Put the verbs in brackets (Present perfect or present perfect progressive). 1. You took tired. (you/study) ......................................... hard? 2. Mr. Brown is new here, isn’t he? How long (he/work) ......................................... for the company? 3. I (lose) ......................................... my wallet. Have you seen it anywhere? 4. I (read) ..................................... the magazine you lent me, but I (not/finish)..................................... yet. 5. (you/hear) ................................... the bad news? Simon (break) ................................... his leg! 6. John (write) ............................ his novel since last year. He ............................the first three chapters. 7. What (you/do) ............................. I (wait) ........................................ for you for an hour. 8. The painters (paint) .................... the town hall since February. They................... (paint) nearly half of it now. 9. I (know) ......................................... Louise for ten years. 10. Mr. Brown (mark) .................... the exams all morning, but he (not/read)..................... them all.

2 câu trả lời

1. Have you studied

2. has he worked

3. have lost

4. have read | haven't finished

5. Have you heard

6. has written

7. did you do | have waited

8. have painted

9. have known

10. has marked | hasn't read

1. Have you studied

2. has he worked

3. have lost

4. have read / haven't finished

5. Have you heard

6. has written

7. did you do /  have waited

8. have painted

9. have known

10. has marked / hasn't read