III. Circle the correct verb form in these sentences. Tick the box if both forms are correct. 1. I decided to drink/ drinking a cup of hot chocolate before to sleep/ sleeping 2. I dream about buying/ to buy a big house. 3. James gave up to smoke/ smoking. 4. He would like to drive/ driving a car. 5. Anne enjoys going/ to go to the club. 6. We are looking forward to go/ going on a picnic at the weekend. 7. She doesn’t feel like to do/ doing anything. 8. Ellie apologized for to be/ being late. 9. I learnt to ride/ riding a bicycle at the age of 4. 10. The question is difficult to answer/ answering. IV. Give the correct form of the verbs in the blankets: 1. (Sing) is my hobby. 2. My sister always helps me to learn/ learning English. 3. Let me (hear) from you soon. 4. I want (go) jogging tomorrow morning. 5. He taught me how (use) the computer. 6. The teacher told Peter (sit) down. 7. Our car needs (wash). 8. Brad is old enough (ride) the roller coaster. 9. Do you know how (play) chess? 10. Try not (make) so many mistakes.

2 câu trả lời

1. drinking-sleeping

2. buying


4. to drive

5. going

6. to go

7. doing


9. to ride

10. to answer

III. Circle the correct verb form in these sentences. Tick the box if both forms are correct.

1/ to drink/sleeping

2/ buying

3/ smoking

4/ to drive

5/ going

6/ to go

7/ to do

8/ being late

9/ to ride

10/ to answer

IV. Give the correct form of the verbs in the blankets:

1/ Singing

2/ learning

3/ hear

4/ to go

5/ to use

6/ to sit

7/ to wash

8/ to ride

9/ to play

10/ to make

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