EXERCISE I: Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the first one:) 1.Please don't interrupt me when I'm talking. I'd rather.............................. 2. He didn't succeed in his career until he was 50. It wasn't............................... 3. He has been a journalist for 10 years. His career............................... 4. As Michael became more famous, it was more difficult for him to advoid the newspaper reporters. The more................................. 5. I regret saying that to him. I wish...................................... 6. ''If I were you, I would phone her immediately'' . John said to Bill John........................................ 7. I'm sure she didn't see a ghost. She can't .............................. 8. He doesn't know much about life in America. Little..................................... 9. Despite his illness, he went to the station with his friends. Even though .......................... 10. We have a six deadline for this work. This work...................................... EXERCISE II: Use the following words or phrase to write complete sentences:)) 1. We/know/other/since/children. 2. Most/people/invite/reception/old/friends. 3. Please/pay/attention/what/I/say. 4. It/about/time/you/house/repainted. 5. I/wish/stop/stick/nose/people's business. 6. London/stand/Thames/divide/2 equal parts. 7. He/ insist/mother-in-law/restaurant. 8. When/we/get/home/children/probably/watch/television. 9. Reference book/must not/take/reading room. 10. It/be/boring/movie/that/I/fall/asleep. EXERCISE III: Write an essay on the following topic ( about 150-200 words): Some people say that there shouldn't be examinations because they make students feel stressed. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? HELP ME , PLEASE!!!! :> >:

2 câu trả lời

1, I’d rather you not interrupt me when I’m talking.

2, It wasn’t until he was 50 that he succeeded in his career.

3, His career has been a journalist for 10 years.

4, The more famous Michael became, the more difficult it was for him to avoid the newspaper reporters.

5, I wish I hadn’t said that to him.

6, John advised Bill to phone her immediately.

7, She can’t be a ghost.

8, Little does he know about life in America.

9, Even though he was ill, he went to the station with his friends.

10, This work must be finished by six.


1, We have known each other since we were children.

2, Most of people invited to the reception were old friends.

3, Please pay attention to what I say.

4, It is about time you had your house repainted.

5, I wish you would stop sticking your nose into other people’s business.

6, London stands on the Thames which devides it into 2 equal parts.

7, He insists his mother-in-law on going to the restaurant.

8, When we get home, children will probably be watching television.

9, Reference book must not be taken to the reading room.

10, It was such a boring movie that I felt asleep.

1, I’d rather you not interrupt me when I’m talking.

2, It wasn’t until he was 50 that he succeeded in his career.

3, His career has been a journalist for 10 years.

4, The more famous Michael became, the more difficult it was for him to avoid the newspaper reporters.

5, I wish I hadn’t said that to him.

6, John advised Bill to phone her immediately.

7, She can’t be a ghost.

8, Little does he know about life in America.

9, Even though he was ill, he went to the station with his friends.

10, This work must be finished by six.


1, We have known each other since we were children.

2, Most of people invited to the reception were old friends.

3, Please pay attention to what I say.

4, It is about time you had your house repainted.

5, I wish you would stop sticking your nose into other people’s business.

6, London stands on the Thames which devides it into 2 equal parts.

7, He insists his mothe in law on going to the restaurant.

8, When we get home children will probably be watching television.

9, Reference book must not be taken to the reading rom.

10, It was such a boring movie that I felt a sleep.