Complete the second setence so that it has the same meaning to the first 1. They soak old newpapers in water overnight -> Old newpapers 2. Glass has been recycled in our country for a long time -> People 3. The air is polluting by smoke from factories -> 4. Recycled things can be used again -> 5. This tractor used to ploughthe fields -> 6. My motobike needs to fix -> 7. There is polluting by smoke from factories -> 8. Milions of newpapers and paper bags are throwing away everyday -> 9. For every ton of recycled by Kim Dong publisher are sellimg out so quickly -> 10. The children attracted by the cirsus show -> 11. We are going to a meeting holding by the Y 8: Y club -> 12. Waste paper and old clothes will collect for our mini-project ->

2 câu trả lời

1. Old newspapers are soaked in water overnight.

2. People have recycled glass in our country for a long time.

3. Smoke from factories pollutes the air.

4. People can use recycled things again.

5. The field used to be ploughed by this tractor.

6. I need to fix my motorbike.

7. Smoke from factories pollutes there.

8. People throw millions of newspaper and paper bags everyday.

9. Every ton of recycled things is sold out so quickly by Kim Dong publisher.

10. The circus show attracts the children.

11. The Y & Y club holds the meeting and we are going to there.

12. We will collect waste paper and old clothes for our mini-project.

1. Old newspapers are soaked in water overnight.

2. People have recycled glass in our country for a long time.

3. Smoke from factories pollutes the air.

4. People can use recycled things again.

5. The field used to be ploughed by this tractor.

6. I need to fix my motorbike.

7. Smoke from factories pollutes there.

8. People throw millions of newspaper and paper bags everyday.

9. Every ton of recycled things is sold out so quickly by Kim Dong publisher.

10. The circus show attracts the children.

11. The Y 8: Y club holds the meeting and we are going to there.

12. We will collect waste paper and old clothes for our mini-project.