Task 3. Write negative forms of the verbs: 1. Nick _______________ (do) his homework. 2. It _______________ (snow) outside. 3. Pam _______________ (read) the text on computer. 4. They _______________ (have) lunch. 5. Bill _______________ (paint) the walls. 6. We _______________ (make) snowballs. 7. Pat _______________ (swim) in the pool. 8. The dogs _______________ (chase) the cat. 9. Ben _______________ (watch) TV. 10. They _______________ (go) to the park. 11. Jack _______________ (complain) to his friends. 12. Kate _______________ (eat) an apple. 13. The boys _______________ (draw) a battle. 14. I _______________ (drink) milk. 15. He _______________ (wash) the plates. Task 5. Write questions to the underlined words: 1. They were watching (TV) 2. He (was writing ) a letter. 3. Nick was singing at 2 o’clock (yesterday.) 4. (Pat ) was playing basketball. 5. She was helping (her brother) 6. They were training( in the gym) 7. We were writing (a test) 8. He was riding a bike( in the park) 9. The cat( was sleeping )under the table. 10.( Liz )was cleaning her room. 11. Nick was reading( a new novel. ) 12. Ben was standing( at the door. )

2 câu trả lời

Task 3.

1. doesn't do

2. doesn't snow

3. doesn't read

4. don't have

5. doesn't paint

6. don't make

7. doesn't swim

8. don't chase

9. doesn't watch

10. don't go

11. doesn't complain

12. doesn't eat

13. don't draw

14. don't drink

15. doesn't wash

Task 5.

1. What were they watching?

2. What was he doing?

3. When was Nick singing at 2 o’clock?

4. Who was playing basketball?

5. Who was she helping?

6. Where were they training?

7. What were you writing?

8. Where was he riding a bike?

9. What was the cat doing under the table?

10. Who was cleaning her room?

11. What was Nick reading?

12. Where was Ben standing?

1. Isn't doing

2. Isn't snowing

3. Isn't reading

4. Aren't having

5. Isn't painting

6. Aren't making

7. Isn't swimming

8. Aren't chasing

9. Isn't watching

10. Aren't going

11. Isn't complaining

12. Isn't eating

13. Aren't drawing

14. Am not drinking

15. Isn't washing


1. What were they watching?

2. What was he doing?

3. When was Nick singing at 2 o'clock ?

4. Who was playing basketball?

5. Who was she helping

6. Where were they training?

7. What were you writing?

8. Where was he riding a bike?

9. What was the cat doing under the table?

10. Who was cleaning her room?

11. What was Nick reading?

12. Where was Ben standing?