Viết bài về thảm họa thiên nhiên ở Việt Nam bằng tiếng anh

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Today, in Vietnam often encountered many natural disasters such as floods, droughts, hail, tropical storms and other natural disasters. These are the most frightening things people are concerned about. Tropical storms often occur and cause most harm. It usually occurs in the rainy season and occurs most often in central Vietnam and coastal areas. It causes a lot of damage to people and property. First, killing people, livestock and poultry by the flood. Second, crop loss due to flooding. Humans become homeless and lose all their possessions. and many other damages caused by the storm. To prevent and fight against tropical storms, before it takes place, we must make preventive dikes, prepare adequate tools and food and other necessities. When storms occur, people must find safe shelters not to go out. After that, we have to overcome what hurricanes destroy, such as rebuilding houses, and many other things, if we live in that area, we should plant trees, protect the environment and many other practical things

Bài luận tiếng anh về thảm họa thiên nhiên:

We all know that natural disasters happen all over the world, and they can be utterly devastating for people’s lives and the environments we live in. There are many different natural causes leading to natural disasters, and being aware of these causes enables us to be better prepared when they do arrive

One of the most common natural disasters is flooding, which occurs when a river bursts its banks and the water spills out onto the floodplain. During wet periods, flood warnings are often put in place because of a great deal of heavy rain. There are other risk factors for flooding that we have to mention such as steep-sided channels cause fast surface run-off, the lack of vegetation and woodland break the flow of water. In other words, there is little to slow the floodwater down.

And that one of the most common natural disasters that we commonly forgot is wildfires. They take place in many different countries all over the world, particularly during the summertime, and can be caused by a range of different reasons. Some of the things starting the wildfires can be totally natural, while others can be manmade, but the speed they spread is entirely down to nature. There are two main natural causes of wildfires which are the sun’s heat and lightning strikes. Other reasons are campfires, smoking, fireworks and many other things caused by humans. The reasons why they spread so quickly are prolonged hot, dry weather, where the vegetation dries out, which is why they often take place in woodland.