BÀi 1 Viết lại câu: 1. I was very delighted that I passed the final exams ➝ I was very delighted.............. 2. It's necessary to revise new words regularly ➝You............ 3.People say exercise is good for you ➝Exercise.............. Bài 2: Câu này trả lời là Yes , nhưng Yes, ... Ai giúp mình trả lời chỗ dấu ... với Did the bus reach Ba's village about 2h ours

2 câu trả lời

1. to pass the final exams

2. need to revise new words regularly

3. is said to be good for you

Bài 2: Yes, it did.

1. ...with my success in passing the final exams.

2. ... should revise new words regularly

3. ... is said to be good for you

Yes, it did.

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