Đặt 5 câu với từ "nagnitude".

2 câu trả lời

1. Immediately after the collision, a constant braking force of magnitude 250 N is applied to C.

2. Because of the sheer magnitude of assets at Citi, Pandit will have to move more slowly.

3. On the basis of original intent, the IMP is failing by a nosebleed order of magnitude.

4. All of them measured between magnitude 4.5 and 5.5, vaccording to the U.S Geological Survey (USGS).

5. Extending this example to the Internet, everything becomes orders of magnitude larger and faster.

It has a certain importance nagnitude

This architecture has a great nagnitude in history

The nagnitude of time

The nagnitude of English in modern life

The nagnitude of sports in schools

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