I. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. We (be) ____________ happy if air pollution were the only problem. 2. They would be disappointed if you (not go) _____________ to their party. 3. If we (use) _______ this kind of light bulb, we can save energy. 4. Peter should go to sleep early if he (not want) ____________ to be tired the next morning. 5. If you (take) _______________ more exercises, you would be more resistant to diseases. 6. You may have car accident unless you (drive) ________________ more carefully. 7. If I travel to London, I (visit) ____________ its museum. 8. If they offer me the job, I think I (accept) _________________ it. 9. Many people (be) ____________ out of work if the local factory closed down. 10. What (happen) _________________ if that red button was pressed? 11. I’d be absolutely astonished if Mary and James (get) _____________ married. 12. They won’t let you in unless you (show) _____________them your identity card. 13. My best friend gave me this book. She (be) ________________ very upset if I lost it. 14. Would you mind if I (turn) ________________ up the radio. 15. I’m sure she (forgive) ______________ you if you sincerely apologize to her. II. Put v if the sentence is correct and x if it is incorrect then write the correct sentences. 1. Pollution can be reduced if we joined hands to prevent it. 2. If farmers would make use of pesticide more wisely, the soil would not be poisoned. 3. I won’t believe it unless you showed me the evidence. 4. Unless you don’t tell me the truth, I won’t help you. 5. If James is more outgoing, he would have more friends. 6. I think the show would be successful if he were one of the organizers. 7. If you paid more attention to what I said, you didn’t make so many mistakes. 8. If children are taught about environmental issues, they might change their attitudes towards pollution. 9. You would be punished if you park your car here. 10. If you could win the competition, we will have a celebration. III. Circle the correct answer to complete the passage. Consequences of water pollution Water pollution is a matter of concern nowadays because of its negative effects on the environment and human. The first problem is that water pollution kills (1) ________ organism. Dead fish, crabs, birds and sea gulls, dolphins, and many other animals have been killed by (2) ____________ in their habitat. Moreover, pollution (3) _______ the natural food chain as well. Pollutants such as lead and cadmium are eaten by tiny animals. Later, these animals are consumed by fish and shellfish, and the food chain continues to be disrupted at all high levels. Eventually, humans are (4) ___________ by this process as well. People can get (5) ______ such as hepatitis by eating seafood that has been (6) ______________. In many poor nations, there is always outbreak of cholera and diseases as a (7) ______ of poor drinking water treatment from contaminated water. (8) ________ people don’t prevent pollution, not only the environment but also their health will be put at risk. 1. A. aquatic B. atmosphere C. underground D. soil 2. A. pollutes B. Pollution C. polluted D. pollutants 3. A. changes B. disrupts C. pollutes D. clears 4. A. affect B. affected C. affecting D. effect 5. A. illness B. sickness C. diseases D. healthiness 6. A. cleaned B. poisoned C. processes D. prepared 7. A. outcome B. effect C. way D. result 8. A. If B. Unless C. When D. In case

2 câu trả lời


1.would be

2.won't go


4.don't want



7.will visit

8.will accept

9.will be




13.will be


15.will forgot






















1. We (be)would be  happy if air pollution were the only problem.

2. They would be disappointed if you (not go) won't go to their party.

3. If we (use) use this kind of light bulb, we can save energy.

4. Peter should go to sleep early if he (not want) don't want to be tired the next morning.

5. If you (take) took more exercises, you would be more resistant to diseases.

6. You may have car accident unless you (drive) drive more carefully.

7. If I travel to London, I (visit) will visit  its museum.

8. If they offer me the job, I think I (accept) will accept it.

9. Many people (be)  will be out of work if the local factory closed down.

10. What (happen) happened if that red button was pressed?

11. I’d be absolutely astonished if Mary and James (get) get  married.

12. They won’t let you in unless you (show) show them your identity card.

13. My best friend gave me this book. She (be) will be very upset if I lost it.

14. Would you mind if I (turn) turned up the radio.

15. I’m sure she (forgive) will forgot you if you sincerely apologize to her.


1. Pollution can be reduced if we joined hands to prevent it.V

2. If farmers would make use of pesticide more wisely, the soil would not be poisoned.V

3. I won’t believe it unless you showed me the evidence.X

4. Unless you don’t tell me the truth, I won’t help you.V

5. If James is more outgoing, he would have more friends.X

6. I think the show would be successful if he were one of the organizers.X

7. If you paid more attention to what I said, you didn’t make so many mistakes.V

8. If children are taught about environmental issues, they might change their attitudes towards pollution.V

9. You would be punished if you park your car here.X

10. If you could win the competition, we will have a celebration.V


1. A. aquatic B. atmosphere C. underground D. soil

2. A. pollutes B. Pollution C. polluted D. pollutants

3. A. changes B. disrupts C. pollutes D. clears

4. A. affect B. affected C. affecting D. effect

5. A. illness B. sickness C. diseases D. healthiness

6. A. cleaned B. poisoned C. processes D. prepared

7. A. outcome B. effect C. way D. result

8. A. If B. Unless C. When D. In case