V. Put the verb in correct tense or form. 1. Trung’s father (teach) _____________him how (ride) ______________a bicycle when he (be)_________________ twelve years old. 2. How your brother (go) ____________________________to work everyday? - He usually (drive)_________________________. 3. We (go) ______________________________________to Ha Long Bay this weekend. 4. You (use)_________________ to play so much when you (live) ______________in the countryside? 5. Yesterday Hoang (spend)_______________two hours (repair) ___________his computer set.

2 câu trả lời

1.taught- to ride-was

2.goes- drives

3.will go



1. taught / to ride / was.
2. Did / go / drives.
3. Are going to go.
4. Do you use to play / lived.
5. Spent / repairing.