What kind of marketing makes you want to buy a certain product? Something funny? Famous people? A lot of information? Give some examples of products or services you bought because of marketing. ai giúp em với ạ huhu
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Some companies devise promotional strategies to attract buyers and encourage them.The first way is to have a wide relationship with famous people so that buyers can trust the good quality of the products, the second way is to use famous mascots or characters such as Mr Bean, Hello kitty, etc. ....to attract attention and identification so that buyers can easily know and attract buyers. In addition, color is also an important part of the advertising strategy as blue represents freshness, red represents luck to bring the unique beauty of the product and buyers feel excited. One product that I bought is an oppo phone because they met all my needs and made me feel confident because the famous person Son Tung MTP introduced this phone making me recommend to buy it. , in addition, the color of the phone is very diverse, you can choose the color you like. And OPPO makes TV commercials and tells real stories that make me feel meaningful and make me buy them.