Complete these sentences using the future simple or the present simple of the verbs in brackets. 1. ______ comedian, Charlie Chaplin was born in London, England. (legend) 2. In Canada, ther are a lot of________ from various countries. (refuge) 3. Lake Wanaka is a_______ scenery in New Zealand. (spectacle) 4. The Sydney Opera House is an________ monument of Australia. (icon) 5. The________ orginates in Ireland and its associated islands. (Ireland) 6. The Canadians are native________ of English. (speak) 7. English is an________ language of France. (official) 8. Thuy____________ loves the koala in Australia. (absolute) 9. The violation of that company was__________ yesterday. (exposure) 10. Do storm water and the atmosphere bring non-source_________?(pollution) Giúp mik với mik đang cần rất gấp Hứa vote 5 sao Làm ơn giúp mik -_-

2 câu trả lời

1. Legend

2. refugees

3. spectacular

4. iconic

5. irishman

6. speaker

7. unofficial

8. absolutely

9. exposured


1. legendary

2. refugees

5. Irish

6. Speaker

7.  Official

8. Absolutely

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