Đặt câu với những từ sau bằng tiếng anh: 1. tornado 2.flood 3. forest fire 4. tsunami 5. mudslide 6 drought 7. property 10. trap 11. debris 12 typhoon 13 temporary accomodation 14. Oh no!; How wonderful!; 'Wow!; That's a relief! ,That's shocking!, That's awful!

1 câu trả lời

1.Why is there a tornado?

2.What are the consequences for floods?

3.Cause the reason why forest fire happened?

4.What are the consequences of a tsunami?

5.Analyzing causes and landslides?

6.How does drought impact the environment?

7.How to trade real estate?

10.how to make convenient trap?

11.What are the benefits and harms of pits?

12.What causes tropical storms?

13.How is temporary accommodation useful for humans?

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