. Arthur Conan Doyle C. Buckingham Palace​​​ ​D. William Shakespeare 26. Wanaka is one of the most visited and favoured towns in​. A. England​​ B. Singapore​ ​C. New Zealand​ D. Canada 27. What is the Symbol of New Zealand? A. a koala​​ B. a rooster​ ​​C. a kiwi ​​D. a bear 28. Which is not a State in the United States? A. Alaska​​ B. Washington DC.​ C. Michigan​​ D. New York 29. Which is the largest English speaking country? A. Cana​da ​B. The UK​ ​​C. The US​ ​D. Australia 30. __________ is in the City of Westminster, Central London. A. The Golden Gate Bridge​​​ B. The Statue of Liberty C. Canterbury Cathedral​​ ​​D. Trafalgar Square

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Giúp mk với A. PRONUNCIATION: Question 2 : Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest. 1.A. faced B. fixed C. wicked D. raised 2.A.enough B although C. cough D. rough 3.A. teenage B. manage C. damage D. luggage 4.A. watches B. oranges C. figures D. classes 5. A comprise B. divide C. primary D. religion B VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR. I Choose the best answer A, B, C or D . 1.We feel very………………… today. A. happy B. happiness C. happily D. happiest 2. I’ve looked …………… some new words in the dictionary. A. at B. for C. up D. on 3. Solar energy doesn’t cause ………………... A. pollution B. polluted C. pollute D. pollutant 4. Where ……………… you go if you have a car? A. would B. have C. will D. did 5. ………………….. is a person who installs and repairs water pipes. A. Electrician B. Carpenter C. Blacksmith D. Plumber 6. It is getting cold. You ‘d better not……………. without a coat. A. go out B. to go out C. going out D. have gone out. 7. Nothing will prevent him …………… succeeding. A. in B. at C. from D. on 8. The teacher with …………… we studied last year no longer teaches in our school. A. who B. whom C. whose D. that 9. They made me ………….. on the floor. A. lie B. to lie C. lying D. lay 10. Nothing can be done right now, ………………? A. can they B. can’t they C. can it D can’t it 11. Did you like the book that I gave you? - ………….. the novels that I’ve read, I enjoyed this one most. A. for all B. all of C. of all D. from all 12. What would you like for dinner ? - ………….. we’re both so tired, why don’t we order a pizza. A. However B. Since C. Moreover D. Although

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giúp mình với VII Fill in the blank with the correct form of the given word. 1. People living in big cities tend to be more …………… than those in the countryside. 2. Although farmers work very hard, many of them lead a poor life. They don’t have a lot of …………… in their houses. 3. I think it is more …………… to live in a big city because you can enjoy a lot of interesting activities. 4. I am expecting to have an …………… time with my relatives in this summer holiday. 5. It is so …………… to see the moon and starry sky at night. ambition furnish entertain enjoy love VIII Find one mistake in each sentence and correct it. 1. He adores to go to the parties in weekends with his close friend. A B C D 2. Flying kites on the paddle field with other kids is very excited to him. A B C D 3. She can swim much more well than anyone else in my class. A B C D 4. What she is truly keen in is classical music not modern music. A B C D 5. Why should we learn about the life of Vietnam’s ethnic minority people? A B C D XV Make complete sentences based on the given words. 1. Jonny/ like/ play/ drum/ room/ whereas/ Kenny/ enjoy/ gym/ fitness center/ weekends. 2. Drive/ city/ be/ much/ stressful/ drive/ countryside. 3. People/ countryside/ seem/ have to/ work/ hard/ people/ city. 4. Clothing/ the Muong women/ diversified/ that/ men. 5. Muong/ be/ fourth/ largest/ ethnic minority group/ Vietnam/ Viet/ Tay/ Thai. XVI Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words. 1. All of the children of the Smith’s really like playing rackets. → (keen) 2. The thing that I hate most is motor racing, and I will never do it in my life. → (detest) 3. The harvest festival in my hometown usually starts in October, but this year it started in the middle of September. → (earlier) 4. It takes a buffalo about half of a day to plough that field, but a machine can do it within an hour. → (faster) 5. In cities, classrooms are equipped with speakers, computers, projectors; however, classrooms in the countryside don’t have any. → (better equipped)

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