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Bài 1:tìm và sửa lỗi sai trong câu bên dưới. 1.He would't drink this wine if i was him ->......……… 2.they'd go abroad in the winter if they don't have a young baby ->…………… 3.If his leg was broken,it would hurt more. ->…………… 4.Hoa would't have some money if she didn't work. ->…….......... 5.Wind'II have a look.If he would give it to her. ->................ Baì2:khoanh tròn câu trl đúng 1.....loss can becaused by noise pollution. A.Sound. B.Hearing. C.Listening. D.Audio 2.Ships spill oil on oneans and rivers.This leads to the......of many aquatic animals and plants. A.die. B.died. C.dead. D.dcath 3.Households pollute water sourcea by.......waste into ponds,lakes and rivers A.damaging. B.dumping. C.losing. D.lcading 4.This month's electricity bill is too high.......the air conditioner is tumed on all the time. A.since. B.duc to. C.although. D.because of 5.thegovemment has come.......a solution to the water problems of the city. A.up to. B.up with. C.to with. D.on to 6.All the aquatic plants and animals will die if the factory........dumping poison into the lake. A.will keep. B.to keep. C.kept. D.keeps 7.A lot of fish has died recently because of the .......water in this lake. A.contaminating. B.contaminated. C.contaminate. D.contaminant 8.If the air were clean,we........have to wear masks when going out. A.would't. B.won't. C.would. D.will 9.If I......you.I......water from that dirty tap. A.am-will drink. B.am-won't drink. C.were-would drink. D.were-wouldn't drink 10.If he..........trash around his garden,the ganlen would look very nice flow. A.will throw. B.would throw. C.didn't throw. D.doesn't throw

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giúp e vs nhaaa I. READ AND FILL IN THE BLANKS IN THE TEXT WITH ONE WORD FOR EACH BLANK.(1M) Ok Om Bok is a festival of Khmer people in Mekong Delta. Ok Om Bok Festival takes (1)...................................... on the Full Moon day of the tenth month in Vietnamese Lunar Calendar, aiming at worshiping the Moon. At the night of the Full Moon day, Khmer people set up a table of offerings; new sticky rice, yam, coconuts, bananas, sweeties, etc and bow their head to show their thanks to the Moon. After that, there is a colorful and sparkling lanterns ceremony on Ba Om Lake. Khmer people not only drop these lanterns on the lake but also (2)...................................... them to the sky. Dozens of great lantern lighten the night sky in bustling music and the joy of Khmer people. Khmer people believe that these lanterns will bring bad luck and risk far away. The (3)................................... attractive and exciting activity of Ok Om Bok Festival is Ngo race (a special kind of boat of Khmer people in shape of Nagar snake). Ngo race is a traditional sport of Khmer in Ok Om Bok Festival. Ngo is a long boat with 25 - 30 meters in length and 1 - 1.4 meter in width. There are about 40 to 60 boatmen in every “Ngo” with a leader at the top to guide the whole (4)....................................... Before the race, people gather along the riverbanks making an exciting atmosphere. During the race, the boisterous sound of drum, trumpet, cheers and applause urge boatmen row as fast as possible to the end. Overall, Ok Om Bok is an important festival in Khmer people’s life. Ok Om Bok Festival (5)............................ sacred meaning in spiritual life of these people, making a cultural characteristic of this ethnic community. II. READ THE TEXT AGAIN THEN ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. (1M) 1. When do Khmer people set up a table of offerings and bow their head to show their thanks to the Moon? .................................................................................................................................................. 2. Do Khmer people only drop these lanterns on the lake at the lanterns ceremony? ....................................................................................................................................................

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giup e vs ạ, e vote 5 * BRITISH STRANGE FOOD HABITS Perhaps you know about some of the food that British people eat, but do you know about their strange food habits? People from different parts of the UK and from different classes call their meals by different names. They call the midday meal, lunch or dinner and the evening meal, dinner, supper or tea. Tea is also sandwiches, cakes and tea (the drink) at four or five o’clock. What do the British eat when they want something quick and easy? Baked beans, of course! You must warm them in a pan and eat them on toast. Cheddar cheese is so popular in Britain that people run after it down a hill! This is a very strange English sport. You can see it once a year in Coopers Hill. There are four races, three for men and one for women. At the start of the race someone drops a big, round cheese down a very, very steep hill. About 15 racers run and jump after it. The first person to get to the bottom of the hill gets the cheese. There is another strange race that the British have. It is a special Pancake Day race. Only women can run in the race. They must run with a pancake in a frying pan and throw it in the air three times. After the race, many English families eat pancakes with lemon juice and sugar. Be careful if you have Christmas dinner with a British family – some of their Christmas customs are risky! Be very careful! Eat the Christmas pudding slowly if you don’t want to eat a coin! When they are making their delicious dessert, British people put a coin in the mixture. The person who finds the coin in their pudding will be rich and happy. 1. What do the British call the evening meal? .................................................................................................................................... 2. How often is the Cheddar cheese sport event held? .................................................................................................................................... 3. What is the prize if you win the Cheddar cheese race? .................................................................................................................................... 4. Who can take part in a pancake race? .................................................................................................................................... 5. Why is it dangerous to eat Christmas pudding? ....................................................................................................................................

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You are going to read an article in which four people describe going to see an unusual annual event. For questions 1-10 choose from the people A-D. The people may be chosen more than once. Which person mentions the possibility of people at the event having their belongings stolen? 1. regretting being without an item of protective equipment? 2. the bravery of the people who took part? 3. a warning about organizing a trip to the event? 4. an injury caused during the event? 5. how hard it was to get a good position to view the event? 6. products that were available to buy during the event? 7. experiencing two strongly contrasting emotions? 8. people with a particular interest who would like the event? 9. the reason why the event originally began? 10. THE WORLD’S STRANGEST ANNUAL EVENTS? Four travelers talk about experiencing a very unusual event held annually around the world. A. Sadie Grossman Last year, I was one of 30,000 people who took part in La Tomatina, an annual festival held in Bunol, Spain, during which townspeople and visitors fill the streets and take part in a tomato fight. I’ve neither laughed so hard nor feared for my life as much as I did on that day. Trucks of tomatoes were dumped in the streets, and I soon found myself picking up handfuls of squashed fruit and throwing them at whoever happened to be closest. Most people participating were considerate, but a few were not. I was thankful that I’d left my phone back at the hotel and worn clothes I didn’t mind getting ruined. I did wish I’d invested in a pair of goggles though, as being hit in the eye by a tomato meant I couldn’t see out of it very well for a couple of days. It was definitely an experience I’ll never forget, but one I have no desire to repeat! B. Joe Haythorpe I went with friends to the mud festival held in Boryeong, South Korea because several of them had been before, loved it and wanted to go again. The two-week event is centered on an area of Boryeong beach set up with water slides and pools to play in while covered in huge quantities of the mineral-rich mud that’s taken from the shore near the city. It’s great fun for the entire family as well as groups of friends. Apart from playing in the mud, we also attended some great concerts and shopped for mud-based skin creams. Although it’s only been going since 1998, it already attracts millions of Koreans and Western tourists annually. But if you’re considering going, book your accommodation early as room rates triple closer to the event. All in all, this festival was by far the most fun one I’ve ever been to. C. Charlie Traynor Cheese Rolling on Cooper’s Hill in Gloucestershire, England is the ideal activity for fans of extreme sports whether as spectators or as participants, and is definitely one of the craziest traditions I’ve ever witnessed. I watched in amazement as madly courageous men and women threw themselves down a steep hill, tumbling head over heels, while chasing a large round cheese. The cheese always gets to the bottom of the hill first, but for each race there is a prize (a cheese worth a lot of money) for the first person to do so. Thankfully, that day everyone survived without seriously hurting themselves. The event is free, but because of the large crowds, I struggled to find a place from which I could actually see much of the action or use my camera. There were also four uphill races, but they were a lot less exciting. D. Louisa Darke During the Monkey Buffet Festival in Lopburi, Thailand, cakes, fruit and vegetables are piled up on tables in the streets for 3000 local monkeys to enjoy. The festival was established to boost tourism in the area, and it’s worked: huge crowds now travel there from all over the world, many dressed in monkey costumes. There is traditional music, dance and sculpture, all with a monkey theme, and the monkeys themselves roam free. They have no fear of people, and we were warned that they might try to grab our phones, hats or even jewellery and run off with them. I’m glad to say they didn’t, but at one point a young monkey jumped up onto my shoulder, making me very uncomfortable. We were given sticks to protect ourselves from the boldest monkeys, but I didn’t want to use one. I was glad when the monkey climbed down. However, it was very entertaining to watch the animals from a distance, happily playing and eating.

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Mark the letter A, B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 7. I wonder who live ________ , country folk or city people? A: happilier B: more happily C: more happier D: happier 2 choose the correct sentence A, B, C or D. A: More industry and automobiles are concentrated in urban areas than in rural areas. B: More industry and automobiles is concentrated in urban areas that in rural areas. C: More industry and automobiles is concentrated in urban areas than in rural areas. D: More industry and automobiles are concentrated in urban areas that in rural areas. 3 Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. A: close B: clog C: clock D: cloth 4 Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. A: quiet B: friendly C: nomadic D: peaceful 5 Mark the letter A, B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 12. Be quiet! The baby ____________ . A: is sleeping B: aren’t sleeping C: are sleeping D: isn’t sleeping 6 Mark the letter A, B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 11. Yesterday evening I watched a ________ . It was so scary that I couldn’t sleep at night. A: comedy B: thriller C: news D: play 7 Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. A: decided B: rented C: prevented D: looked 8 choose the correct sentence A, B, C or D. A: In the countryside, the life style is not so fast as the life style in cities. B: In the countryside, the life style is less faster than the life style in cities. C: In the countryside, the life style is faster than the life style in cities. D: In the countryside, the life style is more faster than the life in cities.

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1. I moved to the front of the room _______ I could see better. A. so as to B. in order to C. to D. so that 2. The boy tiptoed into the room _______ wake everybody up. A. so as to B. in order that C. so as not to D. in order to 3. He turned out the light ________ waste electricity. A. not B. without C. so that not D. in order not to 4. I am lighting the fire so that the house _______ be warm when they return. A. would B. wouldn’t C. will D. won’t 5. Mary worked hard _______ pass the examination. A. as so to B. so as to C. so that to D. in order not to 6. She is taking science course at school ______ order to choose science for her profession. A. so B. on C. in D. at 7. She weighed herself _______ know the pull of the earth exerting on her. A. for B. so that B. in order D. to 8. He hurried so that he ________ miss the train. A. won’t B. doesn’t C. didn’t D. wouldn’t 9. He does morning exercises regularly _______ to improve his health. A. not B. without C. so that not D. in order 10. Mary took her brother to school for him ________ English. A. to learn B. learning C. learns D. learned 11. “I spoke slowly. The foreigner could understandme”. Means a. I spoke slowly so that the foreigner could understand me b. I spoke slowly in order to the foreigner could understand me. c. I spoke slowly that the foreigner could understand me d. I spoke slowly to make the foreigner could understand me 12. He had to explain the lesson very clearly……………………. a. in order that his student to understandit b. so that his students could understand it c. so as his students to understand it d. so that his students to understand it 13. He studies very hard …………………………………… a. in order to fail the examination b. so that to get knowledge c. so as not to pass examination d. in order that he could be illiterate 14. We have to start early…………………………we won’t be late a. so that b. so as to c. because d. although 15. They were talking in whispers…………..nobody could hear them. a. in order to b. so that c. in order that d. b and c arte correct 16. He hurried to the station . He didn’t want to miss the train a. he hurried to the station so that he couldn’t miss the train b. he hurried to the station in order that he couldn’t miss the train c. he hurried to the station not to miss the train d. all are correct 17. She went to the library in order that she could borrow some books a. she went to the library so as to borrow some books b. she went to the library that she could borrow some books c. she went to the library so that she could borrow some books d. all are correct 18. The schoolboys are in hurry………………….they will not be late for school a. so as to b. to c. in order that d. for 19. We set off early…………………..we wouldn’t get stuck in the traffic a. although b. so that c. because d. in case 20. I shouted in order that I could warn everybody of danger a. I shouted to warn everybody of danger b. I shouted so as to warn everybody of danger c. I shouted so that to warn everybody of danger d. a and b are correct

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