Chuyển các câu sau sang thể bị động(hiện tại đơn) 1,Mr Hải delivers the letters every day 2,thế children often buy the tickets at the box office 3,they usually finish their homework before tim 4,thế teacher corrects our exercises today 5,we often watch the shows of music on TV 6,we do a written test today 7,Everyone always see the Picasso's exhibition 8,the workers clean the streets everyday

2 câu trả lời

Bạn tham khảo:

1, The letters are delivered by Mr Hai every day.

2, The tickets are often bought at the box office by these children.

3, Their homework is usually finished before tim

4, Our exercises are corrected by these teachers today.

5, The shows of music on TV are often watched.

6, A written test is done today.

7, The Picasso's exhibition is always seen

8, The streets are cleaned by the workers everyday.

1. The letters are delivered by Mr Hải every day

2. The tickets are often bought at the box office

3. Their homework is usually finished before bed time (bạn chép thiếu nha)

4. Our exercise are corrected by the teacher today

5. The show of music are often watched on tv

6. A written test is done today

7. The Picasso's exhibition always is seen

8. The streets are cleaned by the workers everyday