Use the words given and other words, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the word given. (Use 2 - 5 words in total.) Example: My house has a small garden. is There …………………………………. my house Answer: is a small garden in 1. We have never been to Alaska before. ever It's the first time we ………………………………. to Alaska. 2. Tom plans to open another restaurant in Manchester next month. is Tom is ………………………………. restaurant in Manchester next month. 3. The last time Phong visited Tasmania was five years ago. visited Phong ………………………………. five years. 4. The early train is scheduled to arrive in London at 10 o'clock. arrives The early train ………………………………. at 10 o'clock. 5. It is the most beautiful waterfall I have ever seen. such I ………………………………. beautiful waterfall.

2 câu trả lời

1. It's the first time se have been to Alaska.

2. Tom is going to open another resaturant....

3. Phong hasn't visited Tasmania for 5 years

4. The early train arrives at 10 o'clock

5. I have never seen such a beautiful waterfall.

1.It's the first time we have been to Alaska.

2.Tom is going to open another resaturant in Manchester next month.

3.Phong hasn't visited Tasmania for 5 years.

4.The early train arrives at 10 o'clock.

5.I have never seen such a beautiful waterfall.