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“Road Safety” today is one of the greatest public health issues throughout the globe. Millions lives are disoriented annually because of fatality arising due to road accidents, and the clock is ticking perpetually. “Road safety” cannot be undermined if the world wants to achieve goals of sustainable development, prosperity and magnification. The issue concerns all types of road users – pedestrians, motorists, motorcyclists etc, as well as unauthorized road side vendors and other encroachers. In the following essay we will ken the consequentiality of “Road Safety” and how staying safe on road is imperative for an ecstatic and salubrious and prosperous life, of an individual as well as that of the nation.

“Road Safety” refers to the safety of the utilizer while utilizing the road. There are defined rules and procedures to be followed while utilizing the road and it’s obligatory to abide by them to ascertain a safe transit. Such “Road Safety Rules” have been laid by the respective regimes in order to ascertain the safety of every road utilizer. Traffic signals, sign boards, security cameras, dividers, foot paths are some of the implements to ascertain Road Safety.

Ecumenical stats on Road Safety reveal immensely colossal variations predicated on a nation’s population, economy and verbalize of general public vigilance. Developed countries ascertain much better road safety through an immensely colossal network of roads and precautionary measures. Contrastingly, the situation is grim in developing and underdeveloped countries.

Statistics reveal that approximately 1.5 Million lives are disoriented every year ecumenically due to road accidents; more than 90% of which occur in under developed and developing nations. More than a moiety of the figure constitutes of vulnerably susceptible road users like pedestrians, motorcyclists and cyclists.

Apathy towards road safety causes the death of maximum number of children and youth, than by any other cause. That is not all – proximately 20 to 50 Million people suffer non fatal injuries, often resulting in a perpetual incapacitation.

The consequentiality of Road Safety cannot be undermined if the agendas of sustainable development are to be met. A fatal road contingency results in a trauma not only for the victim, but withal for his/her dependants and doted ones. On the other note, road crashes in most of the countries cost 3% of their overall Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

If a victim of a fatal contingency is fortuitous to survive, he/she is most liable to have any kind of incapacitation. Thus a road mishap is not only a strain on the victim’s financial resources but additionally on the nation’s as well; not to mention the emotional trauma to the dependents.

Ergo, opportune measures must be taken to implement road safety and to ascertain safe transit for every road utilizer. Ascertaining road safety is very paramount and must be prioritized by the regimes as well as individuals.

There are sundry factors those compromise road safety. Driver’s demeanor; apathy towards traffic rules; unruly deportment, negligence, road rage are some of the main factors compromising road safety. Below we will go through some of the main causes of road accidents-

A road is utilized by variety of users – pedestrians, motorcyclists, cyclists and motorists. An unruly driver compromises not only his own life but additionally the life of others. A driver, who jumps a signal, either habitually or unknowingly, could solemnly kill or fatally injure pedestrian or other drivers. Even a careless pedestrian can bring doom upon himself and others. Any unruly deportment must be dealt with stringently to evade it getting reiterated. Imposing astronomically immense fines on jumping signals and kindred misconducts could bring down the number of road mishaps.

Lack of driving experience is a prime cause abaft the deaths of children and youths belonging to the age group of 15 to 25. In under developed and developing countries, licenses are issued to children below permissible age limit, transgressing the law. Such adolescent and unauthorized drivers incline to be unruly, imperilling their own life and additionally the life of others. Teenagers incline to over speed and infringe traffic rules, just for sheer pleasure and erroneous exalts. Edify your children that driving afore the permissible age is not only an offence, but is withal life threatening. Report any underage driver to the ascendant entities.

Drunken driving claims millions of lives ecumenically. Low and middle income group countries are the worst affected. Alcohol impacts a driver’s deportment and his faculty to make judgments. A Drunken driver inclines to me more unruly and uncontrolled on the road. All in all, alcohol emasculates the indispensable skills to drive, jeopardizing lives on road. Even a drunken pedestrian is a potential threat to his own as well as other’s safety. Stringent laws and a policy of zero tolerance against drunken driving should be implemented in order to make the roads safer.

Not wearing helmet, evading safety belts causes maximum number of casualties resulting from a road crash. People either habitually evade wearing safety equipments or do it intentionally, not realizing that it could denote all the distinction between life and death. More than 90% casualties in a road mishap occur due to not wearing helmet or seat belt. Conveyance safety gears are the compulsory for road safety, and must be worn at any cost. There is a desideratum to raise general vigilance about the utilization of safety gears and their paramountcy in preserving lives. Wearing safety equipments while driving should be made compulsory and contraveners must be prosecuted rigorously.

Poor infrastructure often results in road accidents and is a major factor compromising road safety. The numbers are more preponderant in underdeveloped and developing nations. Uncompleted roads, road side construction, unfinished pavements, absence of foot over bridges are some of the infrastructural shortages contributing to road accidents. Germane ascendant entities should take measures to expedite any unfinished work, which concerns the safety of road users. Felicitous illumination and road signs must be provided on construction sites to eschew any mishap.

Road safety is an ecumenical public health issue and must be ascertained by germane ascendant entities. Respective regimes must take compulsory policy and administrative measures to ascertain as well as ameliorate safety on roads. Better infrastructure of roads with adequate illumination should be provided in order to ascertain safety. Above all, there is a desideratum for us to be concerned about our own safety and conduct while utilizing the road.