*Put the verbs in brackets in correct form 1/ Those drivers ( drive) ............. for three hours when a heavy storm suddenly ( break) ......... 2/ Many believe only animals ( endanger) ......... 3/ What ( you/do) ......... when the fire ( occur) ........... ? 4/ In the news last night, the injured people ( report ) .......... to have recovered quickly from the earthquke 5/ The machine ( use) ......... to measure the magnitude of earthqukes 6/ The evacuation ( complete) ......... 3 hours before the storm ( hit) ........ the village 7/ Not much ( say ) ........ about the accident since them 8/ By the time I ( arrive ) ........ home, my family ( take ) to the shlter without me 9/ Sine the last mudslide, no one ( see ) ......... jim again 10/ For the last five days, the baby ( keep ) in the public shelter to protect from ( affect ) ..... by the aftershock

2 câu trả lời

1. were driving - broke

2. endanger

3. were you doing - occurred

4. were reported

5. is used

6. had been completed - hitted

7. has been said

8. arrived - had taken

9. has seen

10. was kept - being affected

*Put the verbs in brackets in correct form

1. were driving; broke

2. endanger

3. were you doing; occurred

4. were reported

5. is used

6. had been completed; hitted

7. has been said

8. arrived; had taken

9. has seen

10. was kept; being affected