Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi:) 1, She said that they were quite smart and intelligent They....... 2, "If I were you, I would revise all my lessons carefully". She told me She advised.......... 3, Supposed that he hadn't completed his plan on time? What would........... 4, I regret telling her my secret I wish I............. 5, That is the town where I lived when I was a child 6, "I am sorry I have broken your glass, Lan" He told Lan ......apologized..... 7, She is having him repaint her housse .......repainted..... 8, If he didn' pay the bill, he would be arrested Unless......... 9, If he had seen the accident, he would have phoned the police Had.......... 10, He sat down to write the letter as soon as he ha returned from his walk No sooner........... 11, That is the girl. Her test is excellent .....whose...... 12, They wanted to carpet to be mended by the tailor mend.... 13, Though she was late, she wasn't punished by her boss .....her lateness..... 14, Does no one come here ? No one.......? 15, On watching a program on TV, he found his old friend When.............?

2 câu trả lời

1. They were said to be quite smart and intelligent

2.She advised me to revise all my lessons carefully

3. What would have happened if he hadn't completed his plan on time?

4. I wish I didn't tell her my secret

5.I used to live in that town when I was a child

6. He apologized Lan for having broken her glass

7.Her house is having repainted

8.Unless he pay the bill, he would be arrested

9.Had he seen the accident, he would have phoned the police

10. No sooner had he returned from his walk than he sat down to write the letter

11.That is the girl whose test is excellent

12.They wanted the tailor to mend the carpet

13. Despite her lateness, she wasn't punished by her boss

14. No one comes here, do they?

15. When he was watching a program on TV, he found his old friend


1. Họ được cho là khá thông minh và thông minh.

2.Sẽ khuyên tôi nên xem lại tất cả các bài học của mình một cách cẩn thận

3. Điều gì sẽ xảy ra nếu anh ấy không hoàn thành kế hoạch đúng hạn?

4. Tôi ước tôi đã không nói với cô ấy bí mật của tôi

5. Tôi từng sống ở thị trấn đó khi tôi còn nhỏ

6. Anh xin lỗi Lan vì đã làm vỡ kính của cô.

7. Nhà của anh ấy đã được sơn lại

8. Trừ khi anh ta trả hóa đơn, anh ta sẽ bị bắt

9. Khi anh ta nhìn thấy vụ tai nạn, anh ta đã gọi điện cho cảnh sát

10. Ngay sau khi anh ta đi bộ về, anh ta đã ngồi viết thư

11. Đó là cô gái có bài kiểm tra xuất sắc

12. Họ muốn thợ may vá thảm

13. Mặc dù muộn màng, cô ấy đã không bị ông chủ của mình trừng phạt

14. Không ai đến đây, phải không?

15. Khi anh ấy đang xem một chương trình trên TV, anh ấy đã tìm thấy người bạn cũ của mình

1. They were said to be quite smart and intelligent

2.She advised me to revise all my lessons carefully

3. What would have happened if he hadn't completed his plan on time?

4. I wish I didn't tell her my secret

5.I used to live in that town when I was a child

6. He apologized Lan for having broken her glass

7.Her house is having repainted

8.Unless he pay the bill, he would be arrested

9.Had he seen the accident, he would have phoned the police

10. No sooner had he returned from his walk than he sat down to write the letter

11.That is the girl whose test is excellent

12.They wanted the tailor to mend the carpet

13. Despite her lateness, she wasn't punished by her boss

14. No one comes here, do they?

15. When he was watching a program on TV, he found his old friend