Viết một bài văn tranh luận bằng tiếng anh về chủ đề Energetic drinks should be banned and made illegal

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Energy drinks are marketed as a beverage that enhances mental and physical performance. Caffeine is the most common stimulant in these drinks, besides taurine, vitamins ... Some brands add other plant stimulants such as guarana seeds and ginseng.

According to the US Department of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA), the amount of caffeine in a can or bottle of energy drinks can range from 80-500 mg. Like carbonated soft drinks, energy drinks are also high in sugar. A 250 ml can of Red Bull contains about 27.5 g of sugar.

Many studies suggest that energy drinks can have negative health effects. One 2013 study reported by Medical News Today, for example found that energy drinks alter heart function of healthy adults, while another linked energy drink consumption with onions. In the next 15-45 minutes, the caffeine has completely entered the bloodstream, and you will feel more alert and focused on work. During this time, the liver responds to energy drinks by absorbing more sugar into the bloodstream.

- 30-50 minutes. At this point, your body fully absorbs the caffeine in one energy drink that you drink.

After an hour, the effects of caffeine begin to subside, and the side effects of sugar increase. You will feel tired at this point, your energy decreased. "Caffeine is a hallucinogenic drug that temporarily blocks adenosine (a substance related to fatigue) and allows dopamine and glutamine (natural stimulants). by the brain) free activity, make you more alert, less depressed and increase your mood "- Dr. Stuart Farrimond - a food researcher in the US replied in the Daily Mail.

It takes about 5-6 hours for the body to reduce the amount of caffeine in the blood by 50%, known as the half-life, even doubling for women on oral contraceptives. As a result, it takes an average of 12 hours for the body to completely remove caffeine from the blood. However, the exact elimination rate and time depends on the metabolic mechanism of the individual.

Dr. Stuart Farrimond also said that pregnant women, with liver damage and taking certain drugs can also slow the rate at which caffeine is removed from the body. "It is important that children and adolescents have significantly longer half-lives, meaning that caffeine will stay in the blood for longer and at higher levels than adults. This is why beverages contain caffeine. can cause behavioral problems and stress in children, "said Stuart.

Within 12-24 hours of drinking energy drinks, you may experience symptoms of caffeine such as headache, irritability and constipation. These symptoms can last up to 9 days, and the severity depends on the amount of caffeine consumed.

For the regular energy consumer, it takes about 7-12 days for the body to adapt to its regular caffeine intake. After 14 days your body begins to get used to the effects of caffeine, which causes caffeine greasiness. That means if you drink an energy drink on a regular basis, its effectiveness will be less and less effective and force you to consume more.

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