AI GIÚP MÌNH VỚI Ạ MÌNH XIN CẢM ƠN exercise 1 : put the VERBS IN BRACKETS : CONDITIONAL SENTENCE TYPE I OR TYPE II 1> IF TRACY HAD A MOBILE PHONE, SHE {{PHONE}} .............................. ALL HER FRIENDS 2>I will be very angry with nick if he {FORGET}........................ my CD again 3>If the boys win this match, their coach { INVITE }..................... THEM TO A BARBECUE 4>If you { NOT/READ}......................... these articles , you will not know the facts about Africa 5>You { GET } ............................. very wet if you walked in this rain 6>THE engine {NOT/START} ....................... if BEN CONNECTED THESE TWO CABLES 7>If he {HAVE}........................ time, he will buy her some sweets 8>Maria would play in the school or chestra if the {PRACTICE} ...................the trumpet more often 9>We {NOT/fetch} .........................something to drink if Jim does not bring some sand wiches 10>If he {carry}........................the rucksack ,I would pull the suitcase

2 câu trả lời

1. would phone

2. forgets

3. will invite

4. don't read

5. would get

6. wouldn't start

7. has

8. practiced

9. won't fetch

10. carried

1.  would phone


3.  invites

4. don't read 

5. would get

6. wouldn't start

7. has

8. practiced

9. won't fetch

10. carried

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