VI. Write the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets. 1. It would be better for the environment if more people________ (use) bikes rather than cars. 2. If we use less energy, we________ (help) reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 3. Every year, million tons of plastic________ (dump) into the oceans. 4. A thick smog________ (settle) over New Delhi since winter________ (begin). 5. Noise pollution can________ (cause) by vehicle, aircraft, and industrial noise. 6. Human activities________ (destroy) nature at an unacceptable rate right now. 7. A decade ago, WHO________ (classify) air pollution as a link to lung cancer. 8. If the temperature________ (increase) by a few degrees during the next few years, we________ (run into) serious problems. 9. What________ (happen) if all the pollution in the world________ (disappear)? 10. At 8 o’clock last night, I________ (watch) “A Plastic Wave”, a documentary on plastic pollution. 11. We should avoid ________ (buy) frozen foods because their packaging is mostly plastic. 12. Air pollution can make people ________ (die).

2 câu trả lời


2.will help

3.are dumped

4.has settled caused

6.are destroying

7.have classified increased/will run into

9.will happen/disappear

10.was watching



1. used
2. will help
3. are dumped
4. has settled/began
5. be caused 
6. are destroying
7. classified
8. increases/will run into
9. would happen/disappeared
10. was watching
11. buying
12. die