Make up conversational situations, using the following phrases. Let's .... shall we? It'll be too ... . That's a good idea. That's better. Yes, please. Now, perhaps, ... . Right. Oh, dear, I'm so sorry. Oh, ... . Not at all. Well, you said ... . Do you think you could ... ?

1 câu trả lời

Make up conversational situations using the following phrases.

A: Wanna have some tea?

B: That's a good idea, I have nothing to do so we can have some tea.

A: Ah, I love the Earl Grey, here, sit down. Oh dear, I'm so sorry for the broken chair, here, you can sit on the sofa.

B: Right, that's better. I love having tea time with my bestie but she is always busy.

A: Oh, I also had a time when I and my BFF couldn't see each other for several months, it's ok, everything is gonna be fine, enjoy our time. Would you like some sugar?

B: Yes, please, I couldn't drink without sugar

*some hours*

A: Do you think you could catch the train now? Uber is better.

B: Oh, no problem, I'm used to this. Before I leave, let's hug, shall we? I will go abroad for a year...

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