III/. Choose the correct answer by circling A, B, C or D. 11/. Last weekend, we ______to the beach. A. go B. went C. are going D. have gone 12/. My sister hates ____________ with the dolls. It’s weird. A. playing B. to play C. plays D. to playing 13/. “On Saturday and Sunday, my family often eats out.”. – “ ___________” A. I like to eat out B. Which restaurant does your family often go out? C. The food is delicious. D. On weekdays, I like to eat at home. 14/. Have you ever ____________ a buffalo – drawn cart before? A. rode B. ride C. ridden D. rid 15/. Children ___________ drink milk every day. It’s good for them. A. ought B. don’t have to C. must not D. should 16/. The ________ put too much salt in the food. A. cook B. cooker C. oven D. stove 17/. You should drive carefullier, otherwise you will cause an accident. A B C D 18/. Peter doesn’t talk much in public. He’s rather _________. A. kind B. sociable C. humorous D. reserved 19/. You must not let children play in the street because it is ____________. A. safe B. suitable C. dangerous D. careful 20/. _________ become a good tourist guide, you must be good at English. A. Because B. In order C. In order to D. So that 21/. Mike was too anxious ________ for the exam result. A. waited B. waiting C. wait D. to wait 22/. He was more than a little proud ________ himself. A. of B. in C. to D. at 23/. The teacher told us ________ in class. A. to talk B. don’t talk C. talk D. not to talk 24/. These medicine can ________ your headache. A. ease B. elevate C. revive D. affect 25/. I tried to cheer him __________, but he just kept staring out the window. A. on B. up C. in D. off 26/. She hid the present __________ the children wouldn’t find it. A. for B. in order to C. so that D. so as to 27/. I’m sorry, but I can’t come for dinner because I _________ to New York tonight. A. was driving B. has driven C. am driving D. drove 28/. It’s becoming ____________ to go out alone at night. A. dangerous B. danger C. dangerously D. dangerousness 29/. __________ the door, please? A. Are you shutting B. Do you shut B. C. Are you going to shut D. Will you shut 30/. She has been a professional tennis player __________ years. A. on B. for C. since D. in

2 câu trả lời

11B, 12A, 13B, 14C, 15D, 16B, 18B, 19C, 20C, 21D, 22A, 23D, 24A, 25B, 26C, 27C, 28C, 29D, 30B 

11. b

12. a 

13. b

14. b

15. d

16. b

17. ???

18. d

19. c

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