muốn 5* thì trả lời mik mng ơi 20. They will complete the new high way from north to south next year-> 21. The teacher won't accept papers written in pencils-> 22. This team will win the prize by any means->. 23. People drink a great deal of tea in England -> 24. Look! Helen is carrying a basket of pears->. 25. The police has just caught the thief-> 26. Terrorists have attacked many cities in the world for months->, 27. Nobody has locked this door->. 28. I have seen that play many times ->.. 29. Did you give Linda an English - Vietnemese dictionary in her birthday ? 17.The war destroyed all the ancient constructions -> 30. You must give more care to your work -> 31. Why didn't you buy these books? ->. 32. Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music ->.

1 câu trả lời

20. The new high way from north to south  will be completed next year

21. Papers written in pencils won't be accepted by the teacher

22. The prize will be won by any means by this team

23 A great deal of tea in England is drunk

24. Look! A basket of pears is being carried by Helen

25. The thief has just been caught by the police

26. Many cities in the world have been attacked by terrorists for months

27. This door hasn't been locked

28. That play has been seen many times 

29. Was Linda given an English - Vietnemese dictionary in her birthday?

17. All the ancient constructions have been destroyed by the war

30. More care should be given to your work

31. Why weren't these books bought by you?

32. More than 600 pieces of musci were written by Mozart