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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Inventions That Changed Our World People have been inventing things for years. Paper was invented about 2,000 years ago. The wheel was invented more than 5,000 years ago. What would life be like without paper to write on or bikes to ride? Those inventions have made life easier. Airplane The Wright Brothers invented the first airplane in December 1903. That makes 2003 the 100th anniversary ! Before the airplane was invented, most people traveled by cars, boats, and trains. Today, airplanes help people travel faster. How do airplanes help you? Telephone Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876. Before the telephone was invented, people kept in touch by writing letters or talking in person. Today the telephone makes it easier for people to talk to one another. How do telephones help you? Automobile The first four-wheeled gas-powered car was invented by Karl Benz in 1891. Before people had cars, they couldn’t travel easily. They walked or rode horses for short trips. They took trains or boats for long trips. Today cars are one of the main ways people travel. How do cars help you? Computer People worked for years to make the first computer. It was built in 1946. The first computer was called ENIAC. Today computers are an important part of many people’s lives. People use computers as tools to write, get information, and much more. How do computers help you? Question 19. It can be inferred from the passage that ________. A: Alexander Graham Bell wrote many letters in his lifetime. B: someone had the idea to invent the computer in the 1940s or early 1950s. C: the Wright Brothers spent a long time trying to invent the airplane. D: Karl Benz didn’t like to walk or ride horses for short trips.

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2. Read the passage and choose the correct answer. Living in the country without a doubt sounds appealing but it is highly important to be aware that country life is very different from what you have experienced during a few-day vacation and that the countryside has changed a lot in the last few decades. So before you start packing, you are recommended to take into account both the pros and cons of country life. First of all, country life depends greatly on where you live because living in the country can mean a lot of things including living in a small village, a market town or an isolated place with the first neighbor living 10 miles away. The latter option sounds very tempting because it gives you all the privacy and peace in the world you could possibly ask for. However, living far from the "civilization" also means living far from the shops, schools, pharmacies and other things city dwellers take for granted. Many people who live in villages and market towns will say that city dwellers have more privacy and they are partly right. In the country, everyone knows everyone and everyone knows everything about everyone. People in the country are friendlier and more open but they are people. This means that they are naturally curious and that they may want to know too much about your personal stuff. But then again, people will only be as intrusive as you allow them to be. Living in the country offers a number of benefits over city dwelling but it is not as idyllic as many people think it is. You are recommended to take time and think things through before you decide to move to the country and buy an old farmhouse. Also, keep in mind that you can also buy a small cottage with a lovely wood burning stove to have a place of your own to retreat when you need a break from the city. 1. The same meaning with “pros and cons" is A. advantages and disadvantages B. truths and lies C. dos and don'ts D. facts and figures 2. What should you do before moving to live in the countryside? A. You should start packing your things. B. You should start packing only your necessary things. C. You should prepare money to buy a farmhouse. D. You should consider the pros and cons of living in the countryside. 3. "The latter option" is A. Living in the country B. Living in a small village C. Living in an isolated place D. Living in a market town 4. What sentence is NOT TRUE about living in the country? A. People in the country are friendlier and more open. B. It gives you more privacy than living in cities. C. The countryside has changed a lot in the last few decades. D. Country life is very different from life you have experienced during a few-day vacation. 5. How many cons in which living in the countryside results are said in the essay? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 6. According to the passage, people who need a break from the city should A. take a vacation to the country B. buy an old farmhouse C. move to the countryside to enjoy the nature and breathe fresh air D. buy a small cottage with a lovely wood burning stove. Bạn nào giúp mk vs !

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IV. WRITING 1. Find one mistake and correct it.(vì ko gạch chân đc nên mình đóng ngoặc nhé) 1.The student (fancy) (reading) books (on) travel and (tourism). A B C D 2.There (were) a (lot) (more) people (joining) the festival than I had thought at firstly. A B C D 3.I love the countryside life (although) it (was) (the) most colourful (part) of my childhood. A B C D 4.You (needn’t) watch TV (a lot) at night (because) it will make you feel (very tired) A B C D 5.When we (turned) 6 years, our parents (started) to( allow) us (going out) at night until 10 A B C D 2. Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words. 1. No one can fly kites better than Hung in my village.  Hung flies kites______________________________________________________ 2. People living in cities have to drive more carefully than those living in the countryside.  People living in the countryside don't have to drive so_______________________ 3. It is more difficult for people to find jobs in the countryside than in the cities.  People find it _______________________________________________________ 4. I have never seen such a beautiful picture before.  This is the most _____________________________________________________ 5. His house is the biggest one in the village.  None of houses in the village __________________________________________ 6. People don’t care much about environment, so they keep making it worse.  If people _____________________________________________________________ 7. The drainage system is damaged. There is not enough water for the crop.  If the drainage system __________________________________________________ 3. Reoder the following words to make meaningful sentences. 1. When/game/ be careful/ you/ online/, /when/ make friends/ strangers/ you/ with //. ___________________________________________________________________ 2. We/ that/ can/ Kim/ likes/ see/ the/ piano/ playing //. ___________________________________________________________________ Such as/ hobbies/ or/ making/ things/ crafts/ collecting/ interesting/ are / some //. ___________________________________________________________________ 3. health/ sitting/ problems/ all/ day/ in front of/ the/ can/ computer/ cause //. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. fancy/ you/ do/ children/ with/ working? // ___________________________________________________________________ bạn nào giúp mk vs ạ ! Bài nào cx đc

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IV. Use the correct form of the verbs and the words in bracket. 1. Having to wait for ten minutes was a minor ________ . (convenient) 2. What’s a ________? It’s a substance that contaminates something. (pollute) 3. Astronomers are concerned about light because they have ________ in viewing activities in the sky and out space. (difficult) 4. Water samples collected at these villages were seriously ________ with bacterial. (contaminate) 5. It is ________ for all people who join the festival to wear white clothes. (obligated) 6. A number of cleaning products contain ________ chemicals. (harm) 7. Most schools organise ________ events for the students. (society) 8. Some alterations to our original plans might be ________. (need) 9. The programme was about customs in ________ parts of the country. (difference) 10. Terraced rice fields in Sa Pa are slopes claimed for ________ cultivation in hilly or areas. (mountain) 11. That fierce storm left behind badly ________ buildings. (damage) 12. Light pollution makes us ________ to see the stars in the sky. (able) 13. Many seabirds were ________ because of the oil spill. (die) 14. Waste from households will gradually ________ the lake. (contamination) 15. Viet Nam is a country of tremendous ________ with 54 ethnic groups. (diverse) 16. Fish and many other animals are killed by ________ in their habitat. (pollute) 17. ________ habitats have been destroyed in recent years. (nature) 18. Scientists say that exhaust fumes are ________ our city. (poison) 19. The dancers were wearing ________ Hungarian costume. (tradition) 20. Noise is considers as ________ pollution. (environment)

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I. PHONETICS 1. A. measure B. leather C. algea D. feather 2. A. rough B. enough C. laugh D. though 3. A. agreed B. liked C. missed D. watched 4. A. seaside B. license C. combine D. police 5. A. famous B. latitude C. saturate D. fathom 1. Find the word which has a different sound in the past underlined. 2. Find the word with the different stress pattern from the others. 1. A. repetitive B. electrical C. priority D. energetic 2. A. national B. physical C. arrival D. natural 3. A. medical B. national C. chemical D. informal 4. A. dramatic B. tornado C. historic D. injury 5. A. aquatic B. problematic C. influential D. degradable II. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 1. Choose the best answer (A, B, C, D). 1. _________ loss can be caused by noise pollution. A. sound B. hearing C. listening D. audio 2. Households pollute water sources by ________wastes into ponds, lakes and rivers. A. damaging B. dumping C. lossing D. leading 3. This month electricity bill is too high_________ the air conditioner is turned on all the time. A. since B. due to C. although D. because of 4. If the air was clean, we________ have to wear masks when going out. A. wouldn’t B. won’t C. would D. will 5. If I ________ you, I ________ water from that dirty tap. A. am/ will drink B. were/ would drink C. am/ won’t drink D. were/ wouldn’t drink 6. I_________ out of the shop when someone suddenly _________ out my name. A. walked/ called B. was walking/called C. walked/ was calling D. was walking/ was calling 7. The ethnic____________ people in the village are very friendly. A. minority B. majority C. minorities D. majorities 8. I _________ an interest in taking photos of natural beauty. A. get B. have C. take D. both B & C 9. He drives more_________ than his brother, so I prefer going with his brother. A. carefully B. careful C. carelessly D. careless 10.I was not in my classroom between 8 and 10 a.m yesterday. I _________ in the laboratory during that time. A. study B. studied C. was studying D. had studied 2. Put the verbs into the correct tense. 1. The bus for the excursion to the farm (leave) __________at 8 a.m tomorrow. 2. We (visit) __________ Edinburgh twice, but we (visit) __________ it again in 2020. 3. __________ he (start) __________ to teach English to street children yesterday? 4. They (plant) __________trees in public areas recently. 5. My friend (finish) __________his essay three days ago. 3. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences. 1. Many people don’t know about the ___________ of soil pollution. (dangerous) 2. The water colour can show us how____________ the river is. (pollute) 3. His talent in writing book for children gained the international ____________ the late 19th century. (recognize) 4. The ____________ for the festival must be carried out right now. (prepare) 5. All of the tangibleand intangible herritages that were passed out by our ancestors were____________. (value) III. READING 1. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each of the gaps. William Wordsworth was one of the (1) ____________English Romantic poets. William grew up in the Lake District in scenic northwest England. As a child, he (2) ____________endless hour, along with his sister playing in the beautiful outdoors. After spending years of his aldult life traveling and learning aboutthe world, he chose to return to the Lake District to live. There he lived in a house (3) ____________whitewashed walls and flagstone floor known as Dove Cottage. It was there that he (4) ____________ some of his best poetry. In “Tintern Abbey” Wordsworth describes, not the beautiful old abbey itself, but rather the landscape (5) ____________ it. He gives us a (6) ____________of the landscape as he remembered it from visit there during his boyhood. Using descriptive language, he (7) ____________us to see the woods, the hills and the cliffs as he saw them. He talks about the spirit of the land. Then he goes on to tell us just what the countryside meant to him. According to Wordsworth, the countryside around Tintern Abbey was an(8) ____________ of the perfect place to learn “the joy of elevated thoughts 1. A. most B. first C. second D. both A & B 2. A. invested B. took C. spent D. had 3. A. of B. with C. over D. under 4. A. composed B. read C. wrote D. both A & C 5. A. about B. surrounded C. surrounding D. near 6. A. photo B. image C. shot D. picture 7. A. allows B. makes C. gives D. takes 8. A. inllustration B. example C. image D. both A & B làm hộ mk vs !Bài nào cx đc nhé! thanks

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A: There’s no milk. B: Really? I ___________ some from the shop then. (get) * 1 điểm Jack _________ off a horse in 2005. (fall) * 1 điểm She __________ a teacher for ten years, and she still enjoys it. (be) * 1 điểm I _________ my football team would win. (think) * 1 điểm He ___________ to the park very often. (not / go) * 1 điểm She ______________ in the garden at the moment. (work) * 1 điểm She ___________ basketball before. (never / play) * 1 điểm He ___________ that film last year. (see) * 1 điểm How long __________ Jill? I know you see her often. (you / know) * 1 điểm A: Are you busy tonight? Would you like to have coffee?B: Sorry. I _____________ to the library. I’ve been planning to study all day. (go) * 1 điểm A: Are you going to John’s party tonight?B: Yes. Are you going too? I ___________ you a lift. (give) * 1 điểm Why ___________ your homework already? (you / do) * 1 điểm We ____________ every night. (not / study) * 1 điểm Mr Black __________ in his room last night. (not / work) * 1 điểm Lucy _________ her leg, so she can’t come skiing. (break) * 1 điểm I ___________ about the problem 3 months ago. (know) * 1 điểm He __________ a solution yet. (not / find) * 1 điểm A: Why are you carrying a hammer? B: I _________ up some pictures. (put) * 1 điểm I __________ to England in 1993. (come) * 1 điểm Mary _________ the kitchen every day. (clean) * 1 điểm

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II. Complte the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets 1.Auturmn in my home village is so beautiful. I love it when all the leaves (turn)………. Red or yellow. 2.Look at the Kangaroo . It (hop)……………….…. on its hind legs 3.The USA( celebrate)……………….. its Independence Day on July 4th. 4. The population of Auckland (increase)………………….. to nearly one and half million 5. The Walt Disney studios, the famous movie company.(produce)……………. hundred cartoons for children 6. We (work)………. hard at the moment to prepare for our annual Cultural festival. 7. L:ondon ( have)………………. a population of eight million people. 8. This Year we ( have)……………. more international visitors coming to attend our Music Festival. 9. The Inut, or the Eskimos ( live)…………. in the land of the Uas and Canada for thousand of years 10. Polar bears (live)…………….. in the Arcitic 11. This year, Our school ( celebrate)…………………… our thirtieth anniverary in September 12. Nick, I can hear music and voice. Are you having aparty? Yes, , Nicole and I ( celebrate)…………………….. our tenth wedding anniversity. 13. the legend monster of Loch Ness in Scotland (attract )………….... million of visitors 14. The sweet smell of flowers often ………………. insects , specially bees 15. I always (enjoy).………….….. the Little Creature Family Festival at Londan zoo. It’s so much fun there. 16. I am sure he ( enjoy)…………. his new electric toy train. He looks so happy. GIÚP MÌNH VỚI

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1. Would you like ..............................to the theatre tonight? * 1 điểm A.to go B.go C.going D.went 2. I think you should ..................... to school by bus. * 1 điểm A.go B.went C.to go D.going 3. The weather was very hot enough ..........................swimming. * 1 điểm A. for us B. for we to go C. for us to go D. go 4. Ba ..............in Hanoi last year but now he ................in Danang * 1 điểm A. lived/lived B. lived/is living C. live/lived D. lived/live 5. Paolo has recently joined a health club in order to ________ fit. * 1 điểm A. continue B. make C. help D. keep 6. May I help you ? - __________ * 1 điểm A. I'm sorry, I can't. B. No problem. C. No, thank you. D. How can I help you? 7. What do you have for lunch? * 1 điểm A. I usually am having a sandwich. B. I am usually having a sandwich. C. I usually have a sandwich. D. I have usually a sandwich. 8. Can you do me a favor? - _____________. * 1 điểm A. No. Thank you. I'm fine B. I'm sorry, I'm busy C. Yes. That's very kind of you D. No, you can't 9. I was reading …………my sisters were playing with their dolls. * 1 điểm A. when B. while C. at which D. at time 10. Millions of Christmas card……………..every year. * 1 điểm A.were send B. send C. is sending D. are sent 11. They had the porter ……………their luggage * 1 điểm A. carry B. carrying C. to carry D. carried 12. Singapore is famous for its ………. and green trees. A. cleanliness B. cleanly C. cleaning D. clean * 1 điểm A. cleanly B. cleanliness C. cleaning D. clean 13. In some English speaking countries , turkey and pudding are ………….. food at Chistmas. * 1 điểm A. national B. historic C. traditional D. possible 14. The USA has a population of about 304million, and it’s the third ……….. country in the world. * 1 điểm A. smallest B. largest C. narrowest D. highest 15. Today, some of the world's tallest and most famous skyscrapers ______________ in the city. * 1 điểm A. is found B. finds C. are found D. are find 16.Choose the word whose stress is pronounced differently from the others’. * 1 điểm A. unicorn B. culture C. ceremony D. Canadian 17. Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people .............. the same language? * 1 điểm A. spoke B. speak C. had spoken D. will speak 18. If you can give me one good reason for your acting like this, ............... this incident again. * 1 điểm A. I mentions B. I never mention C. will I never mention D. I will never mention 19. Unless you................ all of my questions, I can’t do anything to help you. * 1 điểm A. answered B. answer C. would answer D. are answering 20. Choose the words that have the different stress from the others. * 1 điểm A. iconic B. monument C. territory D. difficulty

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20 Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. A: pleasure B: bread C: measure D: untreated 21 Choose the underlined part A, B, C or D that needs correcting. Picture 11 A: A B: B C: C D: D 22 Choose the underlined part A, B, C or D that needs correcting. Picture 10 A: A B: B C: C D: D 23 Choose the word whose stressed pattern is pronounced differently from the others. A: litter B: affect C: pollute D: effect 24 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. The Earth Day comes from the idea of a former US politician Gaylord Nelson. He was worried about the world pollution, and the health of plants and animals. In 1969, he decided that the world should have a special day to teach people about how to make environment better. His idea became popular and on 22 April 1970 the first Earth Day was celebrated. Since then, environmentalists have used the day to educate people about their roles in protecting our planet. Earth Day finally became a global celebration around the world. On this day, people come together to talk about global warming, protecting rare animals and saving energy sources. Question 21: The best title for the passage can be ______. A: The celebration of Earth Day B: The meaning of the Earth Day C: Gaylord Nelson, the politician D: Preserving our energy sources 25 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. The Earth Day comes from the idea of a former US politician Gaylord Nelson. He was worried about the world pollution, and the health of plants and animals. In 1969, he decided that the world should have a special day to teach people about how to make environment better. His idea became popular and on 22 April 1970 the first Earth Day was celebrated. Since then, environmentalists have used the day to educate people about their roles in protecting our planet. Earth Day finally became a global celebration around the world. On this day, people come together to talk about global warming, protecting rare animals and saving energy sources. Question 20: Environmentalists have used the Earth Day to ________. A: carry their research B: educate people about their roles of protecting our planet C: ban people from using energy sources D: get people around the world to play together

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12 Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentence. Question 10: Too much use of electric lights in cities may cause ___________ pollution. A: light B: thermal C: visual D: water 13 Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. A: dust B: earplug C: dump D: pollution 14 Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) to each of the following questions. Question 15: Many fish in the lake near my house have died because of the polluted water. A: treated B: pure C: drinkable D: contaminated 15 Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentence. Question 12: The polluted water__________ in the death of the fish. A: makes B: causes C: results D: leads 16 Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentence. Question 7: I think the waste from the factory has ___________ the lake. A: polluted B: damage C: damaged D: pollution 17 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. The Earth Day comes from the idea of a former US politician Gaylord Nelson. He was worried about the world pollution, and the health of plants and animals. In 1969, he decided that the world should have a special day to teach people about how to make environment better. His idea became popular and on 22 April 1970 the first Earth Day was celebrated. Since then, environmentalists have used the day to educate people about their roles in protecting our planet. Earth Day finally became a global celebration around the world. On this day, people come together to talk about global warming, protecting rare animals and saving energy sources. Question 17: The Earth Day was first celebrated in ______. A: 1969 B: 1970 C: 2015 D: before 1969 18 Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentence. Question 11: ___________ there was a lot of acid rain, many botanical species died last year. A: Since B: So C: But D: Although 19 Choose the sentence A, B, C or D that is closest in meaning to the given sentence. Question 23: The street doesn’t look attractive because people throw rubbish in the street. A: If people didn’t throw rubbish in the street, it would look attractive. B: If people don’t throw rubbish in the street, it will look attractive C: If people didn’t throw rubbish in the street, it will look attractive. D: If people threw rubbish in the street, it would look attractive.

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3 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. The Earth Day comes from the idea of a former US politician Gaylord Nelson. He was worried about the world pollution, and the health of plants and animals. In 1969, he decided that the world should have a special day to teach people about how to make environment better. His idea became popular and on 22 April 1970 the first Earth Day was celebrated. Since then, environmentalists have used the day to educate people about their roles in protecting our planet. Earth Day finally became a global celebration around the world. On this day, people come together to talk about global warming, protecting rare animals and saving energy sources. Question 19: The word “their” in the second paragraph refers to ______. A: Dr. Nelson’s B: politicians’ C: people’s D: environmentalists’ 4 Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges. Question 13. Nam: How about organizing a Clean Day for our school? Huong: _________. A: Oh yeah! I can’t believe that. B: No. I had no idea about that. C: Good idea! How should we start? D: No problem. We can do. 5 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. The Earth Day comes from the idea of a former US politician Gaylord Nelson. He was worried about the world pollution, and the health of plants and animals. In 1969, he decided that the world should have a special day to teach people about how to make environment better. His idea became popular and on 22 April 1970 the first Earth Day was celebrated. Since then, environmentalists have used the day to educate people about their roles in protecting our planet. Earth Day finally became a global celebration around the world. On this day, people come together to talk about global warming, protecting rare animals and saving energy sources. Question 18: According to the passage, Gaylord Nelson was ______. A: not concerned about global warming B: unaware of the world pollution C: worried about the environment D: trying to pollute the environment 6 Choose the sentence A, B, C or D that best combines the given sentences. Question 24: There are so many billboards in our city. People cannot enjoy the view. A: If there were not so many billboards in our city, people could enjoy the view. B: If there were not so many billboards in our city, people couldn’t enjoy the view. C: If there were many billboards in our city, people could enjoy the view. D: If there are not so many billboards in our city, people can enjoy the view. 7 Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges. Question 14. Lan: “________________” Hung: “That’s the reason why I usually have headaches.” A: Our city has too much noise pollution. B: You ate too much raw food tonight. C: The river is seriously contaminated. D: This song sounds great. 8 Choose the sentence A, B, C or D that is closest in meaning to the given sentence. Question 22: I don’t have enough money, so I don’t buy seafood. A: If I have enough money, I will buy seafood. B: If I had had enough money, I would buy seafood. C: If I had enough money, I would buy seafood. D: If I didn’t have enough money, I wouldn’t buy seafood. 9 Choose the word whose stressed pattern is pronounced differently from the others. A: historic B: physical C: aquatic D: botanical 10 Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentence. Question 8: This river has been polluted ________ aluminum. A: without B: within C: at D: with

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