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III.Rewrite these following sentences with the same meaning 1. "Where is my umbrella?" she asked. She asked............................................. ………………………………….................... 2. "Did you see this car?" he asked me. → He asked me ............................................................................................................ . 3. He asked, "Do I have to do this exercise, Lan ?" He asked............................................. ………………………………..................... 4. "Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter. The mother asked her daughter......................................................... ......................... 5. "Which dress do you like best?" she asked her boyfriend. She asked her boyfriend...................................................................... .......................... 6. "What are they doing now?" she asked. She wanted to know.................................................................................. ..................... 7. "Are you going to the cinema with me?" he asked me. He wanted to know.............................................. ………............................................. 8 "When will we meet again?" she asked me. → She asked me .............................................................................................................. .. 9. "Will you be at the party?" he asked her. → He asked her ........................................................................................................... . 10. "Can you meet me at the station?" she asked me. → She asked me .......................................................................................................... ..

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1. They _____________ angry if you didn’t visit them. A. would be B. should be C. would D. should 2. What would you do if you _____________ a million dollars? A. win B. won C. had won D. will win 3. What will happen if the air _____________? A. was polluted B. be polluted C. is polluted D. has polluted 4. He wouldn’t have had an accident if he _____________ more carefully. A. drives B. drove C. had driven D. was driving 5. If you _____________ better last night, you wouldn’t have been so tired. A. sleep B. had slept C. was sleeping D. slept 6. If I had noticed him, I _____________ hello to him. A. say B. said C. would say D. would have said 7. If he _____________ with us now, he _____________ the beauty of the nature of the National Park A. is / can enjoy B. was/ will enjoy C. had/would enjoyed D. were/ could enjoy 8. Would you mind if I _____________ in the room? A. smoke B. smoked C. would smoke D. had smoked 9. If you_____________ this one, I’ll bring you another. A. doesn’t like B. will not like C. don’t like D. didn’t like 10. If I tell you a secret, _____________you promise not to tell it to anyone else? A. would B. did C. will D. have 11. If you _____________what I say, ask your mother. A. not believe B. not to believe C. didn’t believe D. don’t believe 12. Jane ____________ in such a trouble if she had been more carefully when typing the contract. A. won’t be B. wouldn’t be C. won’t have been D. wouldn’t have been 13. If I____________ his address, I would give it to you. A know B. would known C. knew D. had known 14. If I___________ that you were coming, I’d have baked a cake. A. know B. knew C. had known D. didn’t know 15. If I _____________ a typewriter now, I_____________ this contract by myself. A. have/ would type B. have/ will type C. had/ would type D. had had/ would have typed 16. I wouldn’t drink that wine if I _____________you. A. were B. am C. had been D. be 17. If I ___________a map, I __________the way to the Post Office. A. had had/ would have lost B. had had/ wouldn’t have lost C. had/ won’t lose D. have/ wouldn’t have 18. If you__________, he wouldn’t have known that we were there. A. didn’t sneeze B. won’t sneezed C. doesn’t sneeze D. hadn’t sneezed 19. If you _________some mustard in the sandwiches, they would have tasted better. A. put B. puts C. had put D. putting 20. The hens__________ into the house if you had shut the door. A. couldn’t get B. couldn’t have got C. will not get D. doesn’t get 21. If you____________ time, please write to me. A. have B. had C. have had D. has 22. I wouldn’t go there at night if I ____________ you. A. am B. was C. be D. were 23. If you had the chance, ____________ you go fishing? A. did B. may C. would D. do 24. I wouldn’t have believed it if I ___________it with my own eyes. A. had seen B. saw C. hadn’t seen D. didn’t see 25. If you ____________ a choice, which country would you visit? A. have B. had C. have had D. will have 26. I’d climb over the wall if there __________so much broken glass on top of it. A. were B. had been C. are D. is 27. You would have seen my garden at its best if you ___________here last week. A. were B. are C. had been D. be 28. If he hadn’t wasted too much time, he ____________ in his examination. A. would fail B. wouldn’t fail C. wouldn’t have failed D. won’t fail 29. If I had taken that English course, I____________ much progress. A. had made B. would have made C. made D. would make 30. If you_____________ that plane, you _____________ dead now. A. had caught / would have been B. caught / would be C. had caught / would be D. catch / will be 31. If you_____________ what Nam is doing, you _____________ very surprised A. had known / would be B. knew / would be C. knew / would have been D. knew / will be 32. I _____________ very happy if there _____________ a good film on channel 9 last night. A. would be / had been B. would have been / would be C. would have been / had been D. had been / had been 33. If you see Tom, _____________ you mind _____________ him to get in touch with me? A. will / reminding B. will / to remind C. would / reminding D. would / to remind 34. If you _____________your car into the river, you _____________able to get out. A. drive/ weren’t B. drove/ wouldn’t be C. drove/ will be D. drive/ wouldn’t be 35. I___________ a job easily if I __________a degree. A. could get/ have B. can get/ had C. could get/ had D. can get/ had had 36. The whole machine __________into pieces if you__________ that screw quickly. A. felt/ remove B. will fall/ removed C. would fall/ removed D. would fall/ remove

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