Traditional/conventional examinations with pen and paper play an/a integral/crucial/ important/essential part in evaluating the academic results of the students Viết một bài viết trình bày quan điểm cá nhân
2 câu trả lời
In life, social networks bring enormous benefits to work and human life. Indeed, in addition to the significant positive changes that social media brings, the improper and unscientific use of social networks has created many problems and harms one's own life, especially with students. On the good side, social media has a lot of benefits. First, social media is an effective way of communicating and communicating between students or teachers. Overcoming all obstacles geographical distance and time, social networks help people communicate effectively and keep in touch no matter where you are. Second, social media has added a convenient learning method for students. Students can study at home, exchange with friends and teachers through social networks.
_study well_
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In the 4.0 era today, information technology is gradually being upgraded over many generations. Which are: television, phone, computer, ... and some other technology equipment. All are like living creatures, changing day by day, increasing with each hour. It was so fast that ancient objects were slowly drifting into oblivion. People live in a new era so advanced devices are also popular. Especially young people and the students today, often too abuse technology in learning, playing, ... causing harm is addiction. In addition, on these devices today, more and more websites are appearing on social networks to share information. Some people who have come to know them have joined in a very negative way. But, remember: This place is just a place to exchange and share useful information for learning and entertainment, not a place for addiction. Do not share or learn about bad things that harm yourself, your family and the society. Using social networks should comply with regulations and standards required. In my opinion, social networks will not have a specific concept, but it is coined out of the consciousness of users.