II. Circle the best answer: 1/I put my hat on………..protect my face from the sunlight.(for/in order/in order to/as to) 2/When somebody gets fainting, leave him or her ……….flat.(lie/lay/lying/lies) 3/Don’t give the victim any food or drink if he or she gets………(fainting/shock/burn/burns) 4/We can ease pain with ice or………..water packs.(cold/warm/hot) 5/The anti-tetanus injection is needed when somebody gets……….(burn/dog bites/shock/fainting) 6/We can stop the bleeding by using a towel cover the wound, then put……..on it.(medicine/bandage/pressure/burn). 7/People use first-aid in order to……….the victim’s pain and anxiety.(cure/treat/ease/bandage) 8/Lan tried her best in order to……..the contest.(pass/win/get/see) 9/What time…………your parents come back home tomorrow?(do/will/are/is) 10/Do your students enjoy…………to the radio?(listening/hearing/watching/seeing) 16/Could you give me a bandage, please?.........(Sure/that would be nice/good/ok) 17/………is the address of the city Museum?(Where/What/Which/Why) 18/She hasn’t finished the letter…………..(already/just/yet/never) 19/Lan’s studying hard………pass the final exam.(for/in order to/so to/as to) 20/I………….that film for five years ago.(have seen/was seeing/am seeing/saw) IV. Past Simple → Present Perfect 1.I didn't call her up 2 days ago. I haven't 2.Did you finish the test an hour ago? Have ? 3.I started playing tennis last year. I've 4.He began to use the computer when he was 19. He has 5.She didn't learn hard in 2005. She hasn't 6.The boys began playing soccer a year ago. The boys have 7.Did Dad start to work here when I was born? Has 8.Tom did not work here when I met him on the street Tom has ____________________________________________________ 9.Children began to play games at 9pm Children have_________________________________________________ 10.When did you first know her ? How long ____________________________________________________? V. Passive voice: Their homework is often done carefully. Ex: They mix the glass with certain specific chemicals. The glass is mixed with certain specific chemicals. Exercises: 1.The teacher explains the lesson carefully. 2.He takes his child to the zoo. 3.Mai does her homework carefully. 4.She washes the dishes every night 5.We clean our class every day.

2 câu trả lời

















1/ago days 2 up her call

2/ago hour an test the finish

3/year last tennis playing 

4/he has use he was

5/ 2005 in hard learn

6/the boys have plaing soccer

7/ born was I when here worw to

8/street the on him met l when

9/children 9pm at games play to began

10/how did you know her


1/carefully lesson the explanin the lesson

2/ zoo the to child his take

3/carefully home work her does

4/night every dishes the washes

5/day every class our clen


1. in order to

2. lying

3. shock

4. cold

5. dog bites

6. pressure

7. cure

8. win

9. will

10. listening

16. sure

17. what

18. yet

19. in order to

20. saw


1. I haven't called her for 2 days
2. Have you finished the test for an hour?
3. I've been playing tennis since last year
4. He has been using the computer since he was 19
5. She hasn't learned hard in 2005
6. The boys have been playing soccer for a year
7.. Has Dad been working here since I was born
8. Tom hasn't worked here when I met him on the street 
9. The children have been playing games at 9 pm
10. How long have you first knew her
1. The lesson is explained carefully by the teacher 
2. His child is taken to the zoo
3. Mai's homework is done carefully
4. The dishes are washed by her every night
5. Our class is cleaned every day