Trong mỗi câu sau có 1 lỗi sai hãy tìm và sửa lại a) staying at home to watch TV aren't better than going out b) millions ò children around the world enjoy to watch this cartoon c) I don't interrested in playing video games d) she usually watching TV after dinner e) duy is not reading now, he plays volleyball with his friends f) michael going swimming everyday g) phong doesn't play football last sunday I) my mother doesn't go shopping yesterday k) did you joined in the sports competition last week

2 câu trả lời

a. aren't -> isn't

b. to watch -> watching

c. don't -> am not

d. watching -> watches

e. plays -> is playing

f. going -> goes

g. doesn't -> didn't

h. doesn't -> didn't

i. joined -> join

a. going = go

b. thêm chữ in trước the word

c. playing= play

d. watching = watches

e, plays= is playing

f. going= goes

g. doesn't = did't

l. doesn't= did't

k. joined= join