Viết một lá thư cho người bạn tâm thư của em để kể cho bạn ấy về một trong những kỉ niệm khó quên của bạn. Lá thư của bạn nên bao gồm những ý chính sau - nó xảy ra khi nào - nó xảy ra ở đâu - nó diễn ra như thế nào - có ai tham gia - trải nghiệm tác động đến bạn thế nào anh văn 11 unit 2

2 câu trả lời

Dear Jin,

I am writing to tell you about my most memorable memory.

Last week, I had an argument with my best friend at my house because I thought she had lied to me. She tried to explain, but I was so angry that I refused to listen to her explanation. Yesterday, I happened to find out that I was wrong. I immediately called her to apologize, but this time it was her who refused to listen to me. I don't want our friendship to come to an end this way. We've been good friends for years. I really hope that she will forgive me for what I have done and said to her. After this experience, I have learned that I should listen to the other carefully before giving my opinion.

What about you? Do you have any memories that you never forget?

Write to me soon,

Best wishes,


Dear Huong,

Last night I had a scary dream. I was walking along an empty street late at night. Suddenly a lion appeared at the end of the street. He ran toward me with his big mouth open and sharp teeth. He roared and jumped upon me. I screamed loudly and awoke. I'm still frightened now. By the way, do you have similar problems now? Write to me as soon as possible.

Your friend,


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