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XIII. Combine each pair of sentences, using the words/ phrases in brackets. You can make some changes. 1. We are unable to see the stars in the sky.Light pollution occurs.(makes) 2. Glass panels, windows, lawns and roofs make light pollution worse. They reflect artificial and sun light. (because) 3. All sound are not noise. Noise is any sound that is unwanted and goes beyond its certain limit, for example, above 80 decibels. (because) 4. More and more noise is created by modern civilization. It has now become a major environmental pollutant, especially in urban areas. (so) 5. Contamination in the air happens. There is acid rain which damages soil, vegetation and aquatic life of the region. (causes) 6. Noise pollution is one of the major causes of stress and anxiety. People suffer from stress and anxiety. (because of) XIV. Based on the context, make conditional sentences type 2 from the clues. 1. My home hasn't installed a solar water heater. If/ my home/ install/ a solar water heater/ we/ save a lot of energy. 2. Not all households in Viet Nam turn off lights during the Earth Hour. If/ all households/ Viet Nam/ turn off lights/ the Earth Hour/ we/ save enough electricity/ develop our rural areas. 3. Some students in our school still throw litter on the school ground. If/ students/ our school/ not throw litter/ the school ground/ our campus/ look/ greener fresher. 4. People use aluminum cans instead of glass bottles. If/ people use/ glass bottles/ they/ use/ again and again. 5. Our school ground is large but we don't have a wind turbine. If/ we/ install/ a wind turbine/ our school/ become/ more eco-friendly. 6. People don’t use organic fertilizers. If/ people/ use/ organic fertilizers/ they/ prevent/ land pollution. 7. A large number of people ride their motorbikes to work. If/ people/ ride/ bikes/ they/ keep/ air/ less polluted

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IX. Choose the word or phrase among A B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Have a walk (1) a beach, listen to the sound of the sea waves, and suddenly you see a lot of rubbish on the beach. Pollution takes away all the (2) of out beaches. I feel reallyvery annoyed (3) I see plastic lying on the sand, cigarette ends buried in the sand, and soda cans floating in the sea. There are a lot of things that we can do. (4) we see rubbish, we should do our part in the protecting the land (5) picking it up and throwing it in dust bins. (6) , we can form some kind of organization that helps (7) the beaches. If everyone does their part, the beach will be a wonderful and beautiful place. We need to start now (8) the beaches are damaged beyond repair. 1. A. at B.in C.on D.over 2. A. beauty B.beautiful C.beautifully D.being beautiful 3. A.before B.after C.When D.While 4. A.While B.If C.Unless D.Soon 5. A.by B.with C.of D.in 6. A.Nevertheless B.Therefore C.However D.Moreover 7. A.cleaning up B.clean up C.cleaning up D.clean off 8. A.before B.after C.until D.when X. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question. Saving the Environment: One Home at a Time Pollution can be seen not only throughout the world, but also in our own homes. It comes from household chemicals, the amount of water people use and the waste people produce and throw away. What can be done to stop this pollution? Surprisingly, a person can help save the environment by doing simple things. First, we need to recycle, which allows products to be used over and over again. Recycling can also reduce the number of trees cut down to produce paper products. It takes very little effort. It is not hard to place plastic and glass bottles, aluminum cans and paper in a bin. Anyone can do it. Second, we need to watch the amount of water used in the home. It can be conserved by taking short showers instead of baths, repairing leaky faucets, using the dishwasher or washing machine only when fully loaded, or simply turning the faucet off while brushing your teeth. Third, we need to reduce waste. We need to recycle whenever possible, but should also try to use this waste effectively. For example, grass clippings and food scraps can be made into compost for plants. The average person produces 4.3 pounds of waste every day, but we can reduce that amount by recycling and reusing. If we do our part in our own homes, we can help keep the planet from becoming more polluted. 1. Pollution can be caused from the following sources except . A. house chemicals B. water from households C. wastes D. water in rivers 2. Recycling can help us . A. never cut down trees B. use products again and again. C. place garbage bins easily D. produce more paper products 3. In order to save water, we can do all of the following things except . A. take short showers instead of baths B. repair leaky faucets C. fully use the washing machine D. turn the faucet off while brushing your teeth 4. Recycling helps to reduce waste because . A. plants need to develop B. a person can do it in his home C. waste can be recycled and reused D. an average man produces compost for plants 5. The word "It" in paragraph 2 refers to . A. recycling B. the number C. cutting down D. effort XI. Write a paragraph about noise pollution (definition, causes, effects and solutions), using the cues given. 1. Noise pollution/ any loud sounds/ either harmful or annoying/ humans and animals. 2. Generally/ noise/ produced/ household appliances/ big trucks/ vehicles and motorbikes/ on the road/ planes and helicopters flying over cities/ loud speakers, etc. 3. Noise solution/ cause/ stress/ illnesses/ hearing loss/ sleep loss/ lost productivity. 4. Health effects/ noise/include/ anxiety/ stress/ headaches/ irritability/ nervousness. 5. Noise-producing industries/ airports/ bus terminals/ should/ located/ far/ living places. 6. The officials/ check/ misuse/ loudspeakers/ outdoor parties and discos/ as well as/ public announcement systems. XII. Rewrite the sentences, using the words in brackets. You can make some changes. 1. There are asthma, allergies and other respiratory illnesses when air pollution happens.(leads to) 2. Aquatic life suffers or dies because there is thermal pollution.(because of) 3. Water in the Cau River becomes brown and has terrible smell because the waste water is released from the paper mill in Thai Nguyen City.(so) 4. People use much herbicide to treat weeds, so waterin rivers, canals, lakes are extremely polluted and has bad effects on people’ health. (because) 5. May fish in the river die due the increased temperature of water.(because) 6. Because plastic bags take so long to decompose, nearly all of them still exist in the environment today. (so

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III. Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. habitats have been destroyed in recent years. (nature) 2. A number of cleaning products contain chemicals. (harm) 3. Water samples collected at these villages were seriously with bacteria. (contaminate) 4. People believe that the water has brought cancer to the local residents. (pollution) 5. Light pollution make us to see the stars in the sky. (able) 6. Noise is considered as pollution. (environment) IV. Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. The soil becomes because of the use of so many pesticides and fertilizers. (contaminate) 2. waste spills can contaminate groundwater.(industry) 3. In many developing countries, water pollution is usually a leading cause of . (die) 4. elements have been found in both ground and underground water sources.(pollute) 5. Fish and many other animals are killed by in their habitat.(pollute) 6. Astronomers are concerned about light pollution because they have in viewing activities in the sky and outer space. (difficult) V. Combine each pair of sentences, using conditional sentences type 1. 1. A person looks at the sky at night. He is not able to see the Milky Way by naked eye. 2. Noise pollution happen regularly. It causes stressor nuisance. 3. Water pollution gets more serious in the future. It affects the development of economy the pollution and society. 4. Australia has invested in water in Viet Nam with good results. Haft of the population in the rural areas has access to fresh water. 5. You use compact light bulbs. You save a lot of energy. 6. We have more space. We plant more trees. VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Light pollution is not (1) serious as water or air pollution. (2) , it is the type of pollution that (3) more in cities than in rural area. In the past, we could sit out at night and (4) at glittering stars in the sky and light from objects in the outer space. Nowadays, cities are covered with lights from buildings,streets, advertising displays, many of which direct the lights up into the sky and into many unwanted places. The real problem is that it is very (5) to apply light to almost everything at night. Millions of tons of oil and coal (6) to produce the power to light the sky. Eye strain, (7) of vision and stress are what people may get from light pollution. (8) light at night can harm our eyes and also harm hormones that help us to see things properly. 1. A. more B. as C. much D. only 2. A.Moreover B. However C. Therefore D. Nevertheless 3. A. happen B. occur C. occurs D. is occurred 4. A.watch B. see C. spend D. spend 5. A. waste B. wastes C. wasting D. wasteful 6. A. used B. using C. is used D. are used 7. A. lose B. lost C. loss D. losing 8. A. Very much B. Too much C.Too many D.So many

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XII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question. Saving the Environment: One Home at a Time Pollution can be seen not only throughout the world, but also in our own homes. It comes from household chemicals, the amount of water people use and the waste people produce and throw away. What can be done to stop this pollution? Surprisingly, a person can help save the environment by doing simple things. First, we need to recycle, which allows products to be used over and over again. Recycling can also reduce the number of trees cut down to produce paper products. It takes very little effort. It is not hard to place plastic and glass bottles, aluminum cans and paper in a bin. Anyone can do it. Second, we need to watch the amount of water used at home. It can be conserved by taking short showers instead of baths, repairing leaky faucets, using the dishwasher or washing machine only when fully loaded, or simply turning the faucet off while brushing your teeth. Third, we need to reduce waste. We need to recycle whenever possible, but should also try to use this waste effectively. For example, grass clippings and food scraps can be made into compost for plants. The average person produces 4.3 pounds of waste every day, but we can reduce that amount by recycling and reusing. If we do our part in our own homes, we can help keep the planet from becoming more polluted. 1. Pollution is caused from the following sources except . A. water in rivers B. water from households C. wastes D. house chemicals 2. Recycling can help us . A. never cut down trees B. produce more paper products C. place garbage bins easily D. use products again and again 3. In order to save water, we can do all of the following things except . A. fully use the washing machine B. repair leaky faucets C. take short showers instead of baths D. turn the faucet off while brushing your teeth 4. Recycling helps to reduce waste because . A. plants need to develop B. waste can be recycled and reused C. a person can do it in his home D. an average man produces compost for plants 5. The word “It” in paragraph 2 refers to . A. cutting down B. the number C. recycling D. effort

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VIII. Fill in each blank with the correct preposition. 1. Land pollution is responsible for damage done natural habitat of animals. 2. Americans throw twenty-eight and a half million tons of plastic in landfills every year. 3. Scientists have come up new ways of saving energy. 4. Thousands of people were exposed radiation when the nuclear plant exploded. 5. Waste water from many factories which is dumped water bodies directly causes water pollution. IX. Read the passage and complete the sentences. True (T) or false (F). Air pollution is a serious problem in many cities. Motor vehicles, factories and other sources create so much air pollution that it may hang in the air like dirty fog. Air pollution threatens the health of the people who live in cities. City wastes cause water pollution when they are poured into the waterways. These wastes kill fish and make some areas unfit for swimming. In addition, many large cities have difficulties in disposing of their garbage. The amount of garbage grows each year, but places to put it are quickly filling up. Citizens, governments, industries, scientists, and business people must work together in different ways to gradually reduce pollution. For example, most cities have introduced recycling programmes. ¨ 1. Motor vehicles and factories are among some sources of air pollution. ¨ 2. Air pollution doesn’t endanger people’s health in some cities. ¨ 3. Air pollution is the only problem of the environment mentioned in this passage. ¨ 4. Garbage disposal is a problem in many large cities. ¨ 5. Everyone must cooperate to reduce pollution. ¨ 6. We can reduce pollution by recycling programmes only. X. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Light pollution is not (1) serious as water or air pollution. (2) , it is the type of pollution that (3) more in cities than in rural areas. In the past, we could sit out at night and (4) at glittering stars in the sky and light from objects in the outer space. Nowadays, cities are covered with lights from buildings, streets, advertising displays, many of which direct the lights up into the sky and into many unwanted places. The real problem is that it is very (5) to apply light to almost everything at night. Millions of tons of oil and coal (6) to produce the power to light the sky. Eye strain, (7) of vision and stress are what people may get from light pollution. (8) light at night can harm our eyes and also harm the hormones that help us to see things properly. 1. A. as B. more C. much D. only 2. A. Moreover B. However C. Therefore D. Nevertheless 3. A. happen B. occur C. occurs D. is occurred 4. A. watch B. see C. spend D. gaze 5. A. waste B. wasteful C. wasting D. wastes 6. A. used B. using C. is used D. are used 7. A. lose B. lost C. loss D. losing 8. A. Very much B. Too much C. Too many D. So many XI. Read the following passage and then answer the questions below it. Air pollution is a cause of ill-health in human beings. In a lot of countries there are laws limiting the amount of smoke which factories can produce. Although there isn’t enough information on the effects of smoke in the atmosphere, doctors have proved that air pollution causes lung diseases. The gases from the exhausts of cars have also increased air pollution in most cities. The lead in petrol produces a poisonous gas which often collects in busy streets surrounded by high buildings. Children who live in areas where there is a lot of lead in the atmosphere cannot think as quickly as other children and they are clumsy when they use their hands. There are other long-term effects of pollution. If the gases in the atmosphere continue to increase, the earth’s climate may become warmer. A lot of the ice near the Poles may melt and may cause serious floods. 1. What can make people sick? 2. Where does smoke come from? 3. Can air pollution cause lung diseases? 4. What else can cause air pollution in cities? 5. Why does the earth’s climate become warmer? Làm hộ mình 3 bài này nhé

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V. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form in the bracket. 1. If we meet at 9:30, we (have) plenty of time. 2. If you (find) a pen in the cellar, don’t mention it to anyone. 3. The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she (feed) the animals. 4. If you pass your examination, we (have) a celebration. 5. Lisa would find the milk if she (look) for it in the fridge. 6. What (happen) if I press this button? 7. The door will be unlocked if you (press) the green button. 8. I should have voted for her if I (have) a vote then. 9. If you go to Paris, where you (stay) ? 10. If you (swim) in this lake, you’ll shiver from cold. 11. Unless you (tell) the truth, I won’t help you. 12. You’ll get pneumonia if you (not change) your wet clothes. 13. If I had known that you couldn’t eat octopus, I (not buy) it. 14. If they (hang) that picture lower, people would be able to see it. 15. She (be) able to walk faster if she didn’t have such high-heel shoes. 16. I (bring) you some beer if I had known that you were thirsty. 17. If you had touched that electric cable, you (be) electrocuted. 18. If the story hadn’t been true, the newspaper (not print) it. 19. I (not buy) things on the installment system if I were you. 20. Dan (arrive) safe if he drove slowly. VI. Correct the verbs form to complete the sentences. 1. If you (go) away, please write to me. 2. If he (eat) another cake, he will be sick. 3. I (not do) that if I (be) you. 4. If he (take) my advice, everything can go well. 5. He never does homework. If he (do) his homework, he (not worry) about his exam. 6. What you (do) if she refuses your invitation? 7. If today (be) Sunday, we (go) to the beach. 8. Unless they (pass) their examinations, they would join the army. 9. You (be) ill if you drink that water. 10. If Tom (go) to bed earlier, he would not be so tired. 11. If it’s raining heavily, we (not go) for a donkey ride. 12. If he (try) hard, he’ll pass the examination. 13. I could understand the French teacher if she (speak) more slowly. 14. If I (finish) the work in time, I (go) to the football game. 15. If you (see) Mary today, please (ask) her to call me. VII. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form in the bracket. 1. If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which you (choose) ? 2. The flight may be cancelled if the fog (get) thick. 3. If the milkman (come) , tell him to leave two pints. 4. I (call) the office if I were you. 5. Someone (sit) on your glasses if you leave them there. 6. You would hear my explanation if you (not talk) so much. 7. What you (do) if you hear the burglar alarm? 8. If you (read) the instructions carefully, you wouldn’t have answered the wrong question. 9. If Mel (ask) her teacher, he’d have answered her questions. 10. I would repair the roof myself if I (have) a long ladder. 11. Unless they turn that radio off, I (go) mad. 12. If you were made redundant, what you (do) ? 13. We’ll have a long way to walk if we (run) out of petrol here. 14. If you shake that bottle of port, it (not be) fit to drink. 15. If you spoke louder, your classmates (understand) you. 16. I’ll probably get lost unless he (come) with me. 17. You (not have) so many accidents if you drove more slowly. 18. If you (wear) a false beard, nobody would have recognized you. 19. If she (leave) the fish here, the cat will eat it Làm hộ mình mấy chế ơi

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1. A. paddy B. sand C. travel D. tribal 2. A. buffalo B. photo C. limestone D. botanical 3. A. jungle B. luggage C. sunbathe D. sugar 4. A. around B. various C. sound D. mountains 5. A. heritage B. giant C. garden D. village II. Choose the words that have the different stress from the others. 1. A. definition B. electricity C. contaminate D. radiation 2. A. dramatic B. overhead C. century D. groundwater 3. A. thermal B. beneath C. rubbish D. earplug 4. A. affect B. billboard C. visual D. substance 5. A. aquatic B. behavior C. pollution D. permanent III. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 1. A. linguistic B. classical C. phonetic D. romantic 2. A. fantastic B. historic C. comic D. symbolic 3. A. oceanic B. specific C. ceramic D. aquatic 4. A. terrific B. Arabic C. statistic D. cosmetic 5. A. arithmetic B. geographic C. energetic D. economic IV. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D. 1. If I the same problem you had as a child, I might not have succeed in life as well as you have. A. have B. would have C. had had D. should have 2. I you sooner had someone told me you were in the hospital. A. would have visited B. visited C. had visited D. visit 3. more help, I would call my neighbor. A. Needed B. Should I need C. I have needed D. I should need 4. then what I know yesterday, I would have saved myself a lot of time and trouble over the years. A. Had I known B. Did I know C. If I know D. If I would know 5. Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people the same language? A. spoke B. speak C. had spoken D. will speak 6. If you can give me one good reason for your acting like this, this incident again. A. I will never mention B. I never mention C. will I never mention D. I don’t mention 7. If I had known you were asleep, I so much noise when I came in. A. didn’t make B. wouldn’t have made C. won’t make D. don’t make 8. Unless you all of my questions, I can’t do anything to help you. A. answered B. answer C. would answer D. are answering 9. Had you told me that this was going to happen, I it. A. would have never believed B. don’t believe C. hadn’t believed D. can’t believe 10. If Jake to go on the trip, would you have gone? A. doesn’t agree B. didn’t agree C. hadn’t agreed D. wouldn’t agree

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Bài 11. Hoàn thành các câu sau, chọn và cho dạng đúng của các độn từ cho sẵn. happen Reduce Save suffer Cause throw Take Be change See 1. If we use less vehicles, we _________ the amount of carbon dioxide into the air. 2. If you __________ the president, what you do to prevent air pollution. 3. If there were no fresh water left, what ____? 4. If people (not) ________________ rubbish in the street, it would look better. 5. if there wasn’t so much light in the cities at night, we __________ the starts more clearly. 6. If the water is contaminated, people ________ from many diseases. 7. If chemicals from factories are dumped into rivers and lakes, they ______ water pollution. 8. If people want to protect their planet, they should ________ their habit of using plastic bag for convenience. 9. If we recycle paper, we ________ 1000 trees a day. 10. If people were more aware of the negative consequences of pollution, they might ______ actions to prevent it. C.EXERCISES TEST 1 UNIT 7 I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 1. A. paddy B. sand C. travel D. tribal 2. A. buffalo B. photo C. limestone D. botanical 3. A. jungle B. luggage C. sunbathe D. sugar 4. A. around B. various C. sound D. mountains 5. A. heritage B. giant C. garden D. village II. Choose the words that have the different stress from the others. 1. A. definition B. electricity C. contaminate D. radiation 2. A. dramatic B. overhead C. century D. groundwater 3. A. thermal B. beneath C. rubbish D. earplug 4. A. affect B. billboard C. visual D. substance 5. A. aquatic B. behavior C. pollution D. permanen

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Bài 9. Hoàn thành các câu sau, cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc. 1. We (be) ____________ happy if air pollution were the only problem. 2. They would be disappointed if you (not go) _____________ to their party. 3. If we (use) _______ this kind of light bulb, we can save energy. 4. Peter should go to sleep early if he (not want) ____________ to be tired the next morning. 5. If you (take) _______________ more exercises, you would be more resistant to diseases. 6. You may have car accident unless you (drive) ________________ more carefully. 7. If I travel to London, I (visit) ____________ its museum. 8. If they offer me the job, I think I (accept) _________________ it. 9. Many people (be) ____________ out of work if the local factory closed down. 10. What (happen) _________________ if that red button was pressed? 11. I’d be absolutely astonished if Mary and James (get) _____________ married. 12. They won’t let you in unless you (show) _____________them your identity card. 13. My best friend gave me this book. She (be) ________________ very upset if I lost it. 14. Would you mind if I (turn) ________________ up the radio. 15. I’m sure she (forgive) ______________ you if you sincerely apologize to her. Bài 10. Đánh dấu ütrước câu đúng, đánh dấu x trước câu sai và viết lại cho đúng. ______ 1. Pollution can be reduced if we joined hands to prevent it. _________________________________________________________________ ______ 2. If farmers would make use of pesticide more wisely, the soil would not be poisoned. _________________________________________________________________ ______ 3. I won’t believe it unless you showed me the evidence. _________________________________________________________________ _____ 4. Unless you don’t tell me the truth, I won’t help you. _________________________________________________________________ _____ 5. If James is more outgoing, he would have more friends. _________________________________________________________________ _____ 6. I think the show would be successful if he were one of the organizers. _________________________________________________________________ ______ 7. If you paid more attention to what I said, you didn’t make so many mistakes. _________________________________________________________________ ______ 8. If children are taught about environmental issues, they might change their attitudes towards pollution. _________________________________________________________________ ______ 9. You would be punished if you park your car here. _________________________________________________________________ _____ 10. If you could win the competition, we will have a celebration. _________________________________________________________________ Bài 11. Hoàn thành các câu sau, chọn và cho dạng đúng của các độn từ cho sẵn. happen Reduce Save suffer Cause throw Take Be change See 1. If we use less vehicles, we _________ the amount of carbon dioxide into the air. 2. If you __________ the president, what you do to prevent air pollution. 3. If there were no fresh water left, what ____? 4. If people (not) ________________ rubbish in the street, it would look better. 5. if there wasn’t so much light in the cities at night, we __________ the starts more clearly. 6. If the water is contaminated, people ________ from many diseases. 7. If chemicals from factories are dumped into rivers and lakes, they ______ water pollution. 8. If people want to protect their planet, they should ________ their habit of using plastic bag for convenience. 9. If we recycle paper, we ________ 1000 trees a day. 10. If people were more aware of the negative consequences of pollution, they might ______ actions to prevent it. Làm hộ mình hết nha

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Bài 6. Khoanh tròn vào phương án đúng. 1. I (would buy/ bought) a new house if I had enough money. 2. If he (would try/ tried) his best, he might be successful. 3. If I (lived/ would live) in Japan, I could speak Japanese well. 4. If someone gave you a dress, which color (would you want/ you would want) it to be? 5. I would repaired the roof myself if I (would have/ had) a longer ladder. 6. You would be more comfortable now if you (didn’t/ wouldn’t) wear high heels. 7. I (wouldn’t/didn’t) buy things on the Internet if I were you. 8. If you (met/ would meet) your favorite author Mark Twain, what wouldn’t you ask him? 9. His parents would be very proud if he (wouldn’t be/ weren’t) so naughty. 10. If Jane had more money, she (would treat/ treated) herself to a decent meal. 11. If you were a billionaire, what (would you do/ did you do)/ 12. If Kate owned a computer, she (would spend/ spent) most of her free time on it. 13. If I (would know/ knew) his address, I would give it to you. 14. She would look much better if her hair (didn’t look/ wouldn’t look) so unkempt. 15. If I were in your situation, I (would/ will) let the nature take its course. Bài 7. Hoàn thành các câu sau, sử dụng dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc. 1. More tourists would come to our country if we (provide) ______________ better services. 2. If I studies abroad, _____________ (we/keep) in touch with each other? 3. If someone (give) ______________ you a camera, what would you do with it? 4. If I (win) _________________ a big prize in a lottery, I (donate) _______________ apart of it and (spend) _______________ the rest for myself. 5. What ___________ (you/do) if you found a wallet in the street? 6. I could watch foreign TV program without subtitles if I (know) _________ English. 7. He might be obese if he (not stop) __________________ taking in fat and sugar. 8. If he knew that it was dangerous, he (not do) _______________ it. 9. If you (see) ________________ someone drowning, ________________ (you/save) him? 10. She (be) __________________ happier if her parents (not get) ________________ divorced. 11. If you (sleep) _____________ under a mosquito net you (not be) _______________ bitten so often. 12. I (get) _________________ a job easily if I (have) ______________________ a degree. 13. If whe (have) _________ another hair style, she (look) ___________ younger. 14. if the weather (not be) _______________________ severe, out crops (grow) _______________ faster. 15. I (keep) _____________ a horse if I could afford it. Bài 8. Viết câu điều kiện loại 2 cho các trường hợp sau. 0/ They don’t have enough money. They cannot buy a new car. ->If they had enough money, they could buy a new car. 1. There isn’t a library in my neighborhood. I cannot borrow books. __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. My health is not good. I don’t play extreme sports. __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. We cannot go for a picnic because it is pouring with rain. __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. I don’t have much free time. I cannot come to your party. __________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Jim doesn’t have any siblings. He feels lonely sometimes. __________________________________________________________________________________ 6. My father is very busy at work. He rarely has time for me. __________________________________________________________________________________ 7. This camera is expensive. I can’t buy it. __________________________________________________________________________________ 8. You don’t try your best. Your result will not be good. __________________________________________________________________________________ Làm hộ mình hết nha

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Bài 5. Viết lại câu với “” if/unless” sao cho nghĩa của câu không thay đổi. 1. I can’t finish this task you don’t give me a hand. -> _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. You will run out of money if you don’t stop wasting it. -> _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Don’t call me unless it is an emergency. -> _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. James will not pass the test unless he studies harder. -> _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. If Jane finishes her work before 6 pm, she will dine out with her friends. -> _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. My brother won’t go travelling this summer if he doesn’t find a companion. -> _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. It is not easy to do these exercises unless you listen attentively to the teacher. -> _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. If Jim doesn’t submit his essay before Tuesday, he will be punished by the teacher. -> _____________________________________________________________________________ Bài 6. Khoanh tròn vảo phương án đúng. 1. I (would buy/ bought) a new house if I had enough money. 2. If he (would try/ tried) his best, he might be successful. 3. If I (lived/ would live) in Japan, I could speak Japanese well. 4. If someone gave you a dress, which color (would you want/ you would want) it to be? 5. I would repaired the roof myself if I (would have/ had) a longer ladder. 6. You would be more comfortable now if you (didn’t/ wouldn’t) wear high heels. 7. I (wouldn’t/didn’t) buy things on the Internet if I were you. 8. If you (met/ would meet) your favorite author Mark Twain, what wouldn’t you ask him? 9. His parents would be very proud if he (wouldn’t be/ weren’t) so naughty. 10. If Jane had more money, she (would treat/ treated) herself to a decent meal. 11. If you were a billionaire, what (would you do/ did you do)/ 12. If Kate owned a computer, she (would spend/ spent) most of her free time on it. 13. If I (would know/ knew) his address, I would give it to you. 14. She would look much better if her hair (didn’t look/ wouldn’t look) so unkempt. 15. If I were in your situation, I (would/ will) let the nature take its course. Bài 7. Hoàn thành các câu sau, sử dụng dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc. 1. More tourists would come to our country if we (provide) ______________ better services. 2. If I studies abroad, _____________ (we/keep) in touch with each other? 3. If someone (give) ______________ you a camera, what would you do with it? 4. If I (win) _________________ a big prize in a lottery, I (donate) _______________ apart of it and (spend) _______________ the rest for myself. 5. What ___________ (you/do) if you found a wallet in the street? 6. I could watch foreign TV program without subtitles if I (know) _________ English. 7. He might be obese if he (not stop) __________________ taking in fat and sugar. 8. If he knew that it was dangerous, he (not do) _______________ it. 9. If you (see) ________________ someone drowning, ________________ (you/save) him? 10. She (be) __________________ happier if her parents (not get) ________________ divorced. 11. If you (sleep) _____________ under a mosquito net you (not be) _______________ bitten so often. 12. I (get) _________________ a job easily if I (have) ______________________ a degree. 13. If whe (have) _________ another hair style, she (look) ___________ younger. 14. if the weather (not be) _______________________ severe, out crops (grow) _______________ faster. 15. I (keep) _____________ a horse if I could afford it.

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1. If the weather is fine, we (goes/ will go) camping tomorrow. 2. My parents will give me a gift if I (will pass/ pass) the final exam. 3. If you are polite to others, they (will be/ are nice to you). 4. Unless James (studies/ will study) hard, he will fail the exam. 5. My parents won’t allow me to go out if I (don’t finish/ won’t finish) my homework. 6. If the cable TV (doesn’t/ won’t) work, we will rent a DVD. 7. If you don’t want to stay at home, you (go/ can go) with me to the supermarket. 8. If you (will be/ are) a good listener, you will gain many friends. 9. James won’t attend the meeting if he (won’t/doesn’t) want to. 10. You can’t have this job unless you (have/will have) long working experience. 11. What (you will do/ will you do) if it snows tomorrow? 12. You (will be/ are) able to understand it you practice every day. 13. We will eat out today if there (will be/ is) nothing left in the fridge. 14. If it (will be/ is) too cold outside, we will stay home. 15. If she (isn’t/ won’t) careful, she will make many mistakes. Bài 2. Hoàn thành các câu sau sử dụng dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc. 1. The manager (be) ________________ very angry if I am late for work. 2. You will have to work very hard if you (take)______ this course. 3. I (go) ________ to see the doctor if I don’t feel well tomorrow. 4. They can’t hear you unless you (speak) ______ louder. 5. If Peter (forget) _____________ to write his essay, the teacher (give) _____________ him a low mark. 6. If they (win) ___________ this match, they will ne the champions. 7. We (have) _________ plenty of time if we (arrive) ______ there early. 8. The zookeeper (punish) ____________ you if you (feed) ___________ the animal. 9. What ________ (Jane/ say) if Jim (tell0 _______ her the truth. 10. The boys (shiver) _____________ with cold if they (swim) ________ in this lake. 11. The door (not lock) ____________- unless you (press) ____ the green button. 12. Jim won’t be late if he (take) _______________ the bus at 6 o’clock . 13. Mary isn’t home, but if you (want) _____ to leave her a message, I (give) ________ it to her. 14. If jack (clean) ________ the floor, I (do) __________ the washing. 15. the children (be) _____ happy if you (give) _______ them some sweets. Bài 3.Nối cột A với cột B để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh. A B 1. If people keep dumping rubbish into the lake, a. the groundwater will be poisoned. 2. If the farmers overuse pesticide, b. if our surrounding environment is polluted 3. Soil erosion won’t happen in an area, c. they will disappear in the future. 4. if we don’t converse the rainforests, d. unless we join hands to protect it. 5. Our health will be badly affected e. the aquatic life will be afflicted. 6. Our environment will be damaged f. floods will be more and more severe. 7. Is we don’t protect the frontier forests, g. if people use more public transportation. 8. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will be reduced h. if people practice sustainable agricultural mad use. 1. ____ 2. __________ 3. _______ 4. ____________ 5. ____ 6. __________ 7. _______ 8. ____________ Bài 4. Dựa vào từ cho sẵn, viết câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. If/people/ not/ stop/ dumping/ waste/ into/ rivers/,/pollution/ increase/. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. If/ polar/ ice caps/ melt/ ,/huge landmasses/ be/ under/ water. _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. If the air/ in/ city/ be/polluted/ ,it/can/ cause/ people’s/ respiratory/ problems. _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. If/smog/ be/ frequently/ formed/ in/ city/,/it/ cause/ difficulty/ in/ breathing/ headache/ even/ lung cancer. _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. If/ carbon monoxide/ concentrate/ in/ great/ amounts/, /it/ be/ harmful/. _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. The climate/ change/ if/ more trees/ be/ cut/ down/ for/ hardwood/. _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. If/ we/ not/ control/ pollution/ soon/,/it/ be/ too/ late/. _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. If/we/ not/ protect/ frontier/,/we/ suffer/ many/ from/ natural/ disasters. _____________________________________________________________________________ Làm hộ mình nha

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ai giúp vote 5 sao I. Pronunciation 1). Choose the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1.A. thankful B. there C. thermal D. thorough 2. A. growth B. show C. crown D. know 3. A. display B. dirty C. invent D. investigate 2). Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 4. A. historic B. physical C. aquatic D. botanical II. Choose A, B, C, D for each gap in the following sentences. 1Many fish in my lake have died because of the ………… water A. pollute B. pollution C. polluted D. polluting 2.My teacher always give us a clear ……….. A. explain B. explained C. explanatory D. explanation 3. You can see ………on the Canadian national flag A. the maple leaf B. the red leaf C. the rose D. the oak tree 4.Mary is ……most beautiful of ……three sisters. A. the/the B. a/the C. the/no article D. a/no article 5.Coal, oil and forests are the most important ……..resources A. industrial B. agricultural C. natural D. national 6. Vy had…..stomachache because she ate a big dinner. A. a B. an C. the D. no article 7. Have you taken notice …..the “stop” sign. A. at B. of C. to D. from 8.The Statue of Liberty is a major monument in New York which ……..freedom A. attracts B. symbolises C. decide D. understand III. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences: 1.Are all type of pollution …….to the health of humans and animals HARM. 2. The polluted water results in the …….of many aquatic animals and plants. DIE 3. Both French and English are ……..language in Canada. OFFICE 4………habitats have been destroyed in recent year NATURE IV. Give the correct form of the verb. 1. If we meet at 9:30, we (have)………..plenty of time. 2. If you (find) …………a skeleton in the cellar, don't mention it to anyone. 3. The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she ( feed) ……….. the animals.. 4. If we send an invitation, our friends …..(come) to our party. V. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase . Acid rain will not be an easy problem(1)……. As more and more countries become …(2)… there will be more and more competition for petroleum for cars, home heating and industry . While ….(3)….petroleum contribute greatly…(4)….acid rain, it is less polluted than coal. Unfortunately, petroleum is more ..(5)…than coal and no one knows exactly ..(6) … petroleum is left. Therefore, there will be a pressure to burn coal for energy. Coal is a ..(7) ..dirtier energy source than petroleum. Since we already know how …(8).. acid rain is, it is important ..(9)… we increase our efforts to find a ..(10)…. Source of energy as quickly as possible, so that we can avoid further environmental damage. 1. A. solve B. to solve C. solved D. solving 2. A. industry B. industrial C. industrialize D. industrialized 3. A. firing B. shooting C. burning D. cooking 4. A. to B. for C. at D. with 5. A. expensive B. cheap C. clean D. dirty 6. A. how many B. how much C. how far D. how long 7. A. so B. many C. lot D. much 8.A. destroy B. destroyed C. destruction D. destructive 9. A. that B. if C. weather D. which 10. A. polluted B. polluting C. non-polluting D. non- polluted VI. Rewrite the sentence 1. Although he had a good salary, he was unhappy in his job. In spite of ………………………………… 2.He gets up early in the morning and he used to it. He is used to ………………………………… 3.He doesn’t study hard so he will fail the final exam next month. If………………………………………. 4.I will stay at home unless I am invited If……………………………………………………….

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ai giúp tớ VII. Read the passage and answer these questions below: England is not a large country. No town in England is very far from the sea, and many English families spend their summer holidays at the seaside. There are no high mountains in England, no very long rivers and very large forests. There are many towns in England. No town is very far from another. The English countryside between the towns is like a carpets of many colors. In Spring and summer, the fields, meadows and forests are light green or dark green, and the gardens are green , red, blue, yellow and white with flowers. Questions 1.Is England a large country? ................................................................................................................................................. 2. Where do many English families spend their summer holidays? ................................................................................................................................................. 3. Are there many towns in England? ................................................................................................................................................. 4. What is the English countryside like? ................................................................................................................................................. VIII. Rewrite the sentences below without changing their original meaning. 1. Radioactive pollution is very dangerous. It can cause abnormal growth. [since] 2. We did not go to school. It rained heavily . [because] 3. I don’t have much money now, but I want to buy a new computer. If 4. Light pollution happens. There is a change in animals’ living patterns. If 5. Acid rain is dangerous. Trees’ leaves are damaged. [because of] I. One of the four underlined parts each sentence is not correct in Standard English. If Lucia had been here now, she would find out the truth about her uncle’s accident. .............................. If had I known you were in financial difficulty, I would have helped you. ........................................ If a student takes a course on Computer Science, it will take him four years doing the course. ................. If she had finished the work, she can go home. ........................................ Unless there had been the heavy storm, the climbers will not have died. ........................................ If I had spoken more confident at the interview, they would have offered me the job. .............................. II. Complete each sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets (3 points) 1. Phuc enjoyed (chat) .................................................... on the phone with her friends. 2. He has decided (go) ........................................................... to work in a school in a quite remote area. 3. We’ll need (call) .....................................him more often. 4. She dislikes (communicate) .....................................through message board or online meetings. 5. I tried (explain) ......................................it to him, but he didn’t understand 7. Which TV programme (you, watch) ........................................ at 9 p.m. tomorrow? 8. They didn’t mind (work) ....................................late to complete the task. 9. He intends (stay) ........................................ there for at least three years. 10. We plan (have) .................................................a picnic this Sunday. Would you like to join us? 11. I’ll need (take) ....................................the bus to Nguyen Du Street. 12. You should avoid (use) ................................... too much shorthand in formal online communication. 13. I hope you (not work) ........................................ when I arrive at 8 p.m. today! III. Change the following sentences from active into passive form. 1. Somebody has taken my briefcase. 2. The teacher returned our written work to us. 3. She had finished her report by soon. 4. The mad dog bit the little boy. 5. The police have arrested five suspects. 6. The doctor ordered him to take a long rest. 7. I am lightening a paper. 8. A group of students have met their friends at the rail way station. 9. They didn’t allow Tom to take these books home. 10. The teacher won’t correct exercises tomorrow. 11. Marry has operated Tom since 10 o’clock. 12.This is the second time they have written a letter to us. 13. Mr. Smith has taught us French for two year. 14. They didn’t look after the children properly. 15. Nobody swept this street last week. 16. People drink a great deal of tea in England.

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ai giúp tớ I. Find the word which has different stress pattern from the others. 1. A. coffee B. rupee C. trainee D. agree 2. A. symbolise B. Taiwanese C. guarantee D. kangaroo II. Find one word that does not belong to each group. 1. A. Chinese B.computerese C. Japanese D. Portuguese 2. A. international B. local C. national D. natural 3. A. Awesome B. Great C. Fantastic D. Sure 4.A. scenery B. landscape C. culture D. view 5.A. desert B. haunted castle C. loch D. puzzling world V. Supply the correct tense of the words given in each blanket. Four countries ______________ (visit) by John so far. London ______________ (have) a population of eight million people. The Statue of Liberty in New York is a monument which ______________ (symbolize) freedom. Vietnam’s Independence Day ________________ (celebrate) on September 09th. We ______________ (visit) Sydney Opera House for several times. Some activities ______________ (prepare) to celebrate the lunar new year now. VI. Choose the correct answer A, B, or C to complete each of the sentences. 1.Alaska is perhaps the most …………… state in the USA. It has over three million lakes. A. puzzling B. festive C. amazing 2.The old tradition of first- footing is still practiced today in …………………….. A. Scottish B. Scots C. Scotland 3.In Canada, the serving of coffee at the end of an evening is a signal that it is time for ……….. A. visitors B. tourists C holiday makers 4.The Maori in New Zealand greet each other by ……………………….. their noses. A. punching B. touching C. blowing 5. Australia is composed of seven ………………….. A. nations B. countries C. states 6.There is a red maple leaf on the ………………… of Canada. A. flag B. banner C. money

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There are many kinds of pollution. Air, water, and land can be polluted. Some pollution is caused by nature, such as foods, forest fires, and volcanoes. People are the major Cause of pollution. We pollute the air with our cars, homes, and factories. Smoke from factories and car exhaust makes the air looks gray and smoggy. Some people cannot go outside when the air is very bad! We pollute the water by dumping garbage and Chemicals in the water. Plants and animals die because of the pollution in the water. We pollute the soil with Chemicals and garbage. We harm the land by cutting down trees in the forest, especially to build roads and new houses without careful planning and thinking. The only way to save our environment is to think about pollution. How can you stop or limit pollution? How do we protect our environment? Conservation is one way to protect our environment. Conservation is the wise use and protection of our environment. We can control water pollution by not producing as much as waste and by proper disposal of sewage and garbage. We can take care of recreation land by cleaning up, after ourselves and not causing more pollution. Carpooling and public transportation will help reduce air pollution. Recycling is a type of conservation. Recycling is reusing items over again or in a new way. Recycling can help us conserve our natural resources so they will last many more years. 38. According to the passage, pollution________ A. is always caused by humans. B. can only be caused by nature. C. is mainly caused by humans. D. may sometimes cause natural disasters. 39. What kind of pollution may a car cause? A. Air pollution B. Water pollution C. Soil pollution D. Light pollution 40. Which of the followings is not an example of soil pollution? A. Land development B. Waste disposal C. Pesticide or fertilizer use D. Exhaust from traffic 41. How can we help save our environment? A. Stop pollution. B. Dump garbage into the river. C. Drive cars everywhere. D. Cut down trees in the forests. 42. How does recycling help the environment? A. It expands landfills. B. It saves natural resources. C. It increases water pollution. D. It causes air pollution. 43. What can we do to help reduce air pollution? A. Walk or bike B. Carpool to work or school C. Use public transport D. All of the above 44. What is the main idea of this article? A. The air is dirty because of cars and factories. B. The soil gets polluted from littering. C. People cause pollution, but they can also stop or limit it. D. Conservation is the only way to stop environmental pollution

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There are many kinds of pollution. Air, water, and land can be polluted. Some pollution is caused by nature, such as foods, forest fires, and volcanoes. People are the major Cause of pollution. We pollute the air with our cars, homes, and factories. Smoke from factories and car exhaust makes the air looks gray and smoggy. Some people cannot go outside when the air is very bad! We pollute the water by dumping garbage and Chemicals in the water. Plants and animals die because of the pollution in the water. We pollute the soil with Chemicals and garbage. We harm the land by cutting down trees in the forest, especially to build roads and new houses without careful planning and thinking. The only way to save our environment is to think about pollution. How can you stop or limit pollution? How do we protect our environment? Conservation is one way to protect our environment. Conservation is the wise use and protection of our environment. We can control water pollution by not producing as much as waste and by proper disposal of sewage and garbage. We can take care of recreation land by cleaning up, after ourselves and not causing more pollution. Carpooling and public transportation will help reduce air pollution. Recycling is a type of conservation. Recycling is reusing items over again or in a new way. Recycling can help us conserve our natural resources so they will last many more years. 38. According to the passage, pollution________ A. is always caused by humans. B. can only be caused by nature. C. is mainly caused by humans. D. may sometimes cause natural disasters. 39. What kind of pollution may a car cause? A. Air pollution B. Water pollution C. Soil pollution D. Light pollution 40. Which of the followings is not an example of soil pollution? A. Land development B. Waste disposal C. Pesticide or fertilizer use D. Exhaust from traffic 41. How can we help save our environment? A. Stop pollution. B. Dump garbage into the river. C. Drive cars everywhere. D. Cut down trees in the forests. 42. How does recycling help the environment? A. It expands landfills. B. It saves natural resources. C. It increases water pollution. D. It causes air pollution. 43. What can we do to help reduce air pollution? A. Walk or bike B. Carpool to work or school C. Use public transport D. All of the above 44. What is the main idea of this article? A. The air is dirty because of cars and factories. B. The soil gets polluted from littering. C. People cause pollution, but they can also stop or limit it. D. Conservation is the only way to stop environmental po

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Many human activities over the last 200 years have been responsible (30) ________ polluting the air and damaging people’s health. Automobile engines and power plants burn combustible (31) ________ like gasoline and coal and allow toxic gases and smoke to escape into the air. Some pollutants destroy the ozone layer, which is the thin blanket of gases that (32) ________ Earth from the Sun’s dangerous ultraviolet rays. Other pollutants contribute to (33) ________ warming by adding to the planet’s natural greenhouse effect. Still others create acid rain, a phenomenon that has disastrous (34) ________ on lake and forest habitats. Air pollution is not limited to industrial areas. Depending on the direction of the wind and its force, air pollutants may (35) ________ spread to other countries very far from the source of the pollution. Big cities like Los Angeles and Mexico City are*often covered by smog, a fog that occurs (36) ________ air pollution. In 1952, the City of London, England, was enveloped by smog so thick that people on the streets had to feel their way around by (37) ________ the walls of buildings! 30. A. for B. of C. to D. with 31. A. chemicals B. means C. fuels D. matters 32. A. covers B. protects C. stops D. damages 33. A. environmental B. thermal C. temperature D. global 34. A. affects B. causes C. sources D. effects 35. A. never B. even C. ever D. hardly 36. A. because of B. in spite of C. instead of D. due of 37. A. climbing B. walking C. touching D. putting up

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Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentence. 11. After the accident, many people were exposed________ radiation. A. from B. at C. to D. with 12. Light pollution has a wide range of negative effects________ I’m human health. A. on B. of C. for D. to 13. ________can cause high blood pressure, heart problems, sleep disturbances, and hearing problems. A. Air pollution B. Light pollution C. Water pollution D. Noise pollution 14. The levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have risen________ the burning of fossil fuels. A. therefore B. because C. in spite of D. due to 15. If rubbish is non-biodegradable, it________ forever. A. exists B. will exist C. won’t exist D. doesn’t exist 16. ________are Chemicals that are used to kill unwanted plants, such as weeds. A. Fertilizers B. Pesticides C. Herbicides D. Pollutants 17. There would be much less pollution________ people stopped using cars completely. A. if B. since C. when D. although 18. Emissions of pollutants into the air can________ changes to the climate. A. get on B. end up C. go into D. result in 19. ________can we help save our environment? A. What B. How C. Why D. How much 20. If we care about plastic waste________. A. why won’t we stop drinking bottled water? B. we would use reusable shopping bags C. we will throw away plastic water bottles. D. why don’t we buy plastic bags? 23. John: “I’ve passed my final exam.”- Tom: “____________” A.Good lock. B. It’s nice of you to say so. C.That’s a good idea. D. Congratulation! 24. Hung: “Would you like to have dinner with me?”- Lam: “__________.” A.Yes, I’d love to B. I’m very happy C.Yes, it is D.Yes,so do I

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