Work in pairs. Tell your partner what you or your brothers / sisters and your parents complain about. Give advice on how to solve the problem.

2 câu trả lời

Helpful expressions:


I don’t like the way my parents keep + V-ing …

My parents are always +V-ing …

My parents believe that …

Giving opinions and advice

I think you should / ought to

I don’t think you should / ought to …

In my opinion, you should / shouldn’t …

If I were you, I would / wouldn’t …

You’d better …

You shouldn’t / ought not to …

Why don’t you …


Student A: What kind of conflicts do you get into with your parents?

Student B: Well, I don’t like the way my mum keeps telling me what to do all the time. What should I do?

Student A: I think you should talk to her and explain how you feel. You should also show her that you are responsible and mature.

Student B: Thanks, I’ll try. How about you and your parents?

Student A: My dad is always comparing me with Lan, the girl living next door. He says that Lan is more studious than me, and helps her parents with the household chores.

Student B: Perhaps you should make friends with Lan if your parents like her!

A: Hi,Nam. Why are you looking so sad?

B: I have just argued with my elder sister.

A: Do you usually have conflict?

B: Not very often.

A: What are your conflicts?

B: Well, we sometimes have different ideas about sharing household chores. We both have to study all the time, but she asks me to do a lot of things such as cleaning the floor, washing dishes, and taking out garbage.

A: I always do these kinds of work, too. I think you shouldn't be so serious about this.

B: What do you think I should do to solve our conflict?

A: should keep clam and talk to your sister straightly that when you have time time you will be ready to help her but if you are busy doing homework she had better do it for you. can ask your parents to help you devide the household chores.

B: That's a good idea. Thanks very much!

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