Make up sentences using the words and phrases given. 1. enormous/ The/ USA/ than/ is/ an/ European/ country/ more/ times/ the /size/ two/ of/ the/ Union/. /, 2. The/ land/ USA/ is/ a/ the/ hottest/ and/ of/ both/ extreme/ It/ is/ one/ of/ places/ in/ coldest/ the/ world/./ . 3. on/ About/ population/ half/ of/ the/ events/ Australia/ Australia's/ fantastic/ go/ to/ one/ of /Day/. 4. half / The/ other/ of/ Australia's/ celebrate/ home/ on/ the/ the/ Australian/ population/ Day/ at/ beach/ their/ family / or/ with/ and/ friends/ . 5. and/ they/ the/ Year / barbecues/ Award/ watch/ the/ Australian/ of/ They/ have/ on/ television/.

2 câu trả lời

1. enormous/ The/ USA/ than/ is/ an/ European/ country/ more/ times/ the /size/ two/ of/ the/ Union/. /

`→` The USA is an enormous country, more than two times of European Union.

2. The/ land/ USA/ is/ a/ the/ hottest/ and/ of/ both/ extreme/ It/ is/ one/ of/ places/ in/ coldest/ the/ world/. /

`→` The USA is a land of extremes. It's one of the hottest and coldest place in the world.

3. on/ About/ population/ half/ of/ the/ events/ Australia/ Australia's/ fantastic/ go/ to/ one/ of /Day/. /

`→` About half of Australia's population go to one of the fantastic events on Australia day.

4. half / The/ other/ of/ Australia's/ celebrate/ home/ on/ the/ the/ Australian/ population/ Day/ at/ beach/ their/ family / or/ with/ and/ friends/. /

`→` One of the half of Australia's population celebrate Australia day at home or at the beach with their family and friends.

5. and/ they/ the/ Year / barbecues/ Award/ watch/ the/ Australian/ of/ They/ have/ on/ television/. /

`→` They have barbecues and they watch Australian of the year award on television.

`text{#Love Vietnam}`

1. The USA is an enormous country, more than two times of European Union.

2. The USA is a land of extremes. It's one of the hottest and coldest place in the world.

3. About half of Australia's population go to one of the fantastic events on Australia day.

4. One of the half of Australia's population celebrate Australia day at home or at the beach with their family and friends.

5. They have barbecues and they watch Australian of the year award on television