Tìm lỗi sai và sửa lại 31. The air is polluting by smoke from factories. ..................................................................................................... 32. Recycled things can be use again. ..................................................................................................... 33. This tractor used to plough the . ..................................................................................................... 34. My motorbike needs to fix. ..................................................................................................... 34. The is polarizing by smoke from factories. ..................................................................................................... 35. Millions of newspapers and paper bags are throwing away every day. ..................................................................................................... 36. For every ton of recycled newsprint, nearly ten trees can save. ..................................................................................................... 37. Books published by Kim Dong publisher are selling out so quickly. ..................................................................................................... 38. The children attracted by the circus show. ..................................................................................................... 39. We are going to a meeting holding by the Y 8:. Y club. ..................................................................................................... 40. Waste paper and old clothes will collect for our mini-project. .....................................................................................................

2 câu trả lời

31. polluting -> polluted

32. use -> used

33. used -> is used

34. to fix -> fixing 

34. polarizing -> polarized

35. throwing -> thrown

36. can save -> can be saved

37. selling -> sold

38. attracted -> are attracted

39. holding -> be held 

40. will collect -> will be collected


31. polluting -> polluted

32. use -> used

33. used -> is used

34. to fix -> fixing 

34. polarizing -> polarized

35. throwing -> thrown

36. can save -> can be saved

37. selling -> sold

38. attracted -> are attracted

39. holding -> be held 

40. will collect -> will be collected