Choose a topic from the list and write a short paragraph about the topic. You can write 120-150 words (2 points). Focus on: - Task achievement (1 points), - Grammatical range and accuracy (0.5 points) - Lexical range and accuracy (0.5 points). List of topics 1. Describe a special or traditional celebration in your country. In your writing, you have to use these grammatical items: a. to + infinitive pattern b. futute forms of the verbs. 2. Do you like dressing up in costumes or masks? Write a paragraph to express your opinion. In your writing, you have to use these grammatical items: a. to + infinitive pattern b. futute forms of the verbs. 3. Do you think it’s a good idea for people to take a career break? Write a paragraph to express your opinion. In your writing, you have to use these grammatical items: a. to + infinitive pattern b. futute forms of the verbs. 4. What would your ideal job be? Write a paragraph to express your opinion. In your writing, you have to use these grammatical items: a. prepositions of places and movement b. Present Perfect tense 5. Do you like working with other people or do you prefer to be independent? Write a paragraph to express your opinion. In your writing, you have to use these grammatical items: a. prepositions of places and movement b. Present Perfect tense 6. What’s your favourite gadget? Write a paragraph to express your opinion. In your writing, you have to use these grammatical items: a. Defining relative clause b. Zero and first conditinal clause 7. What do you think about people downloading music, films and TV series? Write a paragraph to express your opinion. In your writing, you have to use these grammatical items: a. Defining relative clause b. Zero and first conditinal clause 8. What do you think of the idea of a universal language? Write a paragraph to express your opinion. In your writing, you have to use these grammatical items: a. Present Simple Passive b. Past Simple Passive
2 câu trả lời
Hello, do you like festivals? As for me, I love it, I love going to outdoor festivals. If you are too, join the opening ceremony - an impressive show about the history of Nha Trang, a city with a good climate bestowed by nature. Then there are fireworks displays, lighting up the whole city, followed by a street carnival the next day. You'll also enjoy various traditional music performances by Vietnamese, Cham,....The next morning brings the excitement of swimming, sailing and windsurfing events. As night falls down, the public dances begin - fell free to join it! Don't miss the colourful combination of cultures!
So, do you want to join it?
2. Do you like to wear costumes or masks? Write a paragraph to express
opinion. In your writing, you must use the following grammar items:
a. to + endless samples
b. future forms of verbs.
Hello... I'm ..... In class..... In my opinion you should wear makeup because it will look much more realistic and beautiful than wearing a mask. Because I see mass-produced masks, it may or may not fit. The makeup looks scarier when you do Halloween makeup. In the future I think the mask will be beautiful and realistic or can be sold close to the face. And what do you think???