1, Although England has several good football teams, but it has won the World Cup only one ( tìm và sửa lỗi sai ) 2, Alaska / a / state / the USA / face / both Arctic Ocean / the Pacific Ocean ( sắp xếp ) 3, Look at your weekly schedule ! Your presentation on visual pollution ..... at 8.00. Don't be late please A, start B, to start C, is starting D, starts 4, Nowadays you still see the ...... men wear kilts ( skirts ) to wedding or other formal occasions. A, Scot B, Scotland C, Scottish D, Scotish 5, This group of chemicals is harmful to people's healthy ( tìm từ đồng nghĩa với từ gạch chân, từ gạch chân: harmful ) A, safe B, risky C, dangerous D, natural

2 câu trả lời

1. one-->once

2.Alaska is a state in the USA faces both Arctic Ocean and Pacific Ocean


4. C

5. C

1, one⇒ once

2. thiếu từ

3. C

4. C

5. C

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